Darkside of Aquarius?

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by spica on Tuesday, June 9, 2009 and has 22 replies.
I am one of those people who read and believed the good, kind, humanitarian, eclectic and fun side of Aquarius for so long.
Aquarius could do no wrong in my book, actually. Just wondering if it's a bit of a mistake on my part to see Aqua with such shimmery new rose coloured lenses (emphasis on *new*). smile
Just wondering, what is evil aquarius like?
I think I got a glimpse of the dark night of the Aquarius moon soul. I don't think it's pretty.
Anyone on here wanna be liberal and share?
and which zodiac is this comin' from?
you do sound like an Aqua man, but I may be wrong.
"Being introverted when you reach the top of your artistic ability is evil."
Because you dont share what you have with humanity. If that is evil, I don't know what good means.
"Destroying a day for Mr and Mrs Indoctrinate and opening their eyes to hidden possibilities/impossibilities is also evil."
Sharing your knowledge and destroying their innocence is evil? Maybe you don't want responsibility for that?
C'mon, give me something truly evil. terrorising barbie doesn't count.
Scorpio alert ! Scorpio alert !
Well if anything, Scorpio can act Aquarius best Winking
normalisboring. Thank you for your honesty. That is what I suspected as well.
Now, to all the Aquas that think they're unique and different - there you have it, you guys think the same. I wonder if Aquas are the easiest to understand after all - normalisboring, you seem to have stated the essence of Aquarius!
I figured since you're clairvoyant you could take a few stabs at my sign, yeah? It ain't so hard too lolz. smile
By the way, ever notice that everything is still positive? The reader goes aww and proverbially hugs Aqua when she/he speaks. It's always positive.
I don't want to be compared to a scoprio ok ? >Sad Aquas don't have a dark side. They may have a moody side or "own-time" or even a kind of innocent low level manipulative technique similar to kids trying to get things done their own way. But nothing compared to Scoprios evilness. It's easy to reveal an aqua's manipulative technique. But scoprio makes it a way of life. I kind of feel sorry for them because my only scoprio friend who is aware of all that still tryies v.hard not to do it. Every sign is (at least) curious about an aquarius (despite his weirdness), the majority likes them, which sign can top that ? :p
NIB - I think most Aquarians are like what you mentioned. My teacher is an Aquarian (not the regular schoolteacher kind). She's very extroverted, but also enjoys her own time.
Everything is still positive means that I still haven't seen the evil side of Aquarius Sad
Scorpio can act Aqua best because you're both fixed signs and scorpio has a poker face. Aqua, on the other hand, can never act scorpio! Though they may understand scorpio with abject fascination.
"Oh and aquas don't go around thinking their unique. They just don't like people much 'cos they're not independent of thought so they keep a barrier between themselves and the rest of the world."
See, thats how Aqua think they're better than the rest of the world. Pride and haughtiness. Considering they're supposed to be kind and support equality. I think it is this inner knowledge that makes Aqua treat everyone the same. Aquas who dont really know astrology think they're unique and no one is like them. And the universe supports it by not putting another Aquarian in their path (strange, eh?). But when 2 Aquarians come together, they think they're not like each other , when they're quite the same!
"Everybody wants to be the same. Aquas don't."
That is the fallacy created in the uranian mind. Who said everyone wants to be the same? And if aqua wants to be so different, why do they blend in?
"Aquas are a paradox, they're both simple and hard to understand, simple in that they don't want much in life besides to live freely and hard to understand in the sense that what they want is when you think about it pretty much unattanianable lol You get in the way of that and the evil side pops up."
Yeah, they like what they can't have - what they have isnt novelty anymore. They want and crave the simple life, yet at the back of their minds, they want to rule the world. What they strive for and what they want is different. Lol!
hit or miss?
"I don't want to be compared to a scoprio ok ? >Sad Aquas don't have a dark side. They may have a moody side or "own-time" or even a kind of innocent low level manipulative technique similar to kids trying to get things done their own way. But nothing compared to Scoprios evilness. It's easy to reveal an aqua's manipulative technique. But scoprio makes it a way of life. I kind of feel sorry for them because my only scoprio friend who is aware of all that still tryies v.hard not to do it. Every sign is (at least) curious about an aquarius (despite his weirdness), the majority likes them, which sign can top that ? :p"
Oh I adore Aquarius. It's the sign that usually hates someone and then 5 eons later come back and hug them. Yah, I see why Aqua gets along well with Aries and Gemini. You understand each other.
Aqua knows that curiosity and fascination is just one small step away from knowing who they really are. It's a kind of fog that they use to protect their identity. Tongue
"Power , knowledge and freedom are the same exact thing ."
Yeah, but each with its own level of utilisation. I can trust an Aqua to wield all 3 and prevent herself from abusing them. If she abuses them when she has all, she has enough self knowledge to suffer silently herself. because i know thats what an aqua who has all 3 does.
Your assumption about me is way off, NIB. But then I figured I can't win an Aquarius debate. I mean, you twist and turn anything and then it makes sense. If anything, you know that no opinion is truly wrong.
I'm not scorpio, but then I'm very flattered I'm thought of as one. lol....
I have quite some aquarian influence. I do understand the lightning uranian train of thought - but its still tiring, too. I can't think this way all the time, lol..
So I take it Aqua has the same vices as Scorpio, BUT, hidden in a veil of approachability.
I must beware the Aquarian congeniality next time. It's a dark weapon Winking
the only trait I've seen in Aquas (one that is prevalent in my many aqua friends) is a tendancy to use others generosity flagrantly and not give much in return.
But, the generosity is common. I mean, people tend to make offerings to my aqua friends all the time "Stay at my place. I'll treat you to lunch. You can ride with me."
It's not something I think is evil, but does indicate a tendancy to take advantage. I've seen many aquas take advantage of a generosity from somebody they care not much about.
Again, not too much generosity in return.
But i LOVE my aquas. I really do.
^^^ ike you can LEAD a camel to water but you can't make him drink. And we fixed signs are the camels, lmfao.
Anywho, liz Greene states in astrology for lovers that the aquarian darkside or shadow is.....................Hypocrisy.
Normalisboring: maybe a Virgo with lots of gemini in their chart, LOL. When it comes to big mouths the twins win hands down. ( at least in my book).
Oh, another darkside of Aquarius is... We'll go to any length to find the truth and sometimes you have to go through the darkness to get to the light ......
"When it comes to big mouths the twins win hands down. ( at least in my book)."
Mine too *rolls eyes at a certain gem*
Cancers aren't too far behind.
"Oh, another darkside of Aquarius is... We'll go to any length to find the truth and sometimes you have to go through the darkness to get to the light ......"
That sounds a little bit more like a Scorpio to me.
"Where is Spica?! Finding out you're a libra doesn't change anything. Now come back and finish what you started! LMFAO"
Lol, NIB, I wanted to reply, but I think I'll be tired out once I absorb everything and respond. LOL! I just didn't know where to start.
"Oh, another darkside of Aquarius is... We'll go to any length to find the truth and sometimes you have to go through the darkness to get to the light ......"
The truth evades Aquarius sometimes, though. You can't say Aqua uncovers the truth all the time. My Aqua teacher was helping me with unravelling something. She did miss one part, but it was a crucial one. But I would still hav to say, when all things are said and done, I look back at what she said and I go, how did she know that?!? But I don't believe her when she says something - because I can't read the future and am doubtful of what she sees. But I always trust a huge part is spot on.
NIB, I have been thinking on your KingKong/Godzilla theory. The reason why people run in front is because when you run backwards, you have a high chance of being stepped on. Imagine a cockroach runs towards your feet, you get all jumpy and always happen to step on it yeah? Same theory.
Also, Godzilla did his destruction, running backwards would be like running back to the aftermath. Who knows Godzilla was running from the flames as well? You see the explosions behind Godzilla, and when you run backwards, that's where you end up. When you say run backwards, it's like swimming back towards Jaws when you should be swimming away from his blood-filled teeth!
Aquarius tire me out. You guys function at a higher level of thought. My mercury sextiles uranus, but it's the midpoint of my sun-moon. So yeah I'm tired. I'd rather be lazy libra and go lie on the couch, lol!
Leo and Aqua are on the same wavelength, I suppose. I haven't really understood the connection yet, lol.
"However we are not good at moving quickly , that's where the cardinals come in and boy are they quick !"
Well I agree, Ike. Cardinals seldom follow up. It takes the plodding of the fixed sign to get things done. It helps to be cardinal and fixed. With mutable for flexibility. That's what they should have in every cabinet.
Stop mindtreetrunking me lol.
You know that Godzilla is made up, so in your story, it's better to run behind Godzilla. But who knows when Godzilla comes to life he will be nimble enough?
Oh yeah, godzilla climbed buildings, right? and he always manages to find that tiny human he was looking for? So no matter where you run, Godzilla will find you!
Or is that King Kong now? Winking lol..
Hey! I saw them attacking. They looked like they were dancing!
Because this site doesn't like Godzilla, it's a link to another site Winking (there's no img link here, tho' I saw some pics!)