for aqua women, whenever you do the "disappearance" thing and seeks for your "alone time" is this really an act of regaining your energy or is this your way of testing the significant person around you? by that i mean, testing one's sincerity in chasing you and how he would respond to your
need in spacE?
when you detach yourself from a certain someone, and that person ignores your detachment, do you someohow expect him to at leastmake an effort to reach out to you?
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Dec 07, 2011Comments: 33 · Posts: 13769 · Topics: 154
I don't test either, if I disappear, it's not a game.
It's not a deliberate test. Some things must be gone through alone, and there is an instinct not to affect others. It's not a decision to pull away forever. Continuation is welcomed, but perhaps not at the same intensity at that particular needs to be rebalanced.
Sure. Someone saying Hi is reassuring.
"Someone saying Hi is reassuring."--- and do you appreciate it when during your disappearance, that person suddenly says HI thinking that despite you being detached, that person is still there? or does it pissed you off and tend to stay away longer?
how do aquas end a "more than friendly" relationship? do you give closure or disappear just like that?
disappearance could mean regaining or ending it,right? whats the difference?
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Oct 04, 2011Comments: 267 · Posts: 3037 · Topics: 43
I have a few Aqua friends they don't play games. Detachment is something they come with. You need to get used to it. Out of all the air signs and the zodiac this one is the most detached/cool (emotionally).
Signed Up:
Jan 25, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 20090 · Topics: 685
I'm seeing some contradiction here. When someone posts that their aqua detaches/disappears/pulls back (whatever you want to call it), the usual advice they get is "do your own thing", "wait for them to contact you", "go out with someone else", etc.
BUT, now yall are saying when you detach, you want the other person to be there. You want them to reach out to you.
Which is it? You give advice one way and, yet, when you say when you detach you want the opposite of the advice you've given.
*Just an observation*
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Jan 25, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 20090 · Topics: 685
I wasn't picking on anyone in particular, by the way. Just amusing myself witnessing the contradictions.
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Jan 25, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 20090 · Topics: 685
You guys seem to imply that it's okay for you when you detach, but you don't necessarily owe the other person an explanation of what you've got going on, you just expect them to be around and be there when you decide to come back.
Just want to add, my observations do not reflect on my relationship and that's not where my argument is coming from. Just calling yall on your words.
Signed Up:
Oct 04, 2011Comments: 267 · Posts: 3037 · Topics: 43
What I literally mean is detached as in that is how they are period. Not as in "alone time" or anything like that. More over it is a solid characteristic/personality trait of all Aqua's. The cool, aloof, detached type.
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Nov 17, 2012Comments: 22 · Posts: 6178 · Topics: 30
Posted by truecap
I wasn't picking on anyone in particular, by the way. Just amusing myself witnessing the contradictions.
You know I don't think a Capricorn has any room to talk about contradictions if you ask me ^.^?
Signed Up:
Jan 25, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 20090 · Topics: 685
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
Posted by truecap
I wasn't picking on anyone in particular, by the way. Just amusing myself witnessing the contradictions.
You know I don't think a Capricorn has any room to talk about contradictions if you ask me ^.^?
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Lol!!! You have a point!
Signed Up:
Jan 25, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 20090 · Topics: 685
Maybe I misunderstood, but after reading years worth of responses and looking at it from the outside, it made me question if there were a contradiction.
Love you guys!
I'm an Aqua and I have no time for games. Once I'm out, I'm out forever. But I may stay friends with that person.
do you give closure when you're no longer interested with the "more than friendly" relationship especially when you know that this person is hoping for things to get back to normal and you somehow told that person that youre not leaving him/her?
closure or just disappear? any thoughts?
A0206,THANKS for sharing your thoughts about this.
Ok so im receiving different answers regarding disappearance and closure. Others say disappearance if just to recharge their energy while some say ita because theyre no longer interested... I am hoping shes just RECHARGING. Haha otherwise,id like to have AT LEAST a closure if shes not interested anymore.=)
How do I end this dilemma? Im making myself busy right now,on a vacation actually.been a week since I last txted her,and guess what.i have a MISSED CALL notification from her but no text why she called or whatever. I just texted her and told her I was busy that I didnt realize she was calling..which was really true..but again,no response from her.
Why do this kind of stuff? Why try to call and then disappear again?... *sigh*
Signed Up:
Oct 08, 2009Comments: 1 · Posts: 6313 · Topics: 313
Everthing an aqua does is to test people, I know I do. Every encounter is a social experiment to me and I'm genuinely excited about human interactions, but it does take a lot out of me. I need to make myself unavailable for a while to process people, its like my opinion changes over time when they are gone and I feel refreshed and can approach them in a new and different way.
Ok, im so a new comment and now its TESTING.haha if this is a test indeed,how would I pass it?.. I know shea still in her alone time world, so should I mimic her behavior? Ill respond only when she initiates a conversation?
May I know your thoughts on how to pass your so called teat?..thanks a lot!
If I disappear, it is because U need to think.
Signed Up:
Jan 25, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 20090 · Topics: 685
Posted by sagi2013
Ok, im so a new comment and now its TESTING.haha if this is a test indeed,how would I pass it?.. I know shea still in her alone time world, so should I mimic her behavior? Ill respond only when she initiates a conversation?
May I know your thoughts on how to pass your so called teat?..thanks a lot!
From what I understand, they can't stand being ignored. Yes, its a double standard. They don't realize that while they are "recharging" their partner feels ignored. Its almost as if its okay for them to be this way but they dont like it when their partner is this way. They don't necessarily do it on purpose, unless they are just not interested. Be aware they are a fixed sign and they aren't going to change. So, what you need to decide if this behavior is something you can deal with. You have the power to decide what you will and won't put up with. Call her on it and ask her why she is doing this and tell her how you feel about it. But do it in a convetsational style and don't be confrontational about it.
You need to decide if she's worth it.
Its not a one way street you know. Don't settle that she's testing you. It goes both ways. Maybe she's not passing your test!Signed Up:
Jan 25, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 20090 · Topics: 685
I love my aquaman but they are frustrating and a lot of people just give up on them.
Signed Up:
Jan 25, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 20090 · Topics: 685
Posted by BalmyTigress
Posted by truecap
Posted by sagi2013
Ok, im so a new comment and now its TESTING.haha if this is a test indeed,how would I pass it?.. I know shea still in her alone time world, so should I mimic her behavior? Ill respond only when she initiates a conversation?
May I know your thoughts on how to pass your so called teat?..thanks a lot!
From what I understand, they can't stand being ignored. Yes, its a double standard. They don't realize that while they are "recharging" their partner feels ignored. Its almost as if its okay for them to be this way but they dont like it when their partner is this way. They don't necessarily do it on purpose, unless they are just not interested. Be aware they are a fixed sign and they aren't going to change. So, what you need to decide if this behavior is something you can deal with. You have the power to decide what you will and won't put up with. Call her on it and ask her why she is doing this and tell her how you feel about it. But do it in a convetsational style and don't be confrontational about it.
You need to decide if she's worth it.
Its not a one way street you know. Don't settle that she's testing you. It goes both ways. Maybe she's not passing your test!
Are you sure you're not talking about Capricorns? 
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Thats probably why I understand it.Thank you for all your thoughts on this thread. I really appreciate it a lot!
I still have my hopes and yes some hesitations. But as what the majority has been saying about how to
react with the disappearance thing, im trying to move on with my life and just go with the flow.
its not im giving up, because im not. Just staring to deal life the way i used to, going back to normal. :-)
ill keep you updated, and wish me gonna throw a party if everything turns out OK.haha
Signed Up:
Jan 25, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 20090 · Topics: 685
Posted by feby16aqua
Posted by truecap
I love my aquaman but they are frustrating and a lot of people just give up on them.
We are frustrating for those who do not understand us....and we don't even usually understand us lol. My ideal partner is someone who likes mystery, who KNOWS that I'm with secure in me and that, doesn't mind personal freedom going both ways.
We are not a grounded nor a predictable sign, so I see how a cap or an earth sign would be frustrated.
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I understand it, but my scorpio venus doesn't like it.
Actually, aquas are the only sign that doesn't make me feel trapped. I like the freedom and the acceptance he gives me to be myself. I am generally happy with him. His actions say a lot and that's how yall express yourselves romantically. I do appreciate those qualities because that's a very important aspect in a relationship. But the scorp venus needs to know more. That venus is very loyal and relationships are very importance to us and its a very intense placement. It needs to know you feel the same in order for it to relax and go with the flow. Yall have let me vent out some fustrations on here. That's all. Better to do it with yall than anywhere else.
Plus, I try to give yall a viewpoint on how your partners might feel.
Oh, and you guys have NO IDEA how much you have helped me understand! I thank yall for that!
I just empathize with the others on here because I understand a lot of how they feel. Not exactly, because my relationship isn't theirs, but I feel their pain and frustration.Signed Up:
Jan 25, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 20090 · Topics: 685
OP, I wasn't trying to derail your thread. I understand where you're coming from.
Thanks again for all your thoughts,really appreciate it. Just last thing. After an aqua disappeared and all of a sudden came back, by that I mean suddenly sends you email or call you, is it advisable to temporarily ignore them?.. Ive read that aquas like it when someone seems mysterious or is ignoring them,they take it as a challenge thus ending up wanting true is this? know what they mean when they say "dont make yourself always available to them"....
I'm a leo in a 5 month friendship (relationship) with an Aqua female.
I would not recommend it. If you truly respect and take the time to understand their need for space, ignoring them intentionally would be playing a game and they don't like that and can see right through it. This is THEIR time, let them have it, continue where you left off when they come out of the clouds and don't be emotional about it, don't question it, and don't try to make them feel guilty. You have to put your ego in check.
If you can be cool about this, one day out of the blue they will just open up to you. I think it's a trust thing because they don't want to get hurt or be criticized and when it happens, it's amazing.
I'm not always available because I'm busy with other things and sometimes may not get back to her for a few hours. The mysterious part is what exciting things have I been doing that we can talk about when I get back to her.
Hope that helps...