
This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by BlueSandCacoon on Tuesday, April 9, 2013 and has 4 replies.
I have no idea how I stumbled upon this...
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what's wrong with what they do? the lions love them it seems. Hey it's their life and if they can do it, they can do it. I'm sure they know what they're doing. There's the tiger trainer of Barnum and Baileys too. You have to train them when they are tiny babies, ween them and care for them young.
^^ is this a serious answer??
Because, people do that for a living. I dont like wild animals on the noose either, especially bulls in Spain being used for Matador reasons.
Wild animals are wild for a reason. They should stay in the wild, but then again, to say something like what you said above, Ultra79, is like saying, NO to wild animals which are also in the ZOO.
what do you say to that too? The lions in the zoo, or the any of the wild beasts in the zoo? Is that wrong as well? Are they being mistreated??
People take children to the zoo all the time, and we love the zoo, but you come in and talk about how bad it is and how cruel. If they are being treated CRUELLY, you bet the Animal rights are going to come in.
The animal rights groups have been trying for YEARS to take care of stuff in Spain (with the bulls) but they are banned there.