Eager Aquarius?

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by Pisceology on Monday, April 28, 2014 and has 61 replies.
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Ok so I want to hear some opinions smile
What are you guys like when you've just started dating someone? Share your stories please! Because I'm "dating" an Aqua and he is so eager! We've been on only 3 dates and he says he wants a relationship, says he adores me, buys me chocolates (not complaining about that one Tongue), made me a cd, texts/calls me every day, cooks for me, ...
That's all great and normal people would probably feel like this:

But I feel like this:

Big Grin I mean I like him but what's the rush? I thought you guys were supposed to be aloof?!
Hey don't take that for granted, I'd be offended and hurt even being aloof; if I secretly or openly felt comfortable to do all this to only find out your turned away by it. Well not turned away but giving me the barf face lol. If we feel strongly about something we go for it, luckily he's not the regular run when you start loving someone. That can be challenging when someone wants space from you rather than someone who wants to be face to face with you.
Be accustomed to it, because if you don't adapt to it someone else will get that attention Winking.
lol @ barf face Big Grin
Look I do appreciate the attention and I do like him but it's just happening so FAST! Guys who fall in love this quickly... I dunno but I'm a bit cautious. They probably fall out of love just as fast or redirect their attention to someone else the second they see someone who sparks their attention. I'm just not in the mood for drama!
I know I know, I'm overanalyzing, need to learn how to turn off my brain Tongue
Where's his moon?
I have experience with this sign in some scenarios.
-First kiss in kindergarden (Aqua 1)
-First real relationship when I was 9 (do not laugh, he brought me to his grandparents' village for summer and he would pick me as his team mate in all the games. drove his brother crazy. damn life was awesome and genuine back then) (Aqua 2)
-First real real kiss followed by dating for 2 weeks. That didn't work out though (Aqua 3). We did kiss in a graveyard though, maybe because of that?
If he has a Fire Moon, that's normal behavior..he will slow down in time so no worries.
If not, run for your life.
No a gemini moon... :/
He's an Aqua sun, Gemini moon, Aqua mercury, Pisces venus and Virgo mars
Red flags all over the place, probably Big Grin
maybe..if there ever was a..life beyond astrology? lol
but really i have awful experience with that moon. only moon I'm biased against lol.
i like the pisces venus though.
Posted by Damnata
maybe..if there ever was a..life beyond astrology? lol
but really i have awful experience with that moon. only moon I'm biased against lol.
i like the pisces venus though.


Tell me more! I thought gem + aries was supposed to be a good combination?
Yeah his venus goes great with mine smileMaybe that explains all the romantic gestures
Aww just guard your heart but let yourself experience the feeling to fall into something, who knows you may just have an adventure like Alice did. I can tell you people are going to catch your attention all the time, self will allows you to stay put with who you want in the end. Beautiful things inspire and captivate, doesn't mean you aren't beautiful yourself. You have his attention FULL attention , work it lol Winking.
P.s how do you guys add these images to the messages lol it's fascinating and hilarious!
I don't know fellow Aries Moon.
All the Gemini Moon folks I met..I am left with the "WTF? EXPLAIN YOURSELF?"
Then they do. So I "Wtf?" again.
Proceed to infinity.
It's a problem on my part I think Straight Face
Hey hey fishybrain Tongue It's funny because usually it's "Does this aqua have feelings?" haha but I'm willing to bet it's his venus in Pisces because it sounds exactly like me when I'm crushing.
Not too sure about gem moons but my guess is it'll probably amplify the logic process when it comes to emotional matters which could be a good thing because he may have a solid reason that he's worked out internally for liking you.
Point is though, for me, just having the Aqua sun (the only placement I have in aqua) I feel in some ways it does define me in the long run. Even with pisces moon/venus/mars and even if my actions may be over the top when it comes to courtship, it's not so much falling in love so quickly as opposed to reciprocating what we ourselves feel should be warranted. "Falling in love" takes a long time for me, even when it's progressed into the whole boyfriend/girlfriend, there's a part of me that says "hold on, I'm choosing to show affection, so is this all real does she really love me that I can call this genuine love".
To a degree I think after a while some people take this for granted and that's when I'm probably more like a fish and I'll end up swimming away.
Posted by Damnata
If he has a Fire Moon, that's normal behavior..he will slow down in time so no worries.
If not, run for your life.

Aqua sun/fire mooners are not impatient, that's Aries mooners Tongue At least the females aren't...
However we ARE risk takers once we have confirmed no one will be hurt.
Posted by Damnata
Where's his moon?
I have experience with this sign in some scenarios.
-First kiss in kindergarden (Aqua 1)
-First real relationship when I was 9 (do not laugh, he brought me to his grandparents' village for summer and he would pick me as his team mate in all the games. drove his brother crazy. damn life was awesome and genuine back then) (Aqua 2)
-First real real kiss followed by dating for 2 weeks. That didn't work out though (Aqua 3). We did kiss in a graveyard though, maybe because of that?

Why am I just now finding out that you have had a harem of Aquas.....slag!
These creatures are that bad :O omg.. ( lol now I'm following the A-train).
Posted by justagirl
Posted by Damnata
Where's his moon?
I have experience with this sign in some scenarios.
-First kiss in kindergarden (Aqua 1)
-First real relationship when I was 9 (do not laugh, he brought me to his grandparents' village for summer and he would pick me as his team mate in all the games. drove his brother crazy. damn life was awesome and genuine back then) (Aqua 2)
-First real real kiss followed by dating for 2 weeks. That didn't work out though (Aqua 3). We did kiss in a graveyard though, maybe because of that?

Why am I just now finding out that you have had a harem of Aquas.....slag!

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Because you wouldn't have felt unique and wouldn't have taken an interest in me? Tongue
When I met my husband, I knew he was different. He had a way of bringing out suppressed sides of me that I thought only my 1st love was capable of bringing out. Things felt so genuine & so right so I took the risk & gave him all of me & was 100% willing to be vulnerable from the very beginning. He was the same way too so of course that gave me a lot of confidence & helped me to continue the vulnerability momentum.
Aquas are no different than anyone else. If someone is "the one" we're not gonna go about things in the normal "Aqua fashion" that we may do with other people we don't feel that intense connection or feeling with.
Before I met my husband, I was the typical Aqua I guess you can say. Even if I was 100% crushing on someone, I was still very reserved, observant & would only let myself show like 50% vulnerability. I used a lot of mind control & made sure that I wasn't doing things out of emotional impulse. Aquas understand better than anyone that confusing lust for love/below the surface compatibility is the worst thing a person can do.
I would take things slow enough that I wouldn't ever have to wonder if I was giving too much or liking them way more than they liked me. I followed their lead. And when they showed extreme interest, I'd love it! But I wouldn't reciprocate it back (even if I felt the same way) until they proved they were consistent.
Saying sweet nothings in my ear never moved me so much. I know how lust works. I know how game works. However, if it's been 6 months (for example) & you've been consistent & haven't given me a reason to question your intentions or authenticity, THEN I'll more quickly start to show you more & more of my emotional/vulnerable side
I get it. This about me/Aquas can be frustrating to others b/c they may be like us in that they prefer someone to take the lead to inspire their confidence. But hey it is what it is. I follow the other person's lead. Even if I'm really into someone, I won't just drop everything I'm doing for them. I won't suddenly lose my love for space & solitude sometimes.
I'll show my interest in subliminal ways or by way of action. If I'm willing to skip my favorite show to hang out with you, yeah I like you lol If I'm willing to be open emotionally (not necessarily every single day/moment) then yeah I like you. I feel like how Aquas receive/gift love is completely different than how they give interest or love.
I don't lead folks on though
Posted by aquasnoz
Hey hey fishybrain Tongue It's funny because usually it's "Does this aqua have feelings?" haha but I'm willing to bet it's his venus in Pisces because it sounds exactly like me when I'm crushing.
Not too sure about gem moons but my guess is it'll probably amplify the logic process when it comes to emotional matters which could be a good thing because he may have a solid reason that he's worked out internally for liking you.
Point is though, for me, just having the Aqua sun (the only placement I have in aqua) I feel in some ways it does define me in the long run. Even with pisces moon/venus/mars and even if my actions may be over the top when it comes to courtship, it's not so much falling in love so quickly as opposed to reciprocating what we ourselves feel should be warranted. "Falling in love" takes a long time for me, even when it's progressed into the whole boyfriend/girlfriend, there's a part of me that says "hold on, I'm choosing to show affection, so is this all real does she really love me that I can call this genuine love".
To a degree I think after a while some people take this for granted and that's when I'm probably more like a fish and I'll end up swimming away.

Hey hey Aquaman! Big Grin I was hoping you'd stop by, thanks for your input! Yeah it's probably his venus in pisces (and maybe partly the venus in pisces transit atm making everyone a little mushier
Posted by krysrenee7

I would take things slow enough that I wouldn't ever have to wonder if I was giving too much or liking them way more than they liked me. I followed their lead. And when they showed extreme interest, I'd love it! But I wouldn't reciprocate it back (even if I felt the same way) until they proved they were consistent.
Saying sweet nothings in my ear never moved me so much. I know how lust works. I know how game works. However, if it's been 6 months (for example) & you've been consistent & haven't given me a reason to question your intentions or authenticity, THEN I'll more quickly start to show you more & more of my emotional/vulnerable side

Yes that's exactly how I feel. Consistency! Very important (although 6 months may be a little long, poor guy Big Grin)
We'll see how things go, taking things slow (which I told him and he was ok with that). Seeing him again this saturday smile
Posted by cancerlady33
That does sound like some odd placements. It all depends I guess. How old is he?

He's 32
Posted by Pisceology
Hey hey Aquaman! Big Grin I was hoping you'd stop by, thanks for your input! Yeah it's probably his venus in pisces (and maybe partly the venus in pisces transit atm making everyone a little mushier
Oh I am totally mushy even without the transit lol. Not sure what your aqua is like but I BELIEVE my Cap merc holds things in check so I don't say stupid things. You know things like "I love you" within a month of meeting them because it simply isn't true no matter how great they make me feel.
Honesty is the best policy I say, if he's coming on too strong just let him know. Big assumption here but Aquas at that age have probably had a few things figured out and less 'emo' when you confront them.
bah fk ya quoting system.
Posted by aquasnoz
Posted by Pisceology
Hey hey Aquaman! Big Grin I was hoping you'd stop by, thanks for your input! Yeah it's probably his venus in pisces (and maybe partly the venus in pisces transit atm making everyone a little mushier
Oh I am totally mushy even without the transit lol. Not sure what your aqua is like but I BELIEVE my Cap merc holds things in check so I don't say stupid things. You know things like "I love you" within a month of meeting them because it simply isn't true no matter how great they make me feel.
Honesty is the best policy I say, if he's coming on too strong just let him know. Big assumption here but Aquas at that age have probably had a few things figured out and less 'emo' when you confront them.

His Aqua merc doesn't seem to be holding anything in check, it's like he doesn't have a filter haha Big Grin
He's mushy too, seriously the most affectionate guy I've ever met. With both actions AND words. I mean, I thought I was mushy, I have a Venus in Pisces too.. But this is a whole new level of mushiness, it's my mushiness x 1000 Big Grin
Hah stop saying mushy! Tongue

He asked me if I wanted to meet his parents.. I told him I wanted to wait a while though. He says he understands and respects that.
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HOLY S HIT!! Aqua with a Gem Moon?? My own chart looks sweet next to his...
Posted by aquarius78
ha ha any one with a gemini moon can be a bit in your face and seem pushy (to some, me included) lol even as friends they seem overly in your bubble.
Im an aquarius and am not like this, its gotta be his moon sign in play.
Unless you have an air moon, Id make a run for it.

In your face: yes Big Grin Pushy though? Not at all. He's very enthusiastic but respects it when I say no.
Pff I have an Aries moon, I think I can handle a silly Gem moon, no? Tongue No seriously though, why should I run?
Posted by Pisceology
Posted by aquarius78
ha ha any one with a gemini moon can be a bit in your face and seem pushy (to some, me included) lol even as friends they seem overly in your bubble.
Im an aquarius and am not like this, its gotta be his moon sign in play.
Unless you have an air moon, Id make a run for it.

In your face: yes Big Grin Pushy though? Not at all. He's very enthusiastic but respects it when I say no.
Pff I have an Aries moon, I think I can handle a silly Gem moon, no? Tongue No seriously though, why should I run?
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No need to run. He will do that if you bore him Winking
Okay, just to let you know, aloof can mean SO many different things! It really means that we can be less sensitive and caring than others. But, remember, we can also passionate. And when it comes to communing with others and the possibility of ... what passion leads to, we can be tend to be a somewhat overly excited.
You should expect more eccentricities and gifts. We Aquas are givers by nature.
My experience is that Aquas are a lot more "romantic" in the early stages. He will shower you with gifts and thoughtful actions, hold your hand, say sweet words, keep his arm around you at a party, snuggle more, take you to cool places, call you every day, entertain you...
Then, the relationship phase begins and he all of a sudden there isn't as affectionate and entertaining and here you are used to all this attention. You go into withdrawal, might even feel a little bit insecure. Hang in there, he's just re-evaluating feelings and whether he wants to move forward.
Then he decides, yes, he wants the relationship. Then he becomes complacent (he's got you now, you see). There still won't be as much affection or as many sweet words. Hold on! Don't give up. The actions come into play and you realize he's there for you, he's opening up about his thoughts, his true personality shines through, he's listening, he's making efforts to make you happy, he becomes a generous lover, so many things are better. You feel secure again and you know deep down how he feels (he might not tell you, but you feel it). He's stable and loyal and reliable. Life is good!
Oh, you'll get upset with him occasionally, you'll feel frustrated about this or that, but deep down you know the relationship is gold and you know it!
- That's my experience anyway.
I'm just saying, if there is a change in the amount of things he's doing for you, don't despair. Actually, in an aqua's mind (I think, obviously I don't know) that's a good thing. See, once he feels comfortable in the relationship stage, he can relax and be his true self and work on building the friendship (which is VERY important) and continue to build the foundation.
An update: things are going great, he's still very enthusiastic (if not more) and my mushy pisces bits seem to have finally taken over smile And you know what the best part of dating an Aqua is? I can be myself 100% , without holding back.. nothing weirds this guy out!! Big Grin


Awesome!!! And yes, you can be you with no fear of judgement or disapproval.
Glad it's going good!
he's evaluating you
Posted by mz
he's evaluating you

Explain... ?
i do/did that...make them feel free around me to see their own limits, personal values, etc...
i do/did things for them to see if they reciprocate....
i say consistent things to see if they are consistent or shallow...
it is/was my way to evaluate them by MYSELF. according to MY values and expectations...not their words or initial behaviour...
there are stages in a relationship and it usually takes me 1-2 dates to see if they are worth trying. then it takes up to a year to see if we are compatible and finally 2-3 years to see if we have a real future together...
and trust me on this...this is what men do, too. aqua or not...
never consider the future of a relationship according to the initial stages. wait for the withdrawal to come and you'll see how you both manage it. it is said that a man will, later, put half of the effort he was initally putting in a relationship...
of course the initial effort is to be replaced by other things [patterns, common aims, common dreams, a life together, etc]
good luck ...enjoy it and see how it develops...
and sth else....are you ready for a relationship? a real one?
if you are put off by his sweetness and dedication, you might be looking for sth else...
just a thought...
it is pretty much what TRUECAP said...just that is her experience as a receiver...my words are my experience as a doer... smile
Thank you, mz, for your advice smile I'm ready for a relationship. When I started this thread I was freaked out because he was moving so fast and my feelings weren't quite there yet.. I'm really enjoying it now though (even a bit worried that he'll withdraw a bit, eventually)
My problem is, I'm TOO serious about relationships. I feel things out for a bit first, to make sure the guy is decent, serious and consistent enough (i've had some not so great experiences before)
Truth is I HATE this stage of a relationship! You know, you start to fall for someone, you're semi-serious but there's still this uncertainty.. You're starting to get attached, which means there's a good chance you're going to get hurt. It was SO much easier in the beginning when I was feeling indifferent Straight Face *tries to flip switch again*

And.. I know I'm going to sound like an idiot for saying this but I keep having this nagging feeling that I'm going to lose him, even though he's given me no reason for this at all.

Ok that's everything. Phew! Sorry about the rant, but I really needed to get that off my chest, it's been bugging me for days!!! Tongue

Posted by Pisceology

And.. I know I'm going to sound like an idiot for saying this but I keep having this nagging feeling that I'm going to lose him, even though he's given me no reason for this at all.

And they will make you feel like that!
And they will make you wonder if you really want them. Make you wonder if it's worth it.
And they will make you wonder if they really care about you at all - because they are NOT good about saying it.
Just strap that seat belt and enjoy the rollercoaster. It really is worth it.
Aquas are amazing! (in more ways than one Winking ).
Don't think too much, it will drive you crazy! smile
That must be the pisces talking, because even I feel like that for no particular reason.
Posted by truecap
Posted by Pisceology

And.. I know I'm going to sound like an idiot for saying this but I keep having this nagging feeling that I'm going to lose him, even though he's given me no reason for this at all.

And they will make you feel like that!
And they will make you wonder if you really want them. Make you wonder if it's worth it.
And they will make you wonder if they really care about you at all - because they are NOT good about saying it.
Just strap that seat belt and enjoy the rollercoaster. It really is worth it.
Aquas are amazing! (in more ways than one Winking ).
Don't think too much, it will drive you crazy! smile
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But that's just it, he does say it all the time. How he hasn't felt like this in a long time, he says he knows it's too soon to say it but he can see himself marrying me someday, ..
I know, I have to stop thinking so much. I'm already feeling a bit crazy _??? _??? Thanks truecap!
Posted by aquasnoz
That must be the pisces talking, because even I feel like that for no particular reason.

I think so too, glad I'm not the only one! _???
if you want more...
stay away of being insecure, scared, passive aggressive...i, as an aqua, hate it...i don't like weak people...
i can give you an aqua's point of view, also read what truecap says...she's done a great job...smile
at first you had that passive aggressive attitude..."he's sweet...that puts me off"...no, it doesn't...it is your fear which puts you off, not his sweetness...
what you said above happens to any woman...but put things this way...do you think you have anything to win if you avoid facing your true feelings? if you keep walls high? i'm not saying that you should throw yourself blindly into anything. use your head as well, but don't freak out, take responsibility for your feelings[that's what i've learnt from my cancer man...yes, imagine an aqua involved with an emotional cancer Big Grin ], don't fake yourself and BELIEVE in you[ that's me, the aqua speaking]...
i don't know aqua men very well...but men will always run away of negative people and look for the optimistic, happy ones...it's a healthy psychological trick

Yep Tongue
I don't often admit it but the term cloud nine doesn't even begin to describe how good I feel when I find that someone but then knowing feelings will eventually change or you may even lose it or even the feeling of attachment and power to bring about emotions and quite possibly fearing rejection.
I'd probably freak out too. But shh don't tell anyone that's how I feel sometimes or I'd have to kill ya. Enjoy the ride I say, seems to get easier with every passing second.
don't take that "i'll marry you" into account...pay more attention to "someday" smile
it will be a looooooooooooooooooooong journey to "someday"...don't expect it to be like...."tomorrow"
Posted by mz
don't take that "i'll marry you" into account...pay more attention to "someday" smile
it will be a looooooooooooooooooooong journey to "someday"...don't expect it to be like...."tomorrow"

^^ That.
Plus, it's still the infatuation stage.
I agree with most people here. What makes you think he's serious?
Posted by qeyqueen14
I agree with most people here. What makes you think he's serious?

What do you mean? Serious about the marrying thing or about us? I'm not naive if that's where you're getting at.. _??? I know he's just saying those things because he's infatuated.. But does that mean he doesn't mean it? I do think he's serious about us. I can tell _??_
What I'm asking is what exactly is it that causes you to think he's serious about the two of you
*sigh* I dunno, I'm terrible at explaining these things. Just a feeling I guess.. First of all he says he is, that he wants to make it work and have a future with me. He's consistent in both words and actions. He's taking me to a family "party" this saturday, which maybe for some people isn't a big deal but for me it is. I know I wouldn't introduce just anybody to my family. The way he looks at me, he wants to spend all his free time with me, he wants to know my opinion when he buys something/about other stuff. He says he doesn't want to change his phone background/wallpaper because he has this one since we started seeing each other and he's afraid that if he changes it, he might jinx it or something haha Big Grin

*shrugs* it's the little things

And the fact that he's a serious guy, I've known him for a few years smile

So tell me, what does a guy have to say/do for YOU to think he's serious? Winking

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