Gemini women Aquarius man

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by Callmebaby on Sunday, April 21, 2019 and has 27 replies.
I was in relationship with aqua for 6 years and after all the shit he told me to move on wtf? Now I am wondering if he will ever contact me ever again ? Any Aquarius men out there ? I would really appreciate ur input thoughts.
Bea sounds like u know many Aquarius ppl.
Both nutty & flighty. I think good match
It was very complicated situation but still stringing me along for 6 years and then saying can’t be with me because he can’t leave his partner. He couldn’t think of all this 6 years ago when he chased me. Why Aquarius man are so emotionless? Why it’s always there way or highway? Now I am

Suffering for his actions and can’t move on with my life.
@lethal Fantasia thanks for ur post and I hope ur wrong just for my mental sake. I have never ever loved anyone like I love this man.
If he’s in a relationship and he chose her over you, it’s a tough situation. He sounds like he cares about you, but wants to spend his life with her. Did you guys have a fight or anything that led to this conversation?
@hippigem I hope things works out for u. My Aquarius man says that line too ... I am saying this one time lol sounds like ur aqua man is serious about u. They just change there mind so many times though. He used to talk to me day and night but our situation was different and I gave him ultimatum saying if u can’t be with me then I am done and that’s what happened and he said he can’t be with me and told me to move on after 6 years. Now I am hoping he will msg me or call me or text me even to say hey I miss u. It’s been more then 20 days and I am 😭. I wonder if he will ever msg me
@pinkbird03 him and I both in relationship with other person. We both are married but somehow fell in love with each other and even though we didn’t see each other every day since he lives in different city . We saw each other couple of months. Last year I broke up with him cause I felt he was seeing someone else . Just my gut feeling since he travels a lot for work. I broke up with him and this year he came back saying his marriage is over and we started seeing each other regularly and after 4 months he said he can’t do it. He said he is not strong enough to leave his family and told me to move on. I am like ok and hang up the phone. He msg after that but I never replied. I am in bad marriage and I though we could be happy togather but doesn’t look like that anymore.
Posted by Berzerker

Dude let me rest in peace...
Posted by Berzerker

@AerialView woah man ok i dint know what happened to you here
Lol nothing happened nowadays I spent lest time in here.
Posted by AerialView

Posted by Berzerker

@AerialView woah man ok i dint know what happened to you here
Lol nothing happened nowadays I spent lest time in here.
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You should expend more time in here 😜😘
Posted by pisceswoman123

Posted by AerialView

Posted by Berzerker

@AerialView woah man ok i dint know what happened to you here
Lol nothing happened nowadays I spent lest time in here.

You should expend more time in here 😜😘
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Well you made me stay longer in here 😘💕
Posted by AerialView

Posted by pisceswoman123

Posted by AerialView

Posted by Berzerker

@AerialView woah man ok i dint know what happened to you here
Lol nothing happened nowadays I spent lest time in here.

You should expend more time in here 😜😘
Well you made me stay longer in here 😘💕
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I am happy about that 😘💕
Posted by pisceswoman123

Posted by AerialView

Posted by pisceswoman123

Posted by AerialView

Posted by Berzerker

@AerialView woah man ok i dint know what happened to you here
Lol nothing happened nowadays I spent lest time in here.

You should expend more time in here 😜😘
Well you made me stay longer in here 😘💕

I am happy about that 😘💕
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Only for you 💕😘
Posted by Callmebaby

It was very complicated situation but still stringing me along for 6 years and then saying can’t be with me because he can’t leave his partner. He couldn’t think of all this 6 years ago when he chased me. Why Aquarius man are so emotionless? Why it’s always there way or highway? Now I am

Suffering for his actions and can’t move on with my life.
Why waste 6 years on someone who already had a partner? You knew what it was. And you accepted it. For 6 years!

Suffering for his actions? More like suffering from your own actions. Take responsibility.

Side chicks should know their role.
Married people problems
I have a hard time empathizing with how you operate here. Why do you need him to leave his situation to gain the strength to leave yours? If your in an unhappy marriage you should leave for yourself. Start living for yourself.

Dicks come and go. Find happiness with yourself first before you try to find it with someone else.
@ladynaptune I don't need him but if I was going to leave my loveless marriage it would have been for him but it didn’t work out like that. Also I didn’t tell my heart to fell in love with him it just happened and ppl don’t think when they are in love from there brain and I am the perfect example I guess. I was not thinking and just was following my heart.
Don’t ever let a guy tell you twice that he doesn’t want you. Move on you’re married wtf.
LMAO! Am I reading this correctly?! He told you to move on after 6 yrs like no big deal?

What a heartless douchebag! What are his placements?
Posted by Callmebaby

@pinkbird03 him and I both in relationship with other person. We both are married but somehow fell in love with each other and even though we didn’t see each other every day since he lives in different city . We saw each other couple of months. Last year I broke up with him cause I felt he was seeing someone else . Just my gut feeling since he travels a lot for work. I broke up with him and this year he came back saying his marriage is over and we started seeing each other regularly and after 4 months he said he can’t do it. He said he is not strong enough to leave his family and told me to move on. I am like ok and hang up the phone. He msg after that but I never replied. I am in bad marriage and I though we could be happy togather but doesn’t look like that anymore.
Okay, disregard my previous post. You should’ve gotten him to leave his supposed unhappy marriage before you got with him. You’re outta luck. Never try your luck with a married man. It’s a losing game.

As for relationship, you didn’t have one. It’s an affair. Where did you think this affair was headed?
@aquarious09 I am in to astrology but not sure about placement chart. All I know is he is Aquarius.yes 6 years is a long time and I never thought as a fling or affair cause those type don’t last this long. That’s my opinion. When u are married for some 20 odd years it’s not easy to just pick up and leave but I was willing too only for him. I guess he picked who he wanted to be with. You might be right about the route I took was wrong. I guess I always thought in my head ppl are simple and if they tell u million times they love u they actually mean it.
@aquaman2 I am not weak. I have a very strong head and I know what I want but the problem was he wasn’t sure I guess. Or maybe he knew all along what he wanted but just fooled me all along. It’s hard to say anything cause how can he lie specially when he wasn’t getting anything out of it. We live in separate city but he made sure to talk to me every morning and night and we talked for hours and hours. I just felt that someone else came in between us. That’s where things started drifting further away. Maybe the new person was more exciting young ... who knows. But I don’t have any proof just the gut feeling. I guess if he ever contact me which I don’t think he will but if he ever then I am going to tell him where to go. I just don’t have a mean bone in my body... there was something between us otherwise we would have not lasted 6 years 😭
@hippiegem thanks for ur encouraging words. Makes me feel I wanna be strong too. I seriously don’t care about any man but somehow I fell for him. I honestly loved him very much not worrying about the consequences. I felt like he did too cause he took so many risk all along . Not sure it why would he do all that if he didn’t love me at all . If he just wanted to cheat he could with anyone in same city . Well all this is just a memory now and I have to try hard and move on.
@hippiegem thanks for ur encouraging words. Makes me feel I wanna be strong too. I seriously don’t care about any man but somehow I fell for him. I honestly loved him very much not worrying about the consequences. I felt like he did too cause he took so many risk all along . Not sure it why would he do all that if he didn’t love me at all . If he just wanted to cheat he could with anyone in same city . Well all this is just a memory now and I have to try hard and move on.
@aquaman2 since ur an aqua man ..what should I do according to u?

@aquaman2 no if he didn’t see what I was worth then there is no point. Better to let go and then one day he will realize what he missed. They all do and then it will be too late.