Dating an Aquarius Man

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by SexyCap4u on Sunday, January 11, 2009 and has 5 replies.
hi everyone, ive been going out with this aquarius guy for about a month now and so far so good. ive been told and read somewhere that aquarius guys tend to vanish a lot bc they like to think about whats going on in their relationship and about their life. my guy guy hasnt pulled any disappearing acts on me yet, but if he does for how long will they be gone?? and do they come back. also do aquarius guys mean what they say?? my guy says the sweetest things to me smile
If he really means the things he says to you and Aquas don't have the habit to lie especially when it's about serious things, then he'll never disappear for long, and if he starts disappearing just write him mails/sms or chat with him on the net I think it'll be better than to talk on the phone and don't flood him with messages or mushiness. He might sometimes need some space but Aquas hate being lonely (from what i've noticed with my aqua) so he'll probably want to feel connected with you even if he's not around you
Well, one. Aquarius' aren't usually the ones who will try to "game" another person. True self- expression is VERY important to an Aquarian, thus an Aquarian will start off being themselves from the beginning. No, they might not give or show you 100% of themselves in the beginning, but the best way to get an Aquarian to see the relationship worth it means that he has to feel that he can be himself around you & while doing that, still keep your interest.
One of the biggest reasons alot of Aquarians "pull away" or use the "distance" card is because at a specific moment they may feel that being themselves is not welcome or is annoying the other person or that being themselves might clash with who you are as a person. And normally when this happens, an Aquarian will pull away from someone & give themselves some time to think things out. And there is no set time limit as to how long they disappear. It really just depends on how hard of a decision they have to make. People think that when Aquarians disappear, they do it out of spite & that is not true. There is always a reason. It might be him or you, but either way, Aquarians do most of their soul searching & decision making in the dark & when there are no distractions. Sure, it sucks for their partners b/c their mates automatically assume that their distance means that they don't care & that's usually not the case.
But I will tell you this. You will know the difference between an Aquarian needing his space & an Aquarian who no longer wants to deal with you. When an Aquarian needs his distance, he will let you know either through words or through silent communications or action. And when we feel that we can no longer want to accept or deal with our partners, we make that very clear. We don't beat around the bush. We make it very clear that we are no longer "distancing" ourselves from you, but are instead leaving or straying away from you. Aquarians aren't ones to play mind games & give mixed signals when we feel it is OVER. We may do these things when we're not sure we should let you go or when we're completely sure that you should stay. But once we've made up our minds that we no longer want to invest our time into someone, we make that very clear. And once that happens, we don't play the "disappear just to reappear" game...oh no, we disappear for good. The kind of disappear that means there's no turning back.
If your Aquarian hasn't started distancing himself from you, that's a good thing. That can either mean that he's
1. still trying to give you the chance to prove yourself worthy of his time & so far he's liking what he's seeing (because distance is another form of complaining)
2. Feels extremely comfortable being himself around you to the point where he doesn't feel that he needs his protective wall on speed dial yet
And hey, sometimes Aquarians will distance themselves from their partners when they feel that they have fallen for someone too quick or when they feel that their partner seems too good to be true. If that's the case, then he'll take some time out to himself to make sure that his judgement is not clouded just because you're around.
wow i came in on the right string-- I am also a Cap and just met a sweet Aquarian man Saturday night. I spent Sunday reading the posts to see what I was in for... didnt sound terribly promising. How does an Aqua mand handle a hot loveable Cap Gal? Winking

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