I know this will sound juvenile coming from a wise person that i consider myself to be.
I know there are evolved signs and sort of unenlightened signs. I dont mean that exactly, It is just to say that those who relate more to thier ego wont be able to let go of their modes of behavior. Unfortunately I have not met an enlightened Aquarius man. THEY are all THAT and a bag of chips, its true. I wont lie. But their opposite shadier side is so very unappealing. Its like they feel they are gods gift to the world (and consequently to you).
If there is not an answer to that than all you Enlighted Aquarius men that may be lurking around here. Old school DXP net-ers like me. ( I was only here for the Aqua forum) but there were some gems lying around everywhere. Please speak up for the rest of the Aquas who havent figured out the thing that would put us consistently in the Aquarian Age.