I met an Aquarius man online about 10 months ago (Last April). Never met in person though. At first emailing, later texting by phone a lot. I naturally wanted to meet him after we chatting for a while. We live in different cities, one time I happened to have a chance to visit his city in late October, so I asked him to meet up. He then told me he hoped he doesn't want to mislead me, he is looking for friendship and he has been starting to see someone for 2 months. I was a bit annoyed because if he had to explain not leading me on means he was aware that he was actually doing it. So I decided to fading out. Then he started to text me more often, almost everyday, and video chat twice a month. Before that probably text twice a week, and video chat once a month. This made me gradually forgot my concerns.
This past Tuesday when we video chat, he said he is going to visit some friends in another city (where the girl he is seeing lives there). So I joking asked is she your gf now? He said yes. All my old doubts came back suddenly: Did his gf know that he is texting me all the time? Is he truly enjoying the friendship or he is have a side fun with me? Although I enjoy our friendship, I don't want to be used and possibly accused in the future for something I hadn't done. Should I keep this friendship? Should I voice my concerns to him?
Thanks for any input!
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Apr 05, 2016Comments: 0 · Posts: 3859 · Topics: 121
Keep the friendship if u can handle just being friends . If not , next !
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Apr 18, 2013Comments: 1 · Posts: 4807 · Topics: 263
why do aquarius do that ? .. or most men to b exact... sorry to hear that..what do you want from this guy?
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