Signed Up:
May 04, 2012Comments: 4373 · Posts: 50653 · Topics: 564
Do you act like a Fire Sign and have these STRONG traits? These are the strong traits of fire. Strong WILL POWER, COURAGE,
bravery....sometimes, in the act of FOOLISH bravery.
Fire is bright, strong, and takes control. It wants to be in charge. You never can miss fire. Never subtle, the most confident of all the signs. When it wants something you will know! Fire people do not stop until they get what they want. Look to the fire people as the leaders. The majority of world leaders have strong fire elements in their charts. People look to fire people as the energy boosters of the zodiac. Want to start something with enthusiasm? Find yourself a fire sign. The motivator s and pep talk people are usually fire people. These people are very proud and confident.
Fire people can also be very arrogant and self-centered. Don't go to a fire person for sympathy or comforting. They just don't have the time. They are too busy getting their needed recognition. They have no patience for emotionalism or heaviness. They tend to run over the weaker, shyer signs.
Generally compatible with air signs, fire signs can become tired and bored with the intellectual observations of the more communicative air signs. Without the encouragement and ideas of the air signs the fire signs would be lost. A fire sign is the boss who takes your ideas and motivates and leads all the employees to better sales and marketing while taking all the credit.
Here you will find the talkers and communicators of the zodiac. If you need something written or spoken, ask an air sign. Ideas seem to materialize out of thin air for them. These people are like the air we breathe. Always moving and changing. Just when we think we know them poof, they change again. Very social these air signs. If your party seems dull and no one is talking, you don't have enough air sign people to fill in the gaps between words with more words.
Objective and rational no emotionalism here. The air signs are so objective they can become impractical in their actions and beliefs. Superficial, these signs never want to get into heavy emotional discussions about the dreaded "feelings" dialog that are more important to watery signs. Like the air, these signs hate to be restricted. Freedom of thought and movement are their most cherished desires.
-- Signed Up:
May 04, 2012Comments: 4373 · Posts: 50653 · Topics: 564
Oops, the latter part is supposed to be for AIR sign:
(these traits can sound like you, if you feel it sounds like you, if you act out these things, OBSERVE these things. They're in your chart.
Like the water in a glass, water signs conform to the elements around them. Feelings, emotions, and deep personal conversations are what motivates and stimulates the water signs. Sensitive to a fault, the water signs are often more concerned with your feelings and needs then their own. You can find them at movies crying loudest and most often. Everything seems to touch them.
Psychic and secretive are often characteristics of the water elements. When they can no longer withstand the emotions of the world, they often retreat into their own private worlds. Sometimes this leads to compulsive behaviors and fearful ways of life. If the emotions get too strong, these people can be become addicted to drugs, alcohol, food or anything that keeps them from feeling as deeply.
Trust is a big need of theirs, which the earth signs can bring to water. Earth signs also bring the need stability and consistency to water that keeps it contained in a healthy calmer manner. In fact, water signs can be so emotional that the simplest things can get blown out of proportion into big dramatic scenes. Water signs dislike the strong boisterous personalities of the air and fire signs.
Talk about rocks. The most stable, consistent and sometimes rigid of all the signs. Once they make up their minds, like mountains they cannot be moved without huge efforts. Practical, patient, reasonable, and persistent are these signs. If you want to make sure a project gets done and gets done "right" call, on an earth person. They will stick with it until the bitter end. Not much one for spontaneity or flexibility. (We have to leave that up to the air signs) Not as sensitive as the water signs, the earth signs are still aware of the needs and often want to serve others. These people are not much one for the limelight. If it can be done, an earth sign will do it without the need for recognition.
Signed Up:
Dec 20, 2011Comments: 362 · Posts: 10167 · Topics: 100
"You can find them at movies crying loudest and most often. Everything seems to touch them."
CAUGHT OUT! It was a bit embarassing when I took my friends kids to see pokemon and I cried when Ash got turned to diamond. Ahh the little things... *sob*
Signed Up:
May 04, 2012Comments: 4373 · Posts: 50653 · Topics: 564
Posted by aquasnoz
"You can find them at movies crying loudest and most often. Everything seems to touch them."
CAUGHT OUT! It was a bit embarassing when I took my friends kids to see pokemon and I cried when Ash got turned to diamond. Ahh the little things... *sob*
i swear, i am always crying no matter what. I cried watching the hobbit scenes, the hugging scene. (no spoilers) Besides it's a prequisite to HUG in LoTR. LOL
My husband's dominant element is fire and water, but his fire comes out more, so he would say, "you cried at THAT scene?!"
LOL brat.Signed Up:
Nov 17, 2012Comments: 22 · Posts: 6178 · Topics: 30
Man I am sorta evenly distributed among air, water, and fire..... Only have one earth placement unless we are gonna count astroids
Signed Up:
May 04, 2012Comments: 4373 · Posts: 50653 · Topics: 564
this helped me understand people a little better too, and it's always nice to have a good understanding (more compassion when one understands on a deeper level)
Ignorance isn't always bliss. Signed Up:
May 19, 2012Comments: 69 · Posts: 1115 · Topics: 52
I have roughly 4% Air in my chart. Heh.
Signed Up:
Apr 29, 2012Comments: 5 · Posts: 1069 · Topics: 15
Talk about rocks. The most stable, consistent and sometimes rigid of all the signs. Once they make up their minds, like mountains they cannot be moved without huge efforts. Practical, patient, reasonable, and persistent are these signs. If you want to make sure a project gets done and gets done "right" call, on an earth person. They will stick with it until the bitter end. Not much one for spontaneity or flexibility. (We have to leave that up to the air signs) Not as sensitive as the water signs, the earth signs are still aware of the needs and often want to serve others. These people are not much one for the limelight. If it can be done, an earth sign will do it without the need for recognition."
Earth pretty much defines me, lol. All that Cap in my chart is always showing.
I usually can tell when someone has lots of an element in their chart. It shows, really.
Signed Up:
May 04, 2012Comments: 4373 · Posts: 50653 · Topics: 564
Posted by BlueSandCacoon
Talk about rocks. The most stable, consistent and sometimes rigid of all the signs. Once they make up their minds, like mountains they cannot be moved without huge efforts. Practical, patient, reasonable, and persistent are these signs. If you want to make sure a project gets done and gets done "right" call, on an earth person. They will stick with it until the bitter end. Not much one for spontaneity or flexibility. (We have to leave that up to the air signs) Not as sensitive as the water signs, the earth signs are still aware of the needs and often want to serve others. These people are not much one for the limelight. If it can be done, an earth sign will do it without the need for recognition."
Earth pretty much defines me, lol. All that Cap in my chart is always showing.
I usually can tell when someone has lots of an element in their chart. It shows, really.
It is amazing what you can tell by personality and how their actions are (via dominant air/fire/earth/water)
You're very serious-minded, and in control.
I also find dominant air very clever, switching back and forth, swinging to and fro like air itself and never really "stable" in the way earth is. And this is just "elements" and not on planets or modes either. But elements really do tell alot. Even in real life, I can see the patterns of my close relatives/close friends when they lack certain elements.
For example, dominant water if it's in fixed (scorpio) there's a destroying kind of elemntal feel. Not necessarily negative but it because astrologers say "feminine negative" i can see it via actions. And a lot of Aqua (fixed air) is creating (that's why i've read astrologers say aquarius is the creator of the universe - to create) but if there's NO grounding, it doesn't go anywhere. It's full of idealisticness and too much out there. No stability. And Jupiter/Neptune water mutuable has a different feel to it too. You learn something all the time in astrology, no matter what level we are. Signed Up:
May 04, 2012Comments: 4373 · Posts: 50653 · Topics: 564
was checking out Oprah's chart:
loads of Air dominant 52% , no wonder she's got some really good adaptability to talk to people; great communication skills.
and then checked out the other talk show host, Ellen,
hers is dominant fire,
52% and evenly distributed with all the other elements. So, what's the difference?
a super strong fighter, it seems. Fighter as in she can take on the world. Signed Up:
May 04, 2012Comments: 4373 · Posts: 50653 · Topics: 564
Still feeling the strength of Virgo Moon today.....practicality, less sensual, more structured....
but at least I still have my imagination. *whew* LOL
Anyway the other thread was deleted where I placed a lot of elements influence so I'm going to post more elements strength/influences:
Balance of the Elements in Relationships
The best combination of each element type of personality strives to create a balance of these elemental aspects of each, thereby resulting in relationship that thrives on mutual growth and harmony.
Air-Fire The element air in a relationship provides ideas and dreams that fire can act on and forge into realities.
Earth-Water Water provides sensitivity and nurturing to the sometimes cold reserved earthly approach to matters, thereby laying the groundwork for future growth in the relationship.
Fire-Water can be achieved by realizing that water can inject needed sensitivity and patience into the fire sign. At the same time, Fire can add drive and the courage to act that can at times be lacking in the water signs.
Fire-Earth Fire's initiative and drive can stimulate the sometimes laid back and reserved nature of earth. At the same time, earth's practicality and discipline can be balancing to fire's sometimes impulsive ways.
When two elements of the same type combine, harmony can be achieved when the needs and traits are the same for both. However, it hinders growth when both individuals become too comfortable to a point that the needed spark for growth may be lacking.
Ideally, we should strive for a balance of the elements.
Signed Up:
May 04, 2012Comments: 4373 · Posts: 50653 · Topics: 564
Earth is patient and reliable. It is solid and strong. To be on solid ground encourages one to seek the practical and most logical answer to a problem. Earth can be a stabilizing force in a relationship, contributing structure and organization to achieve
Balance and harmony. Earth sustains growth - watch plant life grow. From an acorn does an oak tree grow; so does man grow from youth to maturity. Realize the immense growth in every facet of life.
The over expression of this element can be seen in a stubborn, rigid personality, one that strives to remain in the comfort zone in life, afraid to take risks. It can also manifest as a love of the material side of life, the comforts of material well-being; material worth can be over emphasized and this can lead to a stressful, worrisome situation.
Weakness: attachment, stinginess, materialism, resists change, too much attention to detail and missing the big picture.
Air contributes inventiveness, originality and versatility to the personality. It gives that feeling of freedom and unattachment; it reaches out to the mental self. Enjoy that refreshing gentle breeze, allow thoughts to flow freely and nourish the creative moment. Air expresses love of people, the ability to intellectualize, to appreciate the differences in people. Accepting different perspectives, without which, there would be a lack of vision and human interaction.
Thoughts are a continual force in our lives. Air is associated with meditation, where deep breathing is essential to reach that level of stillness, energy, and relaxation. Air is used for transport, flying and sailing. Let your thoughts soar to reach your intellectual pursuits and realize your full potential.
An over expression of air's influence can be seen as living in a dream world with unrealistic goals and flights of fancy. Air should seek to maintain practicality and develop consistency in dealing with the real world.
Weakness of this element : lack of emotion, depression, lack of connection with the higher self, overactive mind that blocks inner peace and harmony.
Signed Up:
May 04, 2012Comments: 4373 · Posts: 50653 · Topics: 564
Fire provides a sense of security, warmth and inspiration that is shared with those around. Fire strengthens self-confidence to tackle problems without hesitation. Without fire, there is no radiance, no conviction, no expression.
A spark can light up new ideas, serve as a beacon to light the way to achieve goals with conviction and enthusiasm.
An over-expression of fire can turn assertiveness into aggression, daring into reckless behavior and so forth. When fire's influence is out of control, it seeks to consume all in its path.
Weakness: lack of interest, egotistic, excessive self-centeredness, self-importance.
Psychic awareness is also present in the water signs and shows itself from time to time with uncanny accuracy. Water seeks to heal and nurture those around it. Uncontrolled, this element can send emotions on a turbulent path resulting in moodiness and unpredictable highs and lows, like the crest and trough of the waves.
Water signs need serenity and calmness, like a gentle flowing river nurturing all in its wake and at the same time leading to the discovery of new paths.
Overly expressed, there is tendency to be too emotional, deeply sensitive, and subjective. With too much emotion, depression may result.
Weakness can result from being too protective and possessive of loved ones; cold attitude and lack of drive may arise.
Signed Up:
May 04, 2012Comments: 4373 · Posts: 50653 · Topics: 564
Weirdly, the first beginning stages of Virgo moon, it felt SEXY, sensual and very much the side of the earthier sensuality that earth signs are noted for....
the last stage (today i believe) is a little more structured, less flowy and sexy.
Still, love that virgo moon! Structure, sexy or sensually not.
< width="420" height="315" ="http: Signed Up:
Jan 23, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 514 · Topics: 11
My dominant is AIR...
...and I SEVERELY lack Fire.
This is why I'm always chilly, maybe why I also have an aversion to wind. Being too damn skinny doesn't help matters....
Signed Up:
May 04, 2012Comments: 4373 · Posts: 50653 · Topics: 564
Posted by steponscorpionsCRUNCH
My dominant is AIR...
...and I SEVERELY lack Fire.
This is why I'm always chilly, maybe why I also have an aversion to wind. Being too damn skinny doesn't help matters....
I lack fire & air. I get cold and chilly very easily and my husband is always telling me I get very cold easily. He's dominant fire, so I always tell him, he's very warm easily. Infact terribly warm and I like that. It's a snuggle wuggles when I get close to him. It makes me think right now, "CUDDLES!!!" And I feel warm and fuzzy all over. YAY. *snug snug bunny!!
Signed Up:
May 04, 2012Comments: 4373 · Posts: 50653 · Topics: 564
Snug snug bunny!!!! wheee!! snug snuggly buggly bug bug bunnies!!
Signed Up:
May 04, 2012Comments: 4373 · Posts: 50653 · Topics: 564
< width="420" height="315" ="http:
buggles and bug bug bunny bunniessss!!
*snuggles deep into the cozy warmth*
Signed Up:
Jan 23, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 514 · Topics: 11
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by steponscorpionsCRUNCH
My dominant is AIR...
...and I SEVERELY lack Fire.
This is why I'm always chilly, maybe why I also have an aversion to wind. Being too damn skinny doesn't help matters....
I lack fire & air. I get cold and chilly very easily and my husband is always telling me I get very cold easily. He's dominant fire, so I always tell him, he's very warm easily. Infact terribly warm and I like that. It's a snuggle wuggles when I get close to him. It makes me think right now, "CUDDLES!!!" And I feel warm and fuzzy all over. YAY. *snug snug bunny!!
click to expand
This is going to sound very wrong, but that picture of bunnies makes me hungry..,they look fatty and juicy... O_OSigned Up:
May 04, 2012Comments: 4373 · Posts: 50653 · Topics: 564
youre not very nice. Signed Up:
Jan 23, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 514 · Topics: 11
and chewy
Signed Up:
May 04, 2012Comments: 4373 · Posts: 50653 · Topics: 564
big hearts to my husband Signed Up:
Jan 23, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 514 · Topics: 11
Posted by lisabethur8
youre not very nice.
It's ok I found some cookies...the bunnies are safe. xDSigned Up:
Jan 23, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 514 · Topics: 11
Posted by lisabethur8
big hearts to my husband
Heh...V-Day is coming up, almost forgot. What sign is your hub?Signed Up:
May 04, 2012Comments: 4373 · Posts: 50653 · Topics: 564
Posted by steponscorpionsCRUNCH
Posted by lisabethur8
youre not very nice.
It's ok I found some cookies...the bunnies are safe. xD
click to expand
My husband is a Scorpio Sun, Venus in Scorpio. I see you have your username to stomp on them. well, every guy/girl is different.Signed Up:
Jan 23, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 514 · Topics: 11
Signed Up:
May 04, 2012Comments: 4373 · Posts: 50653 · Topics: 564
Signed Up:
May 04, 2012Comments: 4373 · Posts: 50653 · Topics: 564
oh i just went to astrotheme. She's got Libra Moon, Saturn & Pluto in Libra. That's a VERY cheery sign. and with a stellium in libra, makes her a cheery person, with a cap mars.
Signed Up:
May 04, 2012Comments: 4373 · Posts: 50653 · Topics: 564
I also find Julia Roberts a very CHEERY scorpio woman, even with stellium in that sign:
Her Leo moon & Saturn in Aries, with a stellium in virgo just makes her so cheerful. Signed Up:
May 04, 2012Comments: 4373 · Posts: 50653 · Topics: 564
off the top of my head too, Rachael McAdams, another CHEERY scorpio woman:
Even with a stellium scorpio, plus ascendancy, her jupiter leo, stellium sagittarius with mars, and gemini moon make her sooooo cheerful. Lol. Signed Up:
May 04, 2012Comments: 4373 · Posts: 50653 · Topics: 564
i posted "friends" sitcom poster the other day, and im reminded of David Schwimmer who played Ross Geller. So his chart is soaked with scorpio. stellium with moon in that arena. he just seems so dang sweet and kind-hearted. Awww. While Joey's the playboy goofball, and Chandlers the funny, geeky guy. LOL hmm didnt even know Matthew Perry had a Scorpio Moon. Allright I better stop geeking out.
Signed Up:
May 04, 2012Comments: 4373 · Posts: 50653 · Topics: 564
wanted to add this to the "Elements in your chart" topic.
< width="420" height="315" ="http:
Look at her, she looks very feminine and lovely. Don't feel bad to have mostly or all masculine energy/masculine planets in your chart. Always feel good about yourself. Don't make anyone feel bad that you have all or most feminine energy in your planets/chart. Always feel good about yourself! Check her out, she knows she feels good, and looks very beautiful, most likely a beautiful person inside as well.
Signed Up:
May 04, 2012Comments: 4373 · Posts: 50653 · Topics: 564
Fire and Earth type
When the elements of Fire and Earth combine, the result is potentially powerful and creative. Fire provides action and Earth looks for tangible results. The Earth elements give sustaining power to the drive from self-expression symbolized by the Fire elements. The rapid-fire inspirations of Fire are grounded by the Earth so that energies can be conserved and focused. A problem with this combination is a degree of insensitivity that is usually present. When moving toward a goal there is little concern for anything or anyone that gets in your way. You may need to cultivate attention to ideals and your own inner life. In any event, the key words for the elements in your chart are steadiness, reliability, and productivity.
Fire and Air Type
With the planets in your chart concentrated in Fire and Air you are idealistic, aspiring, and positive-thinking. You have the best of intentions and motives, but your approach to life may not be completely realistic. You have the ability to put your ideas into action, but you may neglect your emotional and material or physical needs. You probably have a keen sense of humor and a very effective way with words. At its best this is a very creative combination. The problem is getting things done as you are a person that is not well grounded in the persistent traits normally required to see the job through to completion. As full of ideas and enthusiasm as you are, energies may be scattered, and you must realize that you can't just pour out your energies unreservedly without simultaneously tuning in on your deeper resources if you're to avoid a state of constant depletion.
Fire and Water Type
The heavy emphasis on Fire and Water elements in your chart would indicate a general tendency to express everything emotionally, excitedly, and rather impulsively. There is often a lack of logical, systematic thought and procedure, with a resulting restlessness and subjective bias. This combination has intensity, emotional extremes, and surprising sensitivity to what others think of them. You are a "whole-hogger," having a marked lack of self-restraint. You may experience big swings in moods. You function in a high-pressure state, and you do best when being challenged.
Signed Up:
May 04, 2012Comments: 4373 · Posts: 50653 · Topics: 564
Fire Absence
The limited presence of the Fire element in your horoscope may suggest the need to experience life more actively. It may benefit you to become more vital, for you may lack the passion and spark that the fire signs afford. This doesn't mean that you don't enjoy life, but merely that you don't seem to know how to insert yourself into the action; pleasure, thrills and glory will be slow coming your way. Your pleasures are apt to be more subtle and sensitive, without the dramatics and flash. Although this void does not guarantee an introvert, you are not likely to be the extrovert. You lack the dare-devil courage of the fire signs, and this includes the utter self-confidence these signs bestow. Because of this, you may like to stand back and let the other person make the first move in an encounter. If anything, you underestimate your abilities and worth. You like to test the water before you jump in, and the fire of competition can hold you back sometimes. By underrating your abilities, you are apt to often end up assisting others whose talents are less than your own, but whose reflection drive and desire is greater. Actually, you don't like having the spotlight on you, and you may prefer such a subordinate role. Self-expression, both emotional and creative, may be difficult for you. In some cases, a person lacking fire in their chart may try to force self-expression and many of the more aggressive fire sign traits in order to compensate for the lack of these traits. Characteristic of this would be the less than talented, over-achiever in a sport who attains a modest level of skill and the ability to win through extreme hard work and long years of perseverance.
A Preponderance of the EARTH element
The heavy concentration of the Earth element in your horoscope suggests that you are cautious, premeditative, conventional, and dependable. You are the type of person who lives by a practical, common sense code; stable, and concerned with physical well-being rather than spiritual attainment. You are quite responsible, if a bit rigid, methodical and detail-conscious. The term "down to earth" may suit you quite well. It might be said that you are one of those people who is very well adjusted to life on this planet. A concern for the physical or material world makes you very much the realist. You are an organizer, a builder, and a hard-worker. The earth sign traits provide you with the skills and attitude necessary to succeed readily in the world
Signed Up:
May 04, 2012Comments: 4373 · Posts: 50653 · Topics: 564
Earth and Air Type
The heavy concentration of the combination of Earth and Air in your horoscope can indicate an alternating pull between the abstract-conceptual and the more mundane practical-efficiency orientations. Properly focused, this blending allows combining intellectual and conceptual awareness with a practical sense of harmony and concrete objectives. In other words, you are a thinker and you possess some common sense; a good combination. There is a fairly dry, detached sort of logic that allows you to deal with a volume of facts or figures without getting overwhelmed with the detail. Stress never bothers you much. Emotionalism is never a problem either.
Earth and Water Type
A lot of earth and water often produces persons displaying much depth, seriousness, and a strong sense of self-protectiveness in all activities. You are apt to be a hard worker, for earth/water types don't seem to be happy unless they have some burden, either emotionally or in everyday work. These placements are very conscious of survival needs, and other issues of security, and others' reliance on their solidity and resources. Therefore, much of your energy is used in an effort to maintain or obtain resources, and there is great attachment to money, possessions, job, children, and other security factors. You have endurance and an ability to survive through any calamity. Your attachment to security and to rather traditional values is often manifested in a strong adherence to family, home, and community responsibility. The negative side of earth/water types is becoming too attached to the past and rather fearful of the present and the future. Positive thinking and forming ideals may be your challenge.
Earth Absence
The limited presence of the Earth element in your horoscope suggests that you may have some difficulties dealing with practical and mundane issues; in fact it may be said that you are not really at home on the planet Earth. You may seem to be somehow lost in space and unable to get your feet on the ground. Because of this you may reject responsibility and have trouble getting organized and following through on a task. There frequently is shown a childish inability to handle mundane tasks, and you may be one of those people who needs help to accomplish the simplest fix-up chore. Material matter and money may be secondary concerns, and you may not be particularly interested earthly possessions and material gain. Sometimes persons with an absence of Earth
Signed Up:
May 04, 2012Comments: 4373 · Posts: 50653 · Topics: 564
A Preponderance of the AIR element
The preponderance of Air signs suggest a strong emphasis on thought, ideas and intellectual pursuits of one sort or another. There is a detachment and a sense of objectivity associated with such a heavy influence in the element of Air. Air signs communicate and express ideas with mental agility. Your Air signs may not, however, always get the job done, and you need to be sure ideas are grounded in reality and put to practical use. You are probably more concerned with theory than with application. Often, individuals having a heavy amounts of Air signs become the impractical dreamers, constantly thinking, but not always following through as well as others. Rational and logical, you analyze situations fully, thinking them through and planning carefully before you act. While you may ponder and vacillate, you rarely make foolish mistakes. Detached and not overly emotional, you are almost always objective and fair-minded. You are people-oriented, but more inclined toward the group than the individual. Your interests are varied, and you're apt to be a life-long student.
Air and Water Type
Although you often feel pulled between intellectual and emotional orientations of life, heavy doses of Air and Water elements can make you very much attuned to both realms of experience. Neither the abstract nor the feeling-intuitive world is alien to you, and you are thus able to develop a mode of operation that encompasses both types of perception. This results in your being able to give depth to your ideas and in your ability to gain detachment and perspective on feelings and deeper yearnings. You are physically and psychologically sensitive; a dreamer, an escapist, perhaps a little fantasy-prone. You have an amazingly fertile imagination and specialized skills for dealing with people. You know how to tune in to people, and communicate concisely.
Air Absence
The limited amount of the Air element in your horoscope suggests a need to learn adaptability and the use of the mental functions in a creative manner. You don't emphasize mental activity in your daily life. This is not to say that you aren't intelligent, but just that you don't place a lot of value on the world of ideas and education's for education sake. Often, a shortage of Air signs signifies an inability to communicate effectively or clearly; you may be somewhat enigmatic and obscure. Sometimes there is a self-consciousness associated with such circumstances, and you may
Signed Up:
May 04, 2012Comments: 4373 · Posts: 50653 · Topics: 564
Water Absence
The absence or limitation of Water signs in your horoscope suggests that you may have difficulty understanding the deeper meanings of events and circumstances. Indeed, you may be a little lacking in emotional intensity. This is not to say that you have no feelings, but it does mean that your emotions are not easily engaged and they really don't run deep. You aren't so apt to form those extremely close friendships and relationships, and you may even feel smothered and threatened by strong emotional demands of others. You recover quickly from emotional bumps and scrapes, never letting your disappointments get you down. Depression is never apt to be a problem. Many of the aspects of not having water signs are positive, but on the negative side, you must guard against becoming rather callous and cold, detached and unfeeling. Intuitive skills are not readily available to those with few planets in Water signs. In your view this does not matter so much, because you don't trust intuitive knowledge anyway.
the basic:
What do the signs of a certain Element have in common?:
The signs in a grouping share certain associations:
Fire signs: the spirit, inspired, energy, instinctual, outgoing, active
Air signs: the mind, intellectual, ideas, detached, social, conceptual
Water signs:the emotions, imaginative, nurturing, introverted
Earth Signs: the body, practical, sensual, grounded
Elements and Astrology:
In your own birth chart, the mix of elements shows you what you're working with in this life. Your cosmic blueprint may be heavy on the fire, but lack earth to ground you. Each element behaves differently, and is one of three qualities -- how these mix in your chart, taking into account the planet and house placement, shines more light on your nature and life lessons.
Who began to group the signs by Elements?:
In recorded history, Ptolemy is credited with making the association between the four elements and the signs of astrology in the 2nd Century AD. Using longstanding theories of the four elements, he assigned three signs to each element. The Greek philosophers found the four elements in all of life, and their Zodiacal wheel of cosmic energies reflected that balance.
Signed Up:
Sep 30, 2011Comments: 712 · Posts: 13125 · Topics: 157
Lol @ "even with a scorpio stellium she is still so cheery". Is it supposed to be a stellium of gloom or something? I too have a scorpio stellium (moon, mars, saturn and pluto, all in the 8th house, but most people. think I'm cheery. My chart has two stelliums, the 8th house scorpio one and a 9th house stellium (a mixture of sadge venus& uranus, cap jupiter and neptune), sun is alone in the 11th house and cap mercury is also alone in the 10th. You are right about 1 thing thou, scorpio stellium does feel like a destroyer. You feel like destroying everything, be it relationships etc, there's always a need to start afresh from scratch every now and again.
Signed Up:
Dec 20, 2011Comments: 362 · Posts: 10167 · Topics: 100
Quite right about the absence of fire! I think one's still able to cultivate that though. I don't lack confidence but I still rely mainly on tangible and sensible experiences I think given the very few fire placements I have I'm quite glad where they sit otherwise I don't think I'd be as direct as I would be today!
Also the few saggies friends in my life helped me out a bit too Signed Up:
May 04, 2012Comments: 4373 · Posts: 50653 · Topics: 564
Posted by WaterCup
Lol @ "even with a scorpio stellium she is still so cheery". Is it supposed to be a stellium of gloom or something? I too have a scorpio stellium (moon, mars, saturn and pluto, all in the 8th house, but most people. think I'm cheery. My chart has two stelliums, the 8th house scorpio one and a 9th house stellium (a mixture of sadge venus& uranus, cap jupiter and neptune), sun is alone in the 11th house and cap mercury is also alone in the 10th. You are right about 1 thing thou, scorpio stellium does feel like a destroyer. You feel like destroying everything, be it relationships etc, there's always a need to start afresh from scratch every now and again.
i wonder why is that? that there is a need for sabotage?
but you have dominant fire (aries rising and sagittarius venus so it should help you be more cheerful)Signed Up:
May 04, 2012Comments: 4373 · Posts: 50653 · Topics: 564
Posted by aquasnoz
Quite right about the absence of fire! I think one's still able to cultivate that though. I don't lack confidence but I still rely mainly on tangible and sensible experiences I think given the very few fire placements I have I'm quite glad where they sit otherwise I don't think I'd be as direct as I would be today!
Also the few saggies friends in my life helped me out a bit too
i dont lack fire, but i have little of it. It says on astrotheme, if you are lower than 8% then you lack it. but if you have absence, then you probably have strength more in your earth placements.Signed Up:
Dec 20, 2011Comments: 362 · Posts: 10167 · Topics: 100
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by aquasnoz
Quite right about the absence of fire! I think one's still able to cultivate that though. I don't lack confidence but I still rely mainly on tangible and sensible experiences I think given the very few fire placements I have I'm quite glad where they sit otherwise I don't think I'd be as direct as I would be today!
Also the few saggies friends in my life helped me out a bit too
i dont lack fire, but i have little of it. It says on astrotheme, if you are lower than 8% then you lack it. but if you have absence, then you probably have strength more in your earth placements.
click to expand
Yeah I had a quick check back with astrotheme, 2.3% fire! With Air and Earth both around 20% (air edges out by a few point of a percent). But I do find it interesting to compare the 'warmness' from fire compared to the 'connection' from water. Very interesting to think about Signed Up:
May 04, 2012Comments: 4373 · Posts: 50653 · Topics: 564
Posted by aquasnoz
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by aquasnoz
Quite right about the absence of fire! I think one's still able to cultivate that though. I don't lack confidence but I still rely mainly on tangible and sensible experiences I think given the very few fire placements I have I'm quite glad where they sit otherwise I don't think I'd be as direct as I would be today!
Also the few saggies friends in my life helped me out a bit too
i dont lack fire, but i have little of it. It says on astrotheme, if you are lower than 8% then you lack it. but if you have absence, then you probably have strength more in your earth placements.
Yeah I had a quick check back with astrotheme, 2.3% fire! With Air and Earth both around 20% (air edges out by a few point of a percent). But I do find it interesting to compare the 'warmness' from fire compared to the 'connection' from water. Very interesting to think about
click to expand
the warmness seems more water and fire. (spiritual and emotional) the dryness and cold/calculating/coolness are from earth/air strength perhaps. You have to be up in the clouds (air) to look down and understand the forest, and down on the ground (earth) to be more detailed, even if it's hypercritical.