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May 04, 2012Comments: 4373 · Posts: 50653 · Topics: 564
hm my current thinking is...
i so want an entertainment center. White washed is so pretty. Dreaming of those pretty winter jackets i'd like to have but refuse to get it because it's frivolous.
I need to save more money, got to think of the future, and my children's future kind of thing.
save save save.
A better workplace, that kind of thing.
Improvements. Sticking to spirituality, everyday, everyweek, keep at it. Just like a cup of coffee every morning, like clockwork.
New years resolutions are the same, unless there are terrible vices: severe drinking, overeating, you name it.
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May 04, 2012Comments: 4373 · Posts: 50653 · Topics: 564
on the other side,my more dreamier, spiritual side,(the less materialistic, substantial one) i'd like to spend more time telling people i love they are appreciated.
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Dec 20, 2011Comments: 362 · Posts: 10167 · Topics: 100
I've had similar ones for sure. The whole creating boundaries between my notorious family members done that and succeeded! I think I decide on one spiritual and one achievable and more tangible goal every year.
Without a doubt quitting smoking is again on the list but I've got so many things I can do that I can't decide WHICH ONE TO DO! ARGH!
Maybe I should make a resolution to be more decisive and stop thinking so much. Probably fail at that.
LOl @ Aquasnooz...I read one of your post where you mentioned not having a family and that you view your friends as family. I too have had a pretty jacked up family life. I USED to consider my friends to be family but when I made the show me who my friends are prayer..things changed and I now believe that I AM my family. Me and God.
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Nov 17, 2012Comments: 22 · Posts: 6178 · Topics: 30
I dunno I never use New Years for resolutions I do them when I see they are necessary anytime of year