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May 14, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 798 · Topics: 55
He sounds like a total idiot
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Sep 03, 2016Comments: 36034 · Posts: 40656 · Topics: 321
Yes, he sounds like a total idiot and a joker 🃏
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Mar 25, 2016Comments: 235 · Posts: 1112 · Topics: 19
Ghosting is immature. You shouldn't have ghosted him earlier but I'll forgive you. You seem nice and like you have grown out of it. lol
To be serious, previously when you were upset with him you should have simply told him that. But, he did seem to be playing games so I don't blame you for avoiding him, but it does seem like you wanted him to chase you or enjoyed it somewhat, because you didn't find it creepy and you engaged with him again. Now you seem bothered that he's not communicating with you. I would describe you ghosting him as a response to his erratic behaviour, but do try to communicate with someone if you can.
Now back to him. He seems very immature coupled with the inability to communicate properly. He was avoiding things with you before. I read what you wrote about him, it is also hard to take him seriously.
He also seems very inconsistent, which is another red flag.
I think you are putting too much value in what he thinks of you at the moment and wondering "what's wrong with me?" and "why would he ghost me".
You need to move on and find a man with whom you can have an adult relationship with. It could be someone younger, older, or your age, but someone who can talk about things, even things that are difficult. That's what an adult relationship is all about. When you can talk about things that are uncomfortable, that makes you vulnerable. You are literally putting yourself forward to the other person where anything can happen. That's vulnerability at its core.
Him ghosting you says more about him than it does you. When someone ghosts you, you are left filling in the blanks.
But with him, he has filled in a lot of blanks already. He doesn't deserve you and you dodged a bullet.
Forget the drama of this man-boy and find yourself a real man.
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Nov 23, 2019Comments: 637 · Posts: 460 · Topics: 3
I sense a cultural bias here.