
This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by cappysweetie on Wednesday, May 24, 2006 and has 38 replies.
Okay, I made some observations for the past two weeks . I only lightly participated in the discussions because I wanted to focus more on what every one else. I have a series of questions, based on my observations ? yes they are vague but there is a point to my madness .......
Being so consumed with hate and regret , is it possible to become excessively cold towards your own emotions along with others? If a person?s emotions are FROZEN, can their heart ever be open again? Can life ever truly be what you want it to be .....if their heart?s NOT open? Some may consider people who are FROZEN as strong, but are they really just broken?
What could melt the ice built around a jaded heart? Could a person cause the meltdown ? Or will he or she only aid in the process? Could this person hold the key?
In addition ....
So once a person is frozen, will there always be permanant scarring around his/her heart? Well, I have another question for you ... could those scars be reminders but also hold special meaning -- such as you can be reminded of the love you lost but also of the love you've gained? As a result, if that person melts the ice around your heart ... the emotions could be stronger? However, this can only occur if you allow your heart to flourish after the meltdown?
Wow Prime that was in depth!!
Frickin bos is making me work darn it
What way would that be oh psychic Prime? smile
Didn't u even crack a half arsed smile at that one prime? smile
Ok Ok - Being all serious again! Yes I choose to work this way & u know why 2 cause I already said this is not the job for me but I am going on holiday & have to save enough to bleeb off - I do have a plan - Still I am aloud to bitc* about it if I want to - My boss is like my Mum. She is a Sag & soooooooooo pedantic which is fine cause so am I but she likes to get on a power trip. If I do everything perfectly she will change the rules so she can tell me off - Lovely - She can be so OTT anally retentive its enough to drive anyone nuts!
Anywhooo - I hate work - La LA la
Anyway in response to Sweetie Pie.
It can become a comfort to you when your heart is hard to keep it that way - esspecially if it has been frozen for along time - you know no one can hurt you, you like the nasty way you treat people because you are in control. you almost resent the person making you care again and once it gets inside you can't just walk away.
'could those scars be reminders but also hold special meaning -- such as you can be reminded of the love you lost but also of the love you've gained?'
I think you are onto something there
Opps have to work somemore
What fur - your diner? Aqua's like frozen vegies hey ....
OFA - is this still cause of ur Mum?
Please explain! Yeay
Absolutely - bake some ginger bread! Do you think being naive makes you more pure of heart?
Awww OFA - Big smochie to make u feel beta!
I guess it will always leave a mark.. but if you meet the right person then i think you will be fine.. might take a while but once you do.. you will open upto that person...
OneFineAquarius the trials in life only make us stronger... and more prepared for the future as there will always be pain and sadness.. but there will be so much happiness too smile
take life as it comes and enjoy it as much as you can because who knows we might not have another smile
primegen: "Frozen vegtables"
Okay, primegen my dear smile If you and I are thinking the same way about frozen vegetatables. Then it is INDEED the just ONE of the answers to the thread. However, just to make sure we are on the same page, I need a little more detail. Then I'll give you my own reply to your "frozen vegetatbles" answer ... if we are thinking the same way ... then you really know your stuff Winking
Hey, I'm a tea drinker too smile Have you tried PG Tips?????
I have to go to work shortly but you MUST explain "frozen veggies" because if we don't agree I have to change my results ....
Hey Primegen, I want to leave you with one more thing. Take this statement for what it's worth ...
Boiling water softens frozen vegetables Winking
"Boiling water softens frozen vegetables"
Just don't leave them boiling for too long or they become mushy Winking- ga ga like me! Ha!
Nice analogy primegen. Which one am I?
Its true thou - Male Aqua's like frozen Vegetables smile Not Female ones that much, They like freezing there own. (Broad I know)
Fish sticks! HA HA
Fry me on a beach in Mauritius please!!!
ummmm Mauritius!
If I was to retire it would be there! So hard to get in thou unless u are loaded! Lived there for 2 years when I was a kid
Nah I would break apart & not be very tasty smile
You got me prime Sad fine - one BBQ'd fish stick for u!
Ha! glad u know about that - They do it all over the world - But the salmon in sweet chilli - Yummm
I like eating fish - does that make me a cannibal?
Yeah - wouldn't u get fishy poisoning?
EWWWWWWW - I wonder who thought of that
LMAO Prime! cats are scarey
#!! *WACK*!! ....i think i did that right.....
#% HI YA>% - take that mangy mutt
Our cat loves all foods that humans like! We have to keep the kitchen door closed or he'll eat anything that happens to be lying around - he ain't fussy! He eats cake, cheese, chocolate and simply loves yoghurt and cheese! He's a scorpio if that makes any odds.
I love fish, altho I find I have to eat a large volume of it to fill me up (I have a voracious appetite Winking ) The Iceland rotten fish thingy sounds probably like it's a similar process to that of curing meat. Trout baked in butter is delicious.
Frozen emotions are like frozen vegetables. Now not all emotions are alike, just like not all frozen veggies are alike. There are the flash frozen kind, there are the bulk frozen kind and then there are the kind that come in squares all messed together.
The flash frozen are like an emotional shock. Some major out of the blue trauma shocked them and they get all frozen. But when you boil them they usually come back to life pretty well and crispy, like they should be.
Then there are the bulk frozen, frozen hours later or even days after they were picked. Some people don?t get shocked, they get hurt and then later have the shock wears off, they get cold and jaded and build up over time. But when you boil then, then usually come out all right, maybe a little soggy here or when you take them out of the bag they look a little frost bitten, but if you know how to cook them right they come out find. Same with these people.
Then there are the squares. I don?t know who came up with this messed way of freezing vegetables like spinach. To me, no matter how I boil them, they still come out gross. Vegetables just are not meant to be frozen in squares, all smashed up. Now no matter how good you are at boiling them, it won?t matter, they will be mushy and gross when you swallow them. Some people like being depressed and unhappy and no matter what you do to make them better, they won?t really change, they just end up soggy and gross.
Now there are vegetables that thaw on their own, you don?t need to boil them, those are the kind you eat raw of course.
WOW!!! primegen, you and I were on the same page -- 'split, right down the center. You answered my entire hypothesis! Using "FROZEN" veggies as a metaphor was brilliant. If you don't mind, my I borrow your analogy for my conclusion on this projest when it's due smile This is one of the best explanations for people with interpersonal problems. You definately know your stuff. Thank for your insight, it will be well documented Winking
"What are you working on? Some kind of research paper? Hey, if you are going to use my material, I want proper credit!"
lol, no Primegen. Statistical Analysis is what I am doing. Using the scientific method (Observation. Questions.Hypothesisis. Experiment.Conclusion/Theory) an awesome way to obtain data, but I was always under the impression that biology, chemistry and physic courses required this method. However, didn't math courses require it too, this is a good thing because it will make it easier to actually remember the method. The answers from DXP were my experiment smile
This Stats course is going so fast, I've neve been soo busy with math. Yes, Primegen I'll make sure you get proper credit. You are an aquarius, you'll never let me leave it down if I just took info with asking Winking LOL!!!!
lol, already buddy, it's a deal Winking
My Stats course is more on the elementary level -- learning how to analyze data. I was thinking about minoring in statistics instead of french ... but I still don't unsure (I have to make up my mind quick!) The only drawbck with stats is the fact that you have to sit for a long period of time trying to figureout the probability of ... whatever. I don't mind analyzing but calculating so many pieces of data can be a headache -- this week was the most confusing week because I was given 12 different formulas in order to figureout probability and probability distribution. Ugh!
Hahaha, speaking of breakfast ... I stir up to eggs (over medium or hard) on a piece of wheat toast with a cup of P.G. tips (I ADORE THIS TEA) to start my day smile Have you ever tried P.G. tips Primegen ? If you haven't, go out and get some -- it should be located in the British Tea section ate your local supermarket.
Hahaha, I'm doing stats now smile I was suppose give her this assignment yesterday ... but figures MURPHY'S LAW HAD TO HAPPEN ... ~sign~ but oh well, I really don't stress over things like this (espeicially when I know it's MY fault) because I know stuff happens ... so better late then never ... I'm not a whiner, I'll make up the grade later Winking. I'll just try to redo design my agenda so I can get my projects started early. My instructor gives us homework every week, 1 or 2 projects that are DUE the following week and An exam each week UGH!
Howver, I have all the data I need on my "FROZEN" topic/ project way before the due smile I'm glad I doesn't to gather info from the users now until waiting until the last minute Winking Very smart move I must say ****cappy pats herself on the back ****
I'll see whether or not I want to minor in Stats after I'm done with this class -- which will be in five weeks (this course is only eight weeks long). I have to study like H-E-L-L over the week end because the Final is getting closer. As of right now, I find that needing 12 different formulas to figure probability is STUPID. However, math is suppose to help with the developement of logic in the brain ... but still!
My co-worker give me six bags of her P.G. Tips and I think it's amazing the tea is soooo differenet and it has me bouncing off walls when I drink enough of it Winking However, I still prefer green tea ... it's my favor and always will be. I love to drink it with lemon or rice cakes Winking Or I'll drink with any food! I ADORE GREEN TEA smile