Do you Aquarius men think about your exes ...

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by Zetarose on Wednesday, April 29, 2015 and has 6 replies.
Even if you don't contact or ever talk to them? Just wondering
I'm not a man clearly but i'm sure Aqua men are still quite human, being a female Aqua i easily think of ex's sometimes.. just randomly.. something that reminds me of one in particular. My ex Aqua initiates and sends me a pm every year on my birthday to wish me well. 10 years now since i last saw him. So i'm guessing they do as most of us and other signs do :-)
That's nice at least he messages you. Mine won't wven initiative any contact. It ended messy. Well I'm a virgo sun libra moon w all those messy things they call emotions.. And he just couldn't handle it... Plus a LDR... But he totally went cold and detached completely as if we didn't even have anything... It's sad I don't get it, never will

Posted by ccaqua
I'm not a man clearly but i'm sure Aqua men are still quite human, being a female Aqua i easily think of ex's sometimes.. just randomly.. something that reminds me of one in particular. My ex Aqua initiates and sends me a pm every year on my birthday to wish me well. 10 years now since i last saw him. So i'm guessing they do as most of us and other signs do :-)

I think whoever does the breaking up, does not think about nor care about the ex.
The one who gets broken up with does all the thinking.
Above all, Keep your dignity!
It's better for them to remember you as dignified and classy instead of with an icky memory. Don't want them to be like this:
Ya I don't contact him anymore just yesterday I apologized about my previous text just so we could be "good" and not have any hateful shit between us he said thanks for saying that and that was that. He's back w baby mama so i understand
Umm I think of the ex's that ive broken up with, always still cared about them as friends! Defo just keep your dignity and dont text him, just let him get on with it.. you will find a new and probably better suited companion for you :-)