DAMN! what is this?

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by ~devil's_the_name~ on Tuesday, April 28, 2009 and has 31 replies.
first of all, please tell me what these new smilies are all about
then, how to make these smilies?
what are fookin dxp awards?
why is everything orange?
where are my oldies?
i'm still not used to the quote feature
LOL, he's going to love this one Devil
*insert evil laugh*
wow i never thought that dxpnet liked me so much that he made a smiley just for meSmug
HE HAS RETURNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HUG CANON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by DK09
HE HAS RETURNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HUG CANON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yes HUG CANON!!!!!!
Devil was always the "bod"........his photo tells a millions pecs:-)
A x
Posted by Alana
Devil was always the "bod"........his photo tells a millions pecs:-)
A x

DevilThank you madame! Compliment accepted.
Posted by cappygolightly
shhh don't boost his ego even more lol

Posted by cappygolightly
Well at least I didn't tell them about the papier mache rock lol Winking

Ha! papier-m?ch? my foot!
Posted by cappygolightly
lol and showing off with those accents on "m?ch?" again...!

not showing off. It's just the way I amTongue
Now why did you hide that convo my dear Queen?
I was perfectly fine with discussing my anal retentive grammar freakiness, instilled by my Ram mothersmile
Posted by cappygolightly
Your mother is an aries? Now that does not fit with grammatical anal retentiveness....hmmm astrological paradoxes....Confused

haa haa, i know
But she has always been very headstrong about everything she does. everything was like a project for her, including kids (yeah poor us).
I guess she's just very passionate about certain things, english included.
Posted by cappygolightly
Poor us? You are very well adjusted so count yourself lucky young man! Tongue

yeah, you werent the one forced to wear matching clothes with your brothers'.
Posted by cappygolightly
lol my mum used to make my best friend the same clothes so there!

I think girls have less issues with that. whatever, i still didnt like it.
sometimes i even went as far as to tearing up my clothes and demanding new onesTongue
Posted by cappygolightly
blinking mars in scorpio rage lol. I bet you both looked real cute and you are best buddies now...Winking

Posted by cappygolightly
lol are you saying your brother is not as cute as you?

I have three brothers. now try and imagine that. the same matching clothes
Posted by cappygolightly
haha double the cuteness factor of two! No wonder your mum was so headstrong with four boys to bring up.

See, you ladies just find that cute. We, the sufferers dont agree.Tongue
yeah, it was a tough job, raising a bunch of crazy boys. a scorpio, a leo, a gemini, and yours trulysmile
Posted by cappygolightly
a scorp a leo a gemini and an aqua. Wow you guys must have had a party! but this switching of threads is doing my head in. Are you not working now?

nope, i ran out of work lately. haa haa
got nothing better to do after a long day.
Posted by cappygolightly
hmm...a long day doing what?

let me see,
working from morning to evening, then going out to gym, then tennis, then some time wasting on TV, then a jog, then dxp.