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Oct 25, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 154 · Topics: 27
hi i been friends with this aquarius man for 6 months and i really liked him and thought he liked me cause he said said he though of me as a really good friend and how much he liked are chats together. Then all of a suddern i get a text off him tell me to back off and that he will never be with me. So my point is why is he being like his when i have not done or said anything wrong!? all i wanted was his friendship.
Signed Up:
Oct 25, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 154 · Topics: 27
thanks for replys but what i dont get about my aqua friend is that if he wanted me to back off why did he not tell me to my face? anyway im going to ditch the b**tard cause if he dont want to be friends with me its his loss.
Signed Up:
Oct 25, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 154 · Topics: 27
i do realy like him but he knew this and i know all he wanted was friends so i did not go there. Its just upsetting when all of a suddern he saying for me to leave him alone.
Hi Pisces girl..i am not an aquarius, but have aqua rising, so i can relate to someof these aqua tendencies..however, didnt you post before a week or so ago saying that he told you he just wanted to be friends? I apologize if I am wrong about your earlier posting...but it seems that no matter what a person's sign is...if a guy tells you that he just wants to be friends, you should take it at face value. Sometimes guys will tell you this and may still seem like they are interested, but they may be trying to soften the blow. I think that if you have to spend a lot of time and energy trying to figure out another person that it is generally not worth it...That may sound harsh, but that is how i see it.
Signed Up:
Oct 25, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 154 · Topics: 27
nikki, you see he said weeks ago he liked me as his friend so i left it at that.
like i said im just fustrating when he is give me the come on only then to tell me to go away!?
I understand..but were you pursuing him in some way? I mean, were you calling him a lot or anything like that? Were you trying ot make him interested in you? it just seems odd that he would do that out of the blue without being provoked in some way
Signed Up:
Oct 25, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 154 · Topics: 27
nikki i do not have his number so could not call or text him and over the last couple of weeks i have seen him twice so no i have not been pusuing him cause i was giving space.
Signed Up:
Oct 25, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 154 · Topics: 27
branh oh he has had relationships his last one he split with this girlfriend january cause she cheated on him but he still friend with her so i know im better off without him!
sounds like a lot of silly drama to me...he probably will come back pisces girl...but it will be the same cycle of confusion/hurt feelings all over again for you. Some people just like to have that boost to their ego, I guess...anyway, if i were you pisces girl, i would steer clear of this guy--
seems to be a rather selfish act..but i guess it is up to the person on the receiving end of it all and how much they are willing to put up with. my friend had a guy like this who kept popping in and out of her life..very frustrating to watch..but I think she liked that drama and excitement of him calling her out of the blue...To me, that is a each his own, i guess.