Do Aquarius Men Cheat After They Love You

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by CapLovinAquaz on Monday, February 20, 2017 and has 31 replies.
My Aquarian man took a step further by inviting me to an outing with some of his friends.

That same night he noticed me and asked if I was ok. I guess he asked this b/c he was paying more attention to his friends than me. He looked me in my eyes and asked me if I wanted to be alone with him. I didn't want to admit I did b/c of me reading about Aquarian and their friends are everything to them. So we left. We drove to a hotel b/c we wanted each other sooo bad but while driving he opened up a Ton about what he thought about him and I and how I drive him so crazy. His 'crazy' means that he loves me too much.

He kept telling me how he would turn down other women requests to be with him sexually b/c of his love for me. Now my Aqua guy do have a lot of female friends. And he has told me other times how women call him to want to be with him but he has turned every last one down. He is a Aquarius sun and Capricorn moon. I am a Capricorn sun and a Libra Moon.

So Even during sex he kept saying how much he loves me. He kept looking me in my eyes as we had sex. And his eyes were so full of love. Now we really don't say I love you that much to each other but lately he has been saying it more often to me.

He opened up to tell me that he hates when I'm mad at him. There was only ONE time when I gave him the 'evil eye' look. And he said that he was so clueless as to why I did it. So he was nervous to call me about it.

When we were talking he mentioned if he cheated, would I be mad? He knows I love having sex as much as he does. I told him I would be upset b/c I should be enough for him. He mentioned that I am enough for him. But It's in my head now that after this conversation, would he really cheat? He is a very honest man and believes in telling me the truth even when it hurts.

Would an Aquarius Man (Aquarius sun, Capricorn moon) cheat after he has confess his love for his lady? If so, what would drive an Aquarius Man to cheat AFTER he says he is in love with someone?

Being a bloke its hard for me to say as Im not an aqua. Hopefully an aqua can come along and answer it.

When you say cheat, I am assuming you two were together? As for what drives a man to cheat theres loads of reasons but if I had to put an aqua twist on it, then it could be a situation of him trying to figure out his feelings in his head.

My Aqua man is so honest though. He tells

Me things that I don't even want to know but I want to know if he is performing one of his 'testing' moments that Aqua's do from time to time.
Air or fire mars/Venus placements indicate possible cheating, but it very much depends on the person itself.
Posted by TheGreatSearcher
Air or fire mars/Venus placements indicate possible cheating, but it very much depends on the person itself.
His Venus is in Aquarius and Mars is in Cancer.
Venus in Aqua is picky and doesn't throw around "I love yous" like least I don't. My older bro is an Aqua venus like me with mars in Aqua as well and he's pretty loyal when he's into a woman.

The placements you mentioned makes him sound like a serious candidate but I would consider your history (how long you've known him) to take his words seriously
Ehm... every gut in me screams 'bloody aqua man' BUT just because I've had my share of experiences doesn't mean yous is just like that! There are so many aspects to a person.

My venus is in aqua and I can tell you this; there's sex, intimacy and love... and when infatuated it can be difficult to distinguisg btw. feelings of intimacy and love.

If I like the guy and the sex is amazing then I might FEEL like I love him in that moment - but just in that moment. Once I experienced having the words 'I love you' on the tip of my tongue but I managed to keep it inside knowing my partner would freak out if I said it. What I'm actually experiencing is intimacy - not love. That doesn't make it any less honest - If I feel intimate with someone then they'd be guaranteed of my affection and loyalty, and over time that might develop into love.

I have to admit that I also 'test' men to see where I stand; I'll drop a remark about being able to sleep with other men but turning them down. I dunno if that's venus doing that... I just need to see where I stand.

I dunno if you'll be able to use it to anything since I'm not sure if venus says anything about cheating. Aren't cancers supposed to be very sensitive?

/LeGoat (sun: cap.)
Posted by aquarius09
Venus in Aqua is picky and doesn't throw around "I love yous" like least I don't. My older bro is an Aqua venus like me with mars in Aqua as well and he's pretty loyal when he's into a woman.

The placements you mentioned makes him sound like a serious candidate but I would consider your history (how long you've known him) to take his words seriously
Thank you so much for this @aquarius09

He Is a very picky person. He would put me through test in the beginning. We have been with each other for 6 months.

Have your brother ever got tired or bored with a girl that he was serious about?
Posted by aCuriousGoat
Ehm... every gut in me screams 'bloody aqua man' BUT just because I've had my share of experiences doesn't mean yous is just like that! There are so many aspects to a person.

My venus is in aqua and I can tell you this; there's sex, intimacy and love... and when infatuated it can be difficult to distinguisg btw. feelings of intimacy and love.

If I like the guy and the sex is amazing then I might FEEL like I love him in that moment - but just in that moment. Once I experienced having the words 'I love you' on the tip of my tongue but I managed to keep it inside knowing my partner would freak out if I said it. What I'm actually experiencing is intimacy - not love. That doesn't make it any less honest - If I feel intimate with someone then they'd be guaranteed of my affection and loyalty, and over time that might develop into love.

I have to admit that I also 'test' men to see where I stand; I'll drop a remark about being able to sleep with other men but turning them down. I dunno if that's venus doing that... I just need to see where I stand.

I dunno if you'll be able to use it to anything since I'm not sure if venus says anything about cheating. Aren't cancers supposed to be very sensitive?

/LeGoat (sun: cap.)
Wow @aCuriousGoat

See, he throws around that other women will try to throw themselves at him but he turns them down for me. I do believe him b/c of his actions and words towards me. I don't think he will cheat on me but that convo we had about the 'what ifs' of him cheating makes me wonder. Like WHY do you say it to the guy you say it to? Like what's your thought process? When you say you want to know where u stand, what does that mean? Pleeeease give me

Examples. Thanks!

Posted by CapLovinAquaz
Posted by aquarius09
Venus in Aqua is picky and doesn't throw around "I love yous" like least I don't. My older bro is an Aqua venus like me with mars in Aqua as well and he's pretty loyal when he's into a woman.

The placements you mentioned makes him sound like a serious candidate but I would consider your history (how long you've known him) to take his words seriously
Thank you so much for this @aquarius09

He Is a very picky person. He would put me through test in the beginning. We have been with each other for 6 months.

Have your brother ever got tired or bored with a girl that he was serious about?
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My brother and I both only get bored when the person starts to show us the real them and there's a significant difference from the initial impression we had of them.

If we last six months with someone, chances are we really like them and with time we only get closer.

Posted by CapLovinAquaz
Posted by aCuriousGoat
Ehm... every gut in me screams 'bloody aqua man' BUT just because I've had my share of experiences doesn't mean yous is just like that! There are so many aspects to a person.

My venus is in aqua and I can tell you this; there's sex, intimacy and love... and when infatuated it can be difficult to distinguisg btw. feelings of intimacy and love.

If I like the guy and the sex is amazing then I might FEEL like I love him in that moment - but just in that moment. Once I experienced having the words 'I love you' on the tip of my tongue but I managed to keep it inside knowing my partner would freak out if I said it. What I'm actually experiencing is intimacy - not love. That doesn't make it any less honest - If I feel intimate with someone then they'd be guaranteed of my affection and loyalty, and over time that might develop into love.

I have to admit that I also 'test' men to see where I stand; I'll drop a remark about being able to sleep with other men but turning them down. I dunno if that's venus doing that... I just need to see where I stand.

I dunno if you'll be able to use it to anything since I'm not sure if venus says anything about cheating. Aren't cancers supposed to be very sensitive?

/LeGoat (sun: cap.)
Wow @aCuriousGoat

See, he throws around that other women will try to throw themselves at him but he turns them down for me. I do believe him b/c of his actions and words towards me. I don't think he will cheat on me but that convo we had about the 'what ifs' of him cheating makes me wonder. Like WHY do you say it to the guy you say it to? Like what's your thought process? When you say you want to know where u stand, what does that mean? Pleeeease give me

Examples. Thanks!

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Why do I do it? I wonder if this is how we 'act out our venus in relationships' - one on one. I hate to say it but I have been known to test people (friends and lovers) I suppose it's to see how loyal they are; can I count on them?

The thing is I only do it with people I care about; and I'd never ever stay in a persons life for 6 months if I didn't care! Most likely he's been caring for a long time, and this is a wierd way of bringing up the dreaded conversation.

I can only give you an ex. from my own life:

Some time ago I was seeing a wonderful man. Some time after meeting him I went on a holiday with a friend and met a young man who flirted with me and I know I could've slept with him had I wanted, and all the time my mind with someone else somewhere else (not that I would have slept with the stranger anyway)

I realised I was emotionally 'taken' even though I was officially single. I didn't need for us to put a label on what we had, but I did want him to know that I were his, so I casually let some of the story slip when I came home. (something about having to disappoint a young handsome man) In doing so I also looked for his reaction to see if he felt the same.

I suck at telling someone 'I like you a lot'. The people I care the most for are the people I never tell that often; it's just so scary to actually say the words aloud. The more I like a man, the more difficult it is to tell him. I hate it. I'll be practicing in front of the mirror, but when the time comes I tell them in bloody riddles. UNLESS they're having some sort of emergency and need a steady rock, then I suddenly step up the game (so wierd)

Posted by aCuriousGoat
Posted by CapLovinAquaz
Posted by aCuriousGoat
Ehm... every gut in me screams 'bloody aqua man' BUT just because I've had my share of experiences doesn't mean yous is just like that! There are so many aspects to a person.

My venus is in aqua and I can tell you this; there's sex, intimacy and love... and when infatuated it can be difficult to distinguisg btw. feelings of intimacy and love.

If I like the guy and the sex is amazing then I might FEEL like I love him in that moment - but just in that moment. Once I experienced having the words 'I love you' on the tip of my tongue but I managed to keep it inside knowing my partner would freak out if I said it. What I'm actually experiencing is intimacy - not love. That doesn't make it any less honest - If I feel intimate with someone then they'd be guaranteed of my affection and loyalty, and over time that might develop into love.

I have to admit that I also 'test' men to see where I stand; I'll drop a remark about being able to sleep with other men but turning them down. I dunno if that's venus doing that... I just need to see where I stand.

I dunno if you'll be able to use it to anything since I'm not sure if venus says anything about cheating. Aren't cancers supposed to be very sensitive?

/LeGoat (sun: cap.)
Wow @aCuriousGoat

See, he throws around that other women will try to throw themselves at him but he turns them down for me. I do believe him b/c of his actions and words towards me. I don't think he will cheat on me but that convo we had about the 'what ifs' of him cheating makes me wonder. Like WHY do you say it to the guy you say it to? Like what's your thought process? When you say you want to know where u stand, what does that mean? Pleeeease give me

Examples. Thanks!

Why do I do it? I wonder if this is how we 'act out our venus in relationships' - one on one. I hate to say it but I have been known to test people (friends and lovers) I suppose it's to see how loyal they are; can I count on them?

The thing is I only do it with people I care about; and I'd never ever stay in a persons life for 6 months if I didn't care! Most likely he's been caring for a long time, and this is a wierd way of bringing up the dreaded conversation.

I can only give you an ex. from my own life:

Some time ago I was seeing a wonderful man. Some time after meeting him I went on a holiday with a friend and met a young man who flirted with me and I know I could've slept with him had I wanted, and all the time my mind with someone else somewhere else (not that I would have slept with the stranger anyway)

I realised I was emotionally 'taken' even though I was officially single. I didn't need for us to put a label on what we had, but I did want him to know that I were his, so I casually let some of the story slip when I came home. (something about having to disappoint a young handsome man) In doing so I also looked for his reaction to see if he felt the same.

I suck at telling someone 'I like you a lot'. The people I care the most for are the people I never tell that often; it's just so scary to actually say the words aloud. The more I like a man, the more difficult it is to tell him. I hate it. I'll be practicing in front of the mirror, but when the time comes I tell them in bloody riddles. UNLESS they're having some sort of emergency and need a steady rock, then I suddenly step up the game (so wierd)

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So when u told the story to him to see his reaction, if his reaction was a positive reaction of how he felt about you, how did it make you feel? Like did it make you feel secure in knowing that he really is into you or that he really likes you too? And did it reveal to you that he loves you? Please explain more.

I'm asking these questions b/c it's so funny how Aquas think and how they operate. I love you guys lol! It's very intriguing to me!
Posted by CapLovinAquaz
Posted by aCuriousGoat
Ehm... every gut in me screams 'bloody aqua man' BUT just because I've had my share of experiences doesn't mean yous is just like that! There are so many aspects to a person.

My venus is in aqua and I can tell you this; there's sex, intimacy and love... and when infatuated it can be difficult to distinguisg btw. feelings of intimacy and love.

If I like the guy and the sex is amazing then I might FEEL like I love him in that moment - but just in that moment. Once I experienced having the words 'I love you' on the tip of my tongue but I managed to keep it inside knowing my partner would freak out if I said it. What I'm actually experiencing is intimacy - not love. That doesn't make it any less honest - If I feel intimate with someone then they'd be guaranteed of my affection and loyalty, and over time that might develop into love.

I have to admit that I also 'test' men to see where I stand; I'll drop a remark about being able to sleep with other men but turning them down. I dunno if that's venus doing that... I just need to see where I stand.

I dunno if you'll be able to use it to anything since I'm not sure if venus says anything about cheating. Aren't cancers supposed to be very sensitive?

/LeGoat (sun: cap.)
Wow @aCuriousGoat

See, he throws around that other women will try to throw themselves at him but he turns them down for me. I do believe him b/c of his actions and words towards me. I don't think he will cheat on me but that convo we had about the 'what ifs' of him cheating makes me wonder. Like WHY do you say it to the guy you say it to? Like what's your thought process? When you say you want to know where u stand, what does that mean? Pleeeease give me

Examples. Thanks!

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Turns down women for you? He sounds manipulative to be honest.
Posted by bkbella86
Posted by CapLovinAquaz
Posted by aCuriousGoat
Ehm... every gut in me screams 'bloody aqua man' BUT just because I've had my share of experiences doesn't mean yous is just like that! There are so many aspects to a person.

My venus is in aqua and I can tell you this; there's sex, intimacy and love... and when infatuated it can be difficult to distinguisg btw. feelings of intimacy and love.

If I like the guy and the sex is amazing then I might FEEL like I love him in that moment - but just in that moment. Once I experienced having the words 'I love you' on the tip of my tongue but I managed to keep it inside knowing my partner would freak out if I said it. What I'm actually experiencing is intimacy - not love. That doesn't make it any less honest - If I feel intimate with someone then they'd be guaranteed of my affection and loyalty, and over time that might develop into love.

I have to admit that I also 'test' men to see where I stand; I'll drop a remark about being able to sleep with other men but turning them down. I dunno if that's venus doing that... I just need to see where I stand.

I dunno if you'll be able to use it to anything since I'm not sure if venus says anything about cheating. Aren't cancers supposed to be very sensitive?

/LeGoat (sun: cap.)
Wow @aCuriousGoat

See, he throws around that other women will try to throw themselves at him but he turns them down for me. I do believe him b/c of his actions and words towards me. I don't think he will cheat on me but that convo we had about the 'what ifs' of him cheating makes me wonder. Like WHY do you say it to the guy you say it to? Like what's your thought process? When you say you want to know where u stand, what does that mean? Pleeeease give me

Examples. Thanks!

Turns down women for you? He sounds manipulative to be honest.
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Lol! I turn down men for him. Do I sound manipulative??

Him and I are BOTH are attractive people. Real talk!
Posted by CapLovinAquaz
Posted by bkbella86
Posted by CapLovinAquaz
Posted by aCuriousGoat
Ehm... every gut in me screams 'bloody aqua man' BUT just because I've had my share of experiences doesn't mean yous is just like that! There are so many aspects to a person.

My venus is in aqua and I can tell you this; there's sex, intimacy and love... and when infatuated it can be difficult to distinguisg btw. feelings of intimacy and love.

If I like the guy and the sex is amazing then I might FEEL like I love him in that moment - but just in that moment. Once I experienced having the words 'I love you' on the tip of my tongue but I managed to keep it inside knowing my partner would freak out if I said it. What I'm actually experiencing is intimacy - not love. That doesn't make it any less honest - If I feel intimate with someone then they'd be guaranteed of my affection and loyalty, and over time that might develop into love.

I have to admit that I also 'test' men to see where I stand; I'll drop a remark about being able to sleep with other men but turning them down. I dunno if that's venus doing that... I just need to see where I stand.

I dunno if you'll be able to use it to anything since I'm not sure if venus says anything about cheating. Aren't cancers supposed to be very sensitive?

/LeGoat (sun: cap.)
Wow @aCuriousGoat

See, he throws around that other women will try to throw themselves at him but he turns them down for me. I do believe him b/c of his actions and words towards me. I don't think he will cheat on me but that convo we had about the 'what ifs' of him cheating makes me wonder. Like WHY do you say it to the guy you say it to? Like what's your thought process? When you say you want to know where u stand, what does that mean? Pleeeease give me

Examples. Thanks!

Turns down women for you? He sounds manipulative to be honest.

Lol! I turn down men for him. Do I sound manipulative??

Him and I are BOTH are attractive people. Real talk!
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That's not the point. The point is that he is constantly telling you how many women want him and how he's having to turn them down. He knows what he's doing.

Also the fact that he asked about him cheating says a lot. But carry on hun.
Posted by aCuriousGoat
Posted by CapLovinAquaz
Posted by aCuriousGoat
Ehm... every gut in me screams 'bloody aqua man' BUT just because I've had my share of experiences doesn't mean yous is just like that! There are so many aspects to a person.

My venus is in aqua and I can tell you this; there's sex, intimacy and love... and when infatuated it can be difficult to distinguisg btw. feelings of intimacy and love.

If I like the guy and the sex is amazing then I might FEEL like I love him in that moment - but just in that moment. Once I experienced having the words 'I love you' on the tip of my tongue but I managed to keep it inside knowing my partner would freak out if I said it. What I'm actually experiencing is intimacy - not love. That doesn't make it any less honest - If I feel intimate with someone then they'd be guaranteed of my affection and loyalty, and over time that might develop into love.

I have to admit that I also 'test' men to see where I stand; I'll drop a remark about being able to sleep with other men but turning them down. I dunno if that's venus doing that... I just need to see where I stand.

I dunno if you'll be able to use it to anything since I'm not sure if venus says anything about cheating. Aren't cancers supposed to be very sensitive?

/LeGoat (sun: cap.)
Wow @aCuriousGoat

See, he throws around that other women will try to throw themselves at him but he turns them down for me. I do believe him b/c of his actions and words towards me. I don't think he will cheat on me but that convo we had about the 'what ifs' of him cheating makes me wonder. Like WHY do you say it to the guy you say it to? Like what's your thought process? When you say you want to know where u stand, what does that mean? Pleeeease give me

Examples. Thanks!

Why do I do it? I wonder if this is how we 'act out our venus in relationships' - one on one. I hate to say it but I have been known to test people (friends and lovers) I suppose it's to see how loyal they are; can I count on them?

The thing is I only do it with people I care about; and I'd never ever stay in a persons life for 6 months if I didn't care! Most likely he's been caring for a long time, and this is a wierd way of bringing up the dreaded conversation.

I can only give you an ex. from my own life:

Some time ago I was seeing a wonderful man. Some time after meeting him I went on a holiday with a friend and met a young man who flirted with me and I know I could've slept with him had I wanted, and all the time my mind with someone else somewhere else (not that I would have slept with the stranger anyway)

I realised I was emotionally 'taken' even though I was officially single. I didn't need for us to put a label on what we had, but I did want him to know that I were his, so I casually let some of the story slip when I came home. (something about having to disappoint a young handsome man) In doing so I also looked for his reaction to see if he felt the same.

I suck at telling someone 'I like you a lot'. The people I care the most for are the people I never tell that often; it's just so scary to actually say the words aloud. The more I like a man, the more difficult it is to tell him. I hate it. I'll be practicing in front of the mirror, but when the time comes I tell them in bloody riddles. UNLESS they're having some sort of emergency and need a steady rock, then I suddenly step up the game (so wierd)

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Must be the Aquarius energy. This whole not being able to express feelings freely thing. I do it better by texts!Winking moon in Aqua

Posted by CapLovinAquaz
Posted by aCuriousGoat
Posted by CapLovinAquaz
Posted by aCuriousGoat
Ehm... every gut in me screams 'bloody aqua man' BUT just because I've had my share of experiences doesn't mean yous is just like that! There are so many aspects to a person.

My venus is in aqua and I can tell you this; there's sex, intimacy and love... and when infatuated it can be difficult to distinguisg btw. feelings of intimacy and love.

If I like the guy and the sex is amazing then I might FEEL like I love him in that moment - but just in that moment. Once I experienced having the words 'I love you' on the tip of my tongue but I managed to keep it inside knowing my partner would freak out if I said it. What I'm actually experiencing is intimacy - not love. That doesn't make it any less honest - If I feel intimate with someone then they'd be guaranteed of my affection and loyalty, and over time that might develop into love.

I have to admit that I also 'test' men to see where I stand; I'll drop a remark about being able to sleep with other men but turning them down. I dunno if that's venus doing that... I just need to see where I stand.

I dunno if you'll be able to use it to anything since I'm not sure if venus says anything about cheating. Aren't cancers supposed to be very sensitive?

/LeGoat (sun: cap.)
Wow @aCuriousGoat

See, he throws around that other women will try to throw themselves at him but he turns them down for me. I do believe him b/c of his actions and words towards me. I don't think he will cheat on me but that convo we had about the 'what ifs' of him cheating makes me wonder. Like WHY do you say it to the guy you say it to? Like what's your thought process? When you say you want to know where u stand, what does that mean? Pleeeease give me

Examples. Thanks!

Why do I do it? I wonder if this is how we 'act out our venus in relationships' - one on one. I hate to say it but I have been known to test people (friends and lovers) I suppose it's to see how loyal they are; can I count on them?

The thing is I only do it with people I care about; and I'd never ever stay in a persons life for 6 months if I didn't care! Most likely he's been caring for a long time, and this is a wierd way of bringing up the dreaded conversation.

I can only give you an ex. from my own life:

Some time ago I was seeing a wonderful man. Some time after meeting him I went on a holiday with a friend and met a young man who flirted with me and I know I could've slept with him had I wanted, and all the time my mind with someone else somewhere else (not that I would have slept with the stranger anyway)

I realised I was emotionally 'taken' even though I was officially single. I didn't need for us to put a label on what we had, but I did want him to know that I were his, so I casually let some of the story slip when I came home. (something about having to disappoint a young handsome man) In doing so I also looked for his reaction to see if he felt the same.

I suck at telling someone 'I like you a lot'. The people I care the most for are the people I never tell that often; it's just so scary to actually say the words aloud. The more I like a man, the more difficult it is to tell him. I hate it. I'll be practicing in front of the mirror, but when the time comes I tell them in bloody riddles. UNLESS they're having some sort of emergency and need a steady rock, then I suddenly step up the game (so wierd)

So when u told the story to him to see his reaction, if his reaction was a positive reaction of how he felt about you, how did it make you feel? Like did it make you feel secure in knowing that he really is into you or that he really likes you too? And did it reveal to you that he loves you? Please explain more.

I'm asking these questions b/c it's so funny how Aquas think and how they operate. I love you guys lol! It's very intriguing to me!
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First of all I'm a capricorn with a aqua venus.

Second of all be careful with the word 'love' :S Maybe it's because I'm scandinavian but I'm careful when it comes to words - especially love. Love is a feeling that sort of creeps in on you without you knowing it.

In terms romance it starts with the crush, then comes infatuation which intensifies through intimacy creating an attachment.... aaaand then comes love Winking You've accomplished that over 6 months? Winking

Here's the thing...

I hate drama and games (players) I'm honest in my feelings and I feel with my heart and head. Becoming intimate (emotionally and sexually) means giving up a vacant space in my head to another person - that's very very intimate.

In spite of being brutually honest in other aspects of my life I get so airy when being around someone I really really like. Sometimes I bloody panic and run - if I don't feel reassured from his side about his feelings then I become distant and hurt. If a man comes on way to strong and have a plan laid out then I light up my air balloon and fly away... If a man makes me feel comfortable I'll still get so 'distant' in the beginning and can't start the 'how do you feel about me?' conversation... I panic!

The best thing would be for him to do it - after I drop a hint such as 'I don't sleep with other men'.

I don't need labels for the world to see, I just want for my man to tell me 'I'm yours' - that simple. Him telling me how he feels about me - not where we're heading. It's the first step towards a relationship Big Grin

Posted by aCuriousGoat
Posted by CapLovinAquaz
Posted by aCuriousGoat
Posted by CapLovinAquaz
Posted by aCuriousGoat
Ehm... every gut in me screams 'bloody aqua man' BUT just because I've had my share of experiences doesn't mean yous is just like that! There are so many aspects to a person.

My venus is in aqua and I can tell you this; there's sex, intimacy and love... and when infatuated it can be difficult to distinguisg btw. feelings of intimacy and love.

If I like the guy and the sex is amazing then I might FEEL like I love him in that moment - but just in that moment. Once I experienced having the words 'I love you' on the tip of my tongue but I managed to keep it inside knowing my partner would freak out if I said it. What I'm actually experiencing is intimacy - not love. That doesn't make it any less honest - If I feel intimate with someone then they'd be guaranteed of my affection and loyalty, and over time that might develop into love.

I have to admit that I also 'test' men to see where I stand; I'll drop a remark about being able to sleep with other men but turning them down. I dunno if that's venus doing that... I just need to see where I stand.

I dunno if you'll be able to use it to anything since I'm not sure if venus says anything about cheating. Aren't cancers supposed to be very sensitive?

/LeGoat (sun: cap.)
Wow @aCuriousGoat

See, he throws around that other women will try to throw themselves at him but he turns them down for me. I do believe him b/c of his actions and words towards me. I don't think he will cheat on me but that convo we had about the 'what ifs' of him cheating makes me wonder. Like WHY do you say it to the guy you say it to? Like what's your thought process? When you say you want to know where u stand, what does that mean? Pleeeease give me

Examples. Thanks!

Why do I do it? I wonder if this is how we 'act out our venus in relationships' - one on one. I hate to say it but I have been known to test people (friends and lovers) I suppose it's to see how loyal they are; can I count on them?

The thing is I only do it with people I care about; and I'd never ever stay in a persons life for 6 months if I didn't care! Most likely he's been caring for a long time, and this is a wierd way of bringing up the dreaded conversation.

I can only give you an ex. from my own life:

Some time ago I was seeing a wonderful man. Some time after meeting him I went on a holiday with a friend and met a young man who flirted with me and I know I could've slept with him had I wanted, and all the time my mind with someone else somewhere else (not that I would have slept with the stranger anyway)

I realised I was emotionally 'taken' even though I was officially single. I didn't need for us to put a label on what we had, but I did want him to know that I were his, so I casually let some of the story slip when I came home. (something about having to disappoint a young handsome man) In doing so I also looked for his reaction to see if he felt the same.

I suck at telling someone 'I like you a lot'. The people I care the most for are the people I never tell that often; it's just so scary to actually say the words aloud. The more I like a man, the more difficult it is to tell him. I hate it. I'll be practicing in front of the mirror, but when the time comes I tell them in bloody riddles. UNLESS they're having some sort of emergency and need a steady rock, then I suddenly step up the game (so wierd)

So when u told the story to him to see his reaction, if his reaction was a positive reaction of how he felt about you, how did it make you feel? Like did it make you feel secure in knowing that he really is into you or that he really likes you too? And did it reveal to you that he loves you? Please explain more.

I'm asking these questions b/c it's so funny how Aquas think and how they operate. I love you guys lol! It's very intriguing to me!
First of all I'm a capricorn with a aqua venus.

Second of all be careful with the word 'love' :S Maybe it's because I'm scandinavian but I'm careful when it comes to words - especially love. Love is a feeling that sort of creeps in on you without you knowing it.

In terms romance it starts with the crush, then comes infatuation which intensifies through intimacy creating an attachment.... aaaand then comes love Winking You've accomplished that over 6 months? Winking

Here's the thing...

I hate drama and games (players) I'm honest in my feelings and I feel with my heart and head. Becoming intimate (emotionally and sexually) means giving up a vacant space in my head to another person - that's very very intimate.

In spite of being brutually honest in other aspects of my life I get so airy when being around someone I really really like. Sometimes I bloody panic and run - if I don't feel reassured from his side about his feelings then I become distant and hurt. If a man comes on way to strong and have a plan laid out then I light up my air balloon and fly away... If a man makes me feel comfortable I'll still get so 'distant' in the beginning and can't start the 'how do you feel about me?' conversation... I panic!

The best thing would be for him to do it - after I drop a hint such as 'I don't sleep with other men'.

I don't need labels for the world to see, I just want for my man to tell me 'I'm yours' - that simple. Him telling me how he feels about me - not where we're heading. It's the first step towards a relationship Big Grin

click to expand
Yea I'm Cap sun with Libra Moon. And I don't say the LOVE word unless I know for sure. I know that when we

First started dating he kept

Saying that I was so perfect to him ☺. Then gradually he would blurt out that he loves me in weird moments to me! And I would be caught off guard and did t know what to say lol. So then about about a few weeks (2) ago he said to me in such an 'on-time' moment that was perfect. Then just recently he said that he loves me all throughout our sex-session. And it is ALWAYS the way he says it that would melt me.

Posted by aquarius_beauty
Any man can cheat on you even if they say they love you.

This Aqua of yours just sounds like he's testing you. Your mental and emotional capacities are under a microscope right now. He's observing you, watching you, absorbing your energy to see if your words match your actions and your feelings. He's getting a feel for you and what you are capable of. If he's opened up his heart to you, he will guard it with every fiber of his being, and yes he will test you relentlessly to make sure YOU will not break HIS heart.

He's cast doubt into your heart and mind but an Aqua won't cheat on you and tell you unless he's done with you. Aquas are actually very private with their shenanigans and he will not confess so easily to you about his infidelity.

Yes, Aquarius will cheat on you when officially committed to you if YOU ever cheat on him. He will do it out of revenge and to even out the score.
And that is exactly what I'm feeling.... A TEST.

Come to think about it he mentioned to me earlier last week how he hates to let ppl in his heart b/c they will hurt it.... And this was stemmed from a convo that he

we were having with me b/c I ignored him and he did not like it at all. So he told me to never ignore him again because he do not want me to be mad at him for anything. He wanted me to talk out everything with him.

I feel like b/c he will tell me about 'other women' lol he waits for me to respond to see if I'm going to say something but I don't. I think that's my Aquarius Moon or Aquarius Venus that thinks that he should already know I'm his. But maybe he wants me to tell him that I'm all his. Or maybe he wants the reassurance of me saying it to him. Idk.

Posted by Capmercury87
What is his mars and Venus sign?

Better yet what are yours
Hey @CapMercury87

His mars is Cancer

His Venus is Aquarius

My Mars is Aquarius

My Venus is Aquarius

Can you tell me what this means about both of us?
How long have you guys known each other ?
Posted by CapLovinAquaz
Posted by Capmercury87
What is his mars and Venus sign?

Better yet what are yours
Hey @CapMercury87

His mars is Cancer

His Venus is Aquarius

My Mars is Aquarius

My Venus is Aquarius

Can you tell me what this means about both of us?
click to expand
"When Venus or Mars is in Aquarius, there is a “take it or leave it” style that can be sexy or maddening, depending on the audience. They don’t have a reputation for warmth in sex, although they may think the other way around because, at least in theory, they are open-minded. They give off an air of being savvy and cool in bed. Sex from a distance (when you are not actually there physically), or in theory, is often where they shine. That is why cyber or phone sex, or affairs that don’t break up marriages, can be especially attractive to these folks. They are most turned on when you are not, as detachment can be a real turn-on for them. And, again, the idea of sex is generally more exciting to these lovers than the actual act. Their fantasies often involve getting caught having sex, and they are attracted to people who are a little offbeat or odd."


"This position inclines toward passive-aggressiveness. These people seem to resist change and to shy away from direct confrontations. They need to feel secure before they act. As a result, they can appear rather slow at times. Their motto is “The best offence is defense”. They may appear weak to some, but they can be very strong. Their strength lies in their tenaciousness.

Their sex drive can be very tied up with emotional need. At their best, they turn others on with a protective, almost therapeutic way about them. The protective nature of Cancer is best expressed when Mars in Cancer natives are turning the energy outward when they are being the protectors of others. Turning it inwards is when there are problems. They must avoid over-sensitivity and self-protection when it comes to sex. Some Mars in Cancer people are especially turned on by the thought of creating a baby.

These people are threatened by indifference. They can be argumentative and manipulative. Their energy levels are variable, and they can appear to move rather slowly. They have defensive reactions and bursts of emotional displays when they feel cornered.

With reassurance and confidence, these natives are protective, helpful, and dependable in the long haul. They prefer to handle situations peacefully and humanely."


"Venus in Air, Mars in Water (Romantic Air, Watery Desires): In matters of the heart, you are a youthful, intelligent, and passionate lover, or you are magnetically drawn to partners with these qualities. You do require some “space” and freedom to explore in any relationship, and prefer not to be possessed. However, you can display distinct moments of possessiveness yourself! It is important that your mind is stimulated in love affairs, but you also strongly value subtle, non-verbal levels of communication. You value being friends with your partners as well as lovers, but that can be a challenge for you when you are in your more insecure moods. You are turned off by partners (or potential partners) who are uncommunicative, dull, or lacking in spontaneity. However, you also crave a feeling of security, and a partner who is too outgoing might leave you feeling insecure. You can be a real flirt, but you usually are able to deliver on your promises! You can easily confuse partners by being indifferent and objective one day, and moody the next. Although you thrive on the emotional and physical charge that you get from sex, you are also able to examine it from an impersonal level. You are passionate and intense, yet in some ways you can be the most rational of lovers. Your emotional and sexual needs can be so mixed and varied that a partner is bound to have a hard time knowing what you want and when. It may be a challenge for you to find a deeply satisfying partnership, especially in youth, simply because your romantic and sexual needs are conflicting."

- Cafe Astro.

Soooo... Is he trying to test you because you're giving him a very airy vibe??? Could that be? However, you're a cap on the outside (his moon is in cap - he NEEDS those cappy qualities such as loyalty, stability and a confident woman) He WANTS a free spirit. Of course, it depends on the placement of those planets, I guess.


Trust your gut, trust your instincts - and do your best to listen to what they tell you even if you don't care for the message.

See, this is why I have periods of avoiding intimacy and feelings - they fuck up the mind! What a tango..

Posted by saweetz1988
How long have you guys known each other ?
We known each other for 2 years but dating 6 months.
Posted by Capmercury87
Posted by CapLovinAquaz
Posted by Capmercury87
What is his mars and Venus sign?

Better yet what are yours
Hey @CapMercury87

His mars is Cancer

His Venus is Aquarius

My Mars is Aquarius

My Venus is Aquarius

Can you tell me what this means about both of us?
I do know a lot of water mars people are prone to cheating

click to expand
I'm a water mars and I do not cheat! The roots of cheating, I believe, tend go deeper than 'his mars is in...'


Maybe I am giving him too much air in how I respond to him but I'm just trying to balance it out. I know that I'm clingy to ppl who I fall in love with so with him I'm trying to be a little distant. Aquas don't like clingy so I'm not trying to be too clingy. Even though we see each other every other day and talk everyday.

Everything above was spot on to his personality and mines. But we are both 2 ppl that live in our heads. I think he live in his head more than me lol. Example, every time we have sex, he needs time to THINK about how we connected sexually. Like what we did, etc. in the bed. He will literally close his eyes and have his 'moment' to think. Is this weird?? And sometimes I guess the sex is so good that it takes him a day or two to get back in contact with me.

Like is this normal for an Aqua guy in love to do??

Posted by CapLovinAquaz

Maybe I am giving him too much air in how I respond to him but I'm just trying to balance it out. I know that I'm clingy to ppl who I fall in love with so with him I'm trying to be a little distant. Aquas don't like clingy so I'm not trying to be too clingy. Even though we see each other every other day and talk everyday.

Everything above was spot on to his personality and mines. But we are both 2 ppl that live in our heads. I think he live in his head more than me lol. Example, every time we have sex, he needs time to THINK about how we connected sexually. Like what we did, etc. in the bed. He will literally close his eyes and have his 'moment' to think. Is this weird?? And sometimes I guess the sex is so good that it takes him a day or two to get back in contact with me.

Like is this normal for an Aqua guy in love to do??

If its just after he comes then it's something called 'the moment of clarity'... It's a guy-thing.

I'm not sure what your situation is in details, I can't be sure what is really going on. All I know is that this is actually more about you than him. You're stuck in your head trying to understand him by analyzing him, but why? Is it because your fascinated or is it because you're scared of losing him?

It sometimes sounds as though you're seeking an affirmation of this guy's affection and devotion - in a forum. Shouldn't it be he who gives to you? Why do you seek to confirm his fidelity in here?

If the two of you aren't able to actually talk to each other about these concerns of yours then it will eventually end in tears.... trust me.

I'm very intense myself and in my head - I had to work with it within myself, and I've come to the conclusion that there's nothing wrong with being an intense person! But being intense is not the same as being clingy or needy. Why do you cling? Are you afraid of them leaving you? Did someone once leave you? Our present actions are often shaped by past experiences. Perhaps some bloke cut you off because you were 'needy and clingy' and now you're trying to behave the exact opposite way?

If that is the case then it wont word. Those two behaviours have roots in the mindset and intuitive people will sense out that mentality even though you don't show it.

I don't mean come of as rude, I say it with respect.

I know everything is easier said than done; getting out of the head doesn't come naturally to most women Winking But perhaps you could consider if you need to better understand yourself, your actions and needs before you try to understand him, his actions and needs?

Life is one long lesson.

Posted by aCuriousGoat
Posted by CapLovinAquaz

Maybe I am giving him too much air in how I respond to him but I'm just trying to balance it out. I know that I'm clingy to ppl who I fall in love with so with him I'm trying to be a little distant. Aquas don't like clingy so I'm not trying to be too clingy. Even though we see each other every other day and talk everyday.

Everything above was spot on to his personality and mines. But we are both 2 ppl that live in our heads. I think he live in his head more than me lol. Example, every time we have sex, he needs time to THINK about how we connected sexually. Like what we did, etc. in the bed. He will literally close his eyes and have his 'moment' to think. Is this weird?? And sometimes I guess the sex is so good that it takes him a day or two to get back in contact with me.

Like is this normal for an Aqua guy in love to do??

If its just after he comes then it's something called 'the moment of clarity'... It's a guy-thing.

I'm not sure what your situation is in details, I can't be sure what is really going on. All I know is that this is actually more about you than him. You're stuck in your head trying to understand him by analyzing him, but why? Is it because your fascinated or is it because you're scared of losing him?

It sometimes sounds as though you're seeking an affirmation of this guy's affection and devotion - in a forum. Shouldn't it be he who gives to you? Why do you seek to confirm his fidelity in here?

If the two of you aren't able to actually talk to each other about these concerns of yours then it will eventually end in tears.... trust me.

I'm very intense myself and in my head - I had to work with it within myself, and I've come to the conclusion that there's nothing wrong with being an intense person! But being intense is not the same as being clingy or needy. Why do you cling? Are you afraid of them leaving you? Did someone once leave you? Our present actions are often shaped by past experiences. Perhaps some bloke cut you off because you were 'needy and clingy' and now you're trying to behave the exact opposite way?

If that is the case then it wont word. Those two behaviours have roots in the mindset and intuitive people will sense out that mentality even though you don't show it.

I don't mean come of as rude, I say it with respect.

I know everything is easier said than done; getting out of the head doesn't come naturally to most women Winking But perhaps you could consider if you need to better understand yourself, your actions and needs before you try to understand him, his actions and needs?

Life is one long lesson.

click to expand
You are not being rude, but you are being real. I am very fascinated with him being an Aqua male. That's all. I honestly can ask him anything and he will give me the honest truth. I just don't want to be so clingy with him. I have spoken to him yesterday but it was real quick which shows me he wants his time, his space right now. When I'm in love though I smother ppl who I love: with loving hugs, phone calls, text messages even visits if I can. He is the type that does have his life but still contacts me everyday.

I'm not trying to get validation from the forum about him but to start very interesting convos with other Aquas or ppl who are dating Aqua men. I love to hear other's experience and viewpoints.
Posted by CapLovinAquaz
Posted by aCuriousGoat
Posted by CapLovinAquaz

Maybe I am giving him too much air in how I respond to him but I'm just trying to balance it out. I know that I'm clingy to ppl who I fall in love with so with him I'm trying to be a little distant. Aquas don't like clingy so I'm not trying to be too clingy. Even though we see each other every other day and talk everyday.

Everything above was spot on to his personality and mines. But we are both 2 ppl that live in our heads. I think he live in his head more than me lol. Example, every time we have sex, he needs time to THINK about how we connected sexually. Like what we did, etc. in the bed. He will literally close his eyes and have his 'moment' to think. Is this weird?? And sometimes I guess the sex is so good that it takes him a day or two to get back in contact with me.

Like is this normal for an Aqua guy in love to do??

If its just after he comes then it's something called 'the moment of clarity'... It's a guy-thing.

I'm not sure what your situation is in details, I can't be sure what is really going on. All I know is that this is actually more about you than him. You're stuck in your head trying to understand him by analyzing him, but why? Is it because your fascinated or is it because you're scared of losing him?

It sometimes sounds as though you're seeking an affirmation of this guy's affection and devotion - in a forum. Shouldn't it be he who gives to you? Why do you seek to confirm his fidelity in here?

If the two of you aren't able to actually talk to each other about these concerns of yours then it will eventually end in tears.... trust me.

I'm very intense myself and in my head - I had to work with it within myself, and I've come to the conclusion that there's nothing wrong with being an intense person! But being intense is not the same as being clingy or needy. Why do you cling? Are you afraid of them leaving you? Did someone once leave you? Our present actions are often shaped by past experiences. Perhaps some bloke cut you off because you were 'needy and clingy' and now you're trying to behave the exact opposite way?

If that is the case then it wont word. Those two behaviours have roots in the mindset and intuitive people will sense out that mentality even though you don't show it.

I don't mean come of as rude, I say it with respect.

I know everything is easier said than done; getting out of the head doesn't come naturally to most women Winking But perhaps you could consider if you need to better understand yourself, your actions and needs before you try to understand him, his actions and needs?

Life is one long lesson.

You are not being rude, but you are being real. I am very fascinated with him being an Aqua male. That's all. I honestly can ask him anything and he will give me the honest truth. I just don't want to be so clingy with him. I have spoken to him yesterday but it was real quick which shows me he wants his time, his space right now. When I'm in love though I smother ppl who I love: with loving hugs, phone calls, text messages even visits if I can. He is the type that does have his life but still contacts me everyday.

I'm not trying to get validation from the forum about him but to start very interesting convos with other Aquas or ppl who are dating Aqua men. I love to hear other's experience and viewpoints.
click to expand

You are a Cap, with Aqua Venus? Are you usually clingy in your relationships? I find that I can be borderline clingy, but only if I start feeling insecure in a relationship. When that happens though, I start to detach mentally. If I really care about them, I will try to talk to them and see if it changes. But if it doesn't, or they don't see that there is a problem, I don't stick around much longer after that.

I had a relationship with an Aqua, and we are still good friends 16 years later, but I don't remember him being distant. It was definitely one of those relationships where you feel like you're with your best friend. They fit nicely with our Aqua Venus, in my opinion.

What is your Mercury, if I may ask?

Posted by NostalgicCappy
Posted by CapLovinAquaz
Posted by aCuriousGoat
Posted by CapLovinAquaz

Maybe I am giving him too much air in how I respond to him but I'm just trying to balance it out. I know that I'm clingy to ppl who I fall in love with so with him I'm trying to be a little distant. Aquas don't like clingy so I'm not trying to be too clingy. Even though we see each other every other day and talk everyday.

Everything above was spot on to his personality and mines. But we are both 2 ppl that live in our heads. I think he live in his head more than me lol. Example, every time we have sex, he needs time to THINK about how we connected sexually. Like what we did, etc. in the bed. He will literally close his eyes and have his 'moment' to think. Is this weird?? And sometimes I guess the sex is so good that it takes him a day or two to get back in contact with me.

Like is this normal for an Aqua guy in love to do??

If its just after he comes then it's something called 'the moment of clarity'... It's a guy-thing.

I'm not sure what your situation is in details, I can't be sure what is really going on. All I know is that this is actually more about you than him. You're stuck in your head trying to understand him by analyzing him, but why? Is it because your fascinated or is it because you're scared of losing him?

It sometimes sounds as though you're seeking an affirmation of this guy's affection and devotion - in a forum. Shouldn't it be he who gives to you? Why do you seek to confirm his fidelity in here?

If the two of you aren't able to actually talk to each other about these concerns of yours then it will eventually end in tears.... trust me.

I'm very intense myself and in my head - I had to work with it within myself, and I've come to the conclusion that there's nothing wrong with being an intense person! But being intense is not the same as being clingy or needy. Why do you cling? Are you afraid of them leaving you? Did someone once leave you? Our present actions are often shaped by past experiences. Perhaps some bloke cut you off because you were 'needy and clingy' and now you're trying to behave the exact opposite way?

If that is the case then it wont word. Those two behaviours have roots in the mindset and intuitive people will sense out that mentality even though you don't show it.

I don't mean come of as rude, I say it with respect.

I know everything is easier said than done; getting out of the head doesn't come naturally to most women Winking But perhaps you could consider if you need to better understand yourself, your actions and needs before you try to understand him, his actions and needs?

Life is one long lesson.

You are not being rude, but you are being real. I am very fascinated with him being an Aqua male. That's all. I honestly can ask him anything and he will give me the honest truth. I just don't want to be so clingy with him. I have spoken to him yesterday but it was real quick which shows me he wants his time, his space right now. When I'm in love though I smother ppl who I love: with loving hugs, phone calls, text messages even visits if I can. He is the type that does have his life but still contacts me everyday.

I'm not trying to get validation from the forum about him but to start very interesting convos with other Aquas or ppl who are dating Aqua men. I love to hear other's experience and viewpoints.

You are a Cap, with Aqua Venus? Are you usually clingy in your relationships? I find that I can be borderline clingy, but only if I start feeling insecure in a relationship. When that happens though, I start to detach mentally. If I really care about them, I will try to talk to them and see if it changes. But if it doesn't, or they don't see that there is a problem, I don't stick around much longer after that.

I had a relationship with an Aqua, and we are still good friends 16 years later, but I don't remember him being distant. It was definitely one of those relationships where you feel like you're with your best friend. They fit nicely with our Aqua Venus, in my opinion.

What is your Mercury, if I may ask?

click to expand

My Mercury is Aquarius. His is too.
Posted by CapLovinAquaz
Posted by NostalgicCappy
Posted by CapLovinAquaz
Posted by aCuriousGoat
Posted by CapLovinAquaz

Maybe I am giving him too much air in how I respond to him but I'm just trying to balance it out. I know that I'm clingy to ppl who I fall in love with so with him I'm trying to be a little distant. Aquas don't like clingy so I'm not trying to be too clingy. Even though we see each other every other day and talk everyday.

Everything above was spot on to his personality and mines. But we are both 2 ppl that live in our heads. I think he live in his head more than me lol. Example, every time we have sex, he needs time to THINK about how we connected sexually. Like what we did, etc. in the bed. He will literally close his eyes and have his 'moment' to think. Is this weird?? And sometimes I guess the sex is so good that it takes him a day or two to get back in contact with me.

Like is this normal for an Aqua guy in love to do??

If its just after he comes then it's something called 'the moment of clarity'... It's a guy-thing.

I'm not sure what your situation is in details, I can't be sure what is really going on. All I know is that this is actually more about you than him. You're stuck in your head trying to understand him by analyzing him, but why? Is it because your fascinated or is it because you're scared of losing him?

It sometimes sounds as though you're seeking an affirmation of this guy's affection and devotion - in a forum. Shouldn't it be he who gives to you? Why do you seek to confirm his fidelity in here?

If the two of you aren't able to actually talk to each other about these concerns of yours then it will eventually end in tears.... trust me.

I'm very intense myself and in my head - I had to work with it within myself, and I've come to the conclusion that there's nothing wrong with being an intense person! But being intense is not the same as being clingy or needy. Why do you cling? Are you afraid of them leaving you? Did someone once leave you? Our present actions are often shaped by past experiences. Perhaps some bloke cut you off because you were 'needy and clingy' and now you're trying to behave the exact opposite way?

If that is the case then it wont word. Those two behaviours have roots in the mindset and intuitive people will sense out that mentality even though you don't show it.

I don't mean come of as rude, I say it with respect.

I know everything is easier said than done; getting out of the head doesn't come naturally to most women Winking But perhaps you could consider if you need to better understand yourself, your actions and needs before you try to understand him, his actions and needs?

Life is one long lesson.

You are not being rude, but you are being real. I am very fascinated with him being an Aqua male. That's all. I honestly can ask him anything and he will give me the honest truth. I just don't want to be so clingy with him. I have spoken to him yesterday but it was real quick which shows me he wants his time, his space right now. When I'm in love though I smother ppl who I love: with loving hugs, phone calls, text messages even visits if I can. He is the type that does have his life but still contacts me everyday.

I'm not trying to get validation from the forum about him but to start very interesting convos with other Aquas or ppl who are dating Aqua men. I love to hear other's experience and viewpoints.

You are a Cap, with Aqua Venus? Are you usually clingy in your relationships? I find that I can be borderline clingy, but only if I start feeling insecure in a relationship. When that happens though, I start to detach mentally. If I really care about them, I will try to talk to them and see if it changes. But if it doesn't, or they don't see that there is a problem, I don't stick around much longer after that.

I had a relationship with an Aqua, and we are still good friends 16 years later, but I don't remember him being distant. It was definitely one of those relationships where you feel like you're with your best friend. They fit nicely with our Aqua Venus, in my opinion.

What is your Mercury, if I may ask?

My Mercury is Aquarius. His is too.
click to expand

Even better, smile

Posted by Capmercury87
Posted by CapLovinAquaz
Posted by Capmercury87
What is his mars and Venus sign?

Better yet what are yours
Hey @CapMercury87

His mars is Cancer

His Venus is Aquarius

My Mars is Aquarius

My Venus is Aquarius

Can you tell me what this means about both of us?
I do know a lot of water mars people are prone to cheating

click to expand
Not this water (Pisces) mars!