He does not let me help him! Why!?!

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by MaryJane666 on Monday, January 20, 2014 and has 22 replies.
Why does my aqua man do this? He does not let me do anything at home. He makes me dinner, washes the dishes, brings the blanket and tucks me in in front of the TV, so I could relax and enjoy myself. Even if I BEG him to let me do the dishes after he has prepaired the meal. He sayes "No darling, go and relax." I feel so useless. He does everything for me. Why does he do this? And what can I do to pamper him in return if he won't let me? Big Grin I hate feeling useless...
HELP Big Grin
Bj always works smile
Posted by enfant_terrible
Bj always works smile

LOL Big Grin It does ;D I know that Big Grin That's too easy Big Grin
It's not like he can say, "Don't worry honey, I'll fellate myself"...
Just let him pamper you, he'll tire soon. Enjoy it while it lasts. Big Grin
My aqua is like this too. Im wondering if it is the aqua version of romance.
Just let him take care of you and spoil you - its their way of showing love. I give mine back rubs and foot rubs. He says that I'm spoiling him when I do that. So we both feel spoiled. smile
Enjoy it!
Posted by MaryJane666
Why does my aqua man do this? He does not let me do anything at home. He makes me dinner, washes the dishes, brings the blanket and tucks me in in front of the TV, so I could relax and enjoy myself. Even if I BEG him to let me do the dishes after he has prepaired the meal. He sayes "No darling, go and relax." I feel so useless. He does everything for me. Why does he do this? And what can I do to pamper him in return if he won't let me? Big Grin I hate feeling useless...
HELP Big Grin

Is it at his house? I do everything as well in my own house, I want people to feel welcomed...even when they are not Tongue But thats my secret lol. You could always do the spoiling on his upcoming birthday, there's your chance right there.
He wants to make himself indispensable so that when he's not around you will miss him. It usually works!
Now lets move on with the less serious problemsWinking
when we love we like to serve... well when we feel like it.
Posted by aquasnoz
when we love we like to serve... well when we feel like it.

But he has never said those three magical words yet. Then he is just showing it with actions? smile
Posted by aquapiscescusp
Now lets move on with the less serious problemsWinking

Hehe Big Grin It's not a problem for me... I'm just wondering why is he acting like this and what can I do. He's cute like this, but controllingly bossy. Big Grin He's a bit controlling but I like this about him, cause he's one of three people who can control me. I'm a bit wild and hot headed. smile
I think we always aim to please one way or another??_.also its a good feeling for us to show that were competent??_.I like doing things for others without asking??_..If I get someone a drink or food at my house I just do it without asking because I know some people are reluctant to say yes??_..I think he will say the 3 words after you give him the "R" word
Posted by MaryJane666
Posted by aquasnoz
when we love we like to serve... well when we feel like it.

But he has never said those three magical words yet. Then he is just showing it with actions? smile
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Yeah depends on the aqua you get but there's some agreement on we're less inclined to show affection through words. I mean I use it pretty liberally but rest assured you should be able 'feel' it.
Posted by The_eleventh_sign_11
I think we always aim to please one way or another??_.also its a good feeling for us to show that were competent??_.I like doing things for others without asking??_..If I get someone a drink or food at my house I just do it without asking because I know some people are reluctant to say yes??_..I think he will say the 3 words after you give him the "R" word

Wait... what "R" word? Relationship? We are in a committed relationship already smile Took waaay too long to get there. 1 year and one break-up and now we are there.
I live at his house half of the month... He wants me to move in full time. I'm afraid that he will change his mind at the moment when I'm behind the door with the bags. Big Grin I wouldn't have to wait behind the door. I have the key. Big Grin I'm afraid that he will change his mind and his behaviour soon. And I have a child also. So he would be a stepfather or smth. It freaks even me out... I can't even imagine how he feels. Big Grin Damn, this whole thing is complicated.
Aquarius love is very underrated
Posted by MaryJane666
Posted by The_eleventh_sign_11
I think we always aim to please one way or another??_.also its a good feeling for us to show that were competent??_.I like doing things for others without asking??_..If I get someone a drink or food at my house I just do it without asking because I know some people are reluctant to say yes??_..I think he will say the 3 words after you give him the "R" word

Wait... what "R" word? Relationship? We are in a committed relationship already smile Took waaay too long to get there. 1 year and one break-up and now we are there.
I live at his house half of the month... He wants me to move in full time. I'm afraid that he will change his mind at the moment when I'm behind the door with the bags. Big Grin I wouldn't have to wait behind the door. I have the key. Big Grin I'm afraid that he will change his mind and his behaviour soon. And I have a child also. So he would be a stepfather or smth. It freaks even me out... I can't even imagine how he feels. Big Grin Damn, this whole thing is complicated.
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No I meant the other "R" word Rim job!!! Tongue
Posted by The_eleventh_sign_11
Posted by MaryJane666
Posted by The_eleventh_sign_11
I think we always aim to please one way or another??_.also its a good feeling for us to show that were competent??_.I like doing things for others without asking??_..If I get someone a drink or food at my house I just do it without asking because I know some people are reluctant to say yes??_..I think he will say the 3 words after you give him the "R" word

Wait... what "R" word? Relationship? We are in a committed relationship already smile Took waaay too long to get there. 1 year and one break-up and now we are there.
I live at his house half of the month... He wants me to move in full time. I'm afraid that he will change his mind at the moment when I'm behind the door with the bags. Big Grin I wouldn't have to wait behind the door. I have the key. Big Grin I'm afraid that he will change his mind and his behaviour soon. And I have a child also. So he would be a stepfather or smth. It freaks even me out... I can't even imagine how he feels. Big Grin Damn, this whole thing is complicated.

No I meant the other "R" word Rim job!!! Tongue
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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Big Grin Nice Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
Posted by MaryJane666
Posted by aquapiscescusp
Now lets move on with the less serious problemsWinking

Hehe Big Grin It's not a problem for me... I'm just wondering why is he acting like this and what can I do. He's cute like this, but controllingly bossy. Big Grin He's a bit controlling but I like this about him, cause he's one of three people who can control me. I'm a bit wild and hot headed. smile
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He wants to be your everything smile let him! If he ever stops doing all those wonderful things for you, you will know something is wrong--for sure.
Posted by MaryJane666
Posted by aquasnoz
when we love we like to serve... well when we feel like it.

But he has never said those three magical words yet. Then he is just showing it with actions? smile
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Aquas, like capricorns, are action oriented people. Both signs show it but don't say it very often. You have to recognize it in the actions, and I'm thinking his actions are showing you how much he cares about you. I mean, have you read most of the threads on here from women who aren't even getting but a crumb of attention from their aqua? And you're getting spoiled by yours. So, yeah, I think he's trying to show how he loves you (he may not even know consciously that he does). When he finally does say it, know that he damn well means it, because I promise, even after he says it, he won't say it that often. Every aqua is different, but I gather this is the consensus from the many conversations I've read on this board.
Like aquasnoz said, don't you feel it?
Usually you just feel it and you just know.
But I understand. I've been in your place. You do feel it and you do know it, but by golly, you're a woman and you want to hear it!! You want to be reassured.
My aqua isn't good at reassurance, but if you watch the body language and the actions, it reinforces it. You have to have a whole different outlook at relationships, when you're in a relationship with an aqua. They are unique and different - which is great! Once you start appreciating the nuances and the dynamics, you will definitely know how they feel about you and you'll be happier than you ever imagined.
*two months shy of a two year anniversary*