Have I bought a good bday gift?

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by lotuslily on Thursday, January 11, 2024 and has 16 replies.
I bought a close male friend (on and off lovers, but very mutually adoring friendship) a luxury hotel-quality towel bath robe for his upcoming birthday. Is this something he will appreciate and love? He originally asked for a Rolex but I said he could forget that idea... haha... The birthday card will say "Sorry it's not a Rolex"

Like for reals that guy was serious about me buying him a Rolex....
That takes some balls to ask for a gift in that price range. Unless he intended on reciprocating?

A robe should be fine if he is a homely type person and enjoys relaxing. If he's on the move though, it may not see a lot of use.
He is not a gigolo and I aint no sugamomma.... I think he was just taking a fat chance. I think he knows I have a soft spot for him.
Posted by LuckyLibra7
That takes some balls to ask for a gift in that price range. Unless he intended on reciprocating?
A robe should be fine if he is a homely type person and enjoys relaxing. If he's on the move though, it may not see a lot of use.
I highly doubt he would reciprocate that if he isn't even prepared to buy himself his own dayum Rolex... I forgot to mention he's an Aquarius. Regarding whether he'll love the towel robe.
We don't know do we, why would we know?
Posted by AerialView
Btw what's with all these Aries women and Wonder Woman?
Posted by Walk_on_by
We don't know do we, why would we know?
DXP knows everything
I think it is a very thoughtful gift. He must have been joking about the Rolex.
I had a guy I barely knew ask me for car rims so not a far stretch for him to ask for a Rolex

Plenty of pick-me’s out there doing whatever to get a mans attention

Is he a robe guy? Have you seen any robes at his home?

I think Aquarius would like something unique.

Like a sensory deprivation dinner. Where they have dinner in the dark.

Or even a sensory deprivation tank experience

Pft Rolex. Keep dreaming. I've received a pyjamas as a gift from an aqua so maybe a bathrobe is not that far from it. Does he use bath robes?
Posted by DMV
I think Aquarius would like something unique.
Like a sensory deprivation dinner. Where they have dinner in the dark.
Or even a sensory deprivation tank experience

OMG I LOVE THIS IDEA... too bad it's his turn to buy me dinner next. I will keep that in mind for next time it's my turn.
Btw what's with all these Aries women and Wonder Woman?
Ummm hello, have you not met us?? We are the OG Wonder Women. And Diana Prince is the OG Aries.

"Wonder Woman is an Amazonian warrior princess and one of the world’s first superheroes. "

"Wonder woman sees women reclaiming the Aries archetype and representing that yang principle "

"There's something to the movie WW1984, the archetypes, those involved, and the sign of the times. Reclaim, reload, and represent as Chiron travels through the sign of Aries and we see powerful, assertive, independent action women to identify with and influence a whole new generation."

"Aries Woman: The One Woman Army of the Zodiac"

Need I quote more? She is our astro sister queen and the epitomy of the Aries woman.

That's sounds like a wonderful gift. A personal touch with being usefulness.

Especially the luxurious quality.

For a man that wants a Rolex, this fits.

Good job!
Posted by DMV
I think Aquarius would like something unique.
Like a sensory deprivation dinner. Where they have dinner in the dark.
Or even a sensory deprivation tank experience

OMG You were SO right. I told him I want to make sure he is going to like his gift and so said the things I was thinking about were a towel robe for comfort at home and he immediately said "Fuck no!" — I guess I'll be returning that gift then... lol. And then I said "An experience like a sensory deprivation float pod" and he said "I've always wanted to do that! That's an excellent gift! Thank you!"

So we'll go float I guess... he genuinely sounded excited. Thank you.
Posted by AerialView
Posted by lotuslily
Btw what's with all these Aries women and Wonder Woman?

Ummm hello, have you not met us?? We are the OG Wonder Women. And Diana Prince is the OG Aries.
"Wonder Woman is an Amazonian warrior princess and one of the world’s first superheroes. "
"Wonder woman sees women reclaiming the Aries archetype and representing that yang principle "
"There's something to the movie WW1984, the archetypes, those involved, and the sign of the times. Reclaim, reload, and represent as Chiron travels through the sign of Aries and we see powerful, assertive, independent action women to identify with and influence a whole new generation."
"Aries Woman: The One Woman Army of the Zodiac"
Need I quote more? She is our astro sister queen and the epitomy of the Aries woman.
click to expand

OK Xena. Have you ever asked him a big bad Sinbad Sword for your birthday?
click to expand
haha no, but I think I will be after you gave me that idea... my bday is coming up.

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