Hall of Fame #1

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by LiBrat on Thursday, March 23, 2006 and has 6 replies.
Please post your entries to the DXP message board's Hall of Fame. Submissions from all forums are acceptable.
Posted by Antibling
mangina you say ????
*lights two cigarettes,passes one to LS*...
Mangina, in my mind,is a virus that first came to prominence,at least in my observations/experiences around the first part of the Millenium...
Feminazi haters/Manchilds/Bitches had become drunk on the power they ,I believe, got from the massive media coverage (explotation) of the 'Girl Power' movement...
You may recall such sloganeering as 'Zig a Zig aaahh' (Spice Girls), 'Talk to the hand' ,'you go ,girl' and 'Go Rickie,Go Rickie !!' ....The repressed rage (bullshit) that was suddenly displayed by this rogue strain of the fairer sex had a knock on effect on 'the man' (also 'Da Man' , 'Daddy' , and 'Pimp' are applicable here)....
It seemed Males split into 2 definitive camps...
the first camp continued being 'Men'/'Da Man' etc, and generally got on with being normal (unbeknownst to them, a whole world of shit was to preceed this prototype for the Feminazi regime, but thats a story for another day)...
the second Camp (and yes, that is a play on words also *smugness* ) ,debunked into a disgusting display of spineless fawning,eating of dirt,purile ass lickin' ,
( many of these little cunts became 'hippy' , as the drugs numbed the pain/chafing of designer stubble, much loved by the neo hippy chick) all in the hope of getting into the panties of Chickies, many of whom were secretly part of the Feminazi Regime...A side effect of Mangina was a rapid shrinking of the Balls/Huevos, the afforementioned losing of spine, and ,saving the worst for last, a silent 'swearing of allegiance' to the Fewinazi.
This usually entailed agreeing with all the pointless attacks on their fellow man,siding with the Feminazi against all common logic (some ,even though missing a spine,would attempt to make a 'Stand' against so called 'Neanderthals',unaware that before 'mangina' this was how normal men acted)...
Other side effects are an unhealthy interest in womens problems/trying to save them....the 'Mangina' virus takes over the host ,in the vain hope that all the ass kissing etc, with get them a bit of 'Honey'....when in reality, they get as close as stroking the inside of a Missies thigh, if that..............
*Wipes sweat from Brow, lights another cigarette from tip of the first*
Now Lizard, I was only a mere stripling when Mangina came to prominence, and these are my musing on it,having spent a small portion of my own youth infected by said Virus...
Theres a guy who's name was mentioned during my time in the 'Mangina Wars' ....whether he's an urban legend that helped with moral,or a real person, I cannot say...I believed the latter...This guy, he knew *EVERYTHING*...i'm serious man, he'd make those Feminazis,and their Mangina bitches, run for cover quicker than a dog shitting razorblades....I think he got dosed with an early form of 'Mangina' pretty hard early on in the war,from some Queen Bitch, but the fucker didn't die!!!! he didn't die !!!
*dances uncontrollably*
*composes self*
*looks around desolate wasteleand,scanning for any trace of life in the dusk*
(whispering) *his name is Primegen*.....

Posted by: HRH Primegen
Hell no a mangina can't take me down. Not even the entire army of NOW can take me down. I was just handing some femnag her ass today on another board. In the process I converted a woman to see the light (not the femnag, she had to be iced). Her mangina "thugs" went running pretty quick and left her to fend for herself, so I played with her like a cat plays with a mouse before snapping it's neck.
See, manginas are men in appearance only. They are not gay, they are not transgender, these guys at least know who they are. No you see a mangina is a subhuman, unable to live on its own, it must depe
We're S H O PP I N G, we're shopping.....Belongs in Libra
I Love them I must admit....I've got the looks, you've got the brains, let's make lots of money.....Again, belongs in Libra
This Lil'Beauty was submitted by HRH Primegen in the Libra forum...Enjoy