Helping educate everybody..about everybody/&else

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by Evo Fish on Saturday, June 3, 2006 and has 162 replies.
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1stly I want everybody to goto the Pisces forum, and look for that headline topic
Alright, what this is for evrybody to submit, what they believe to be THE best websites, that give indepth details, about signs...and I don't just mean their sun sign, and what it generalizes
I mean the full hundred, moon sign, how other planets affect it, compatability, and how each sign is, sexually, in love, etc

Or you could do research yourself and find these sites. It is called google.
or another serach engine
different engines for different folks
I think Mr. Evofish is lazy.
us fish are interesting u know Tongue
DXP seems like one huge screwed up family.
Maybe all Evo Fish needs is a big DXP family hug.
A DXP marriage, would that be incest?
Ok for a marriage it would be:
Antibling and Aquaaqi
Haffo and Evo Fish (he or she laughs and make postive notes on all of his statements)
Gem*two and sb
I have never seen OFA and Mr. Bread interact. Probably though. OFA seems like a firecracker.
Scorpius and Cappysweetie.
TC or TG with Sag
Why not all three. Winking
Stringsattached and Dyrstr8z
Guest and Unregistered (I had to throw this one in)
GeminiLover and Kris
Me neither.
Schoenetanz and Shaka2
Yes, pair him with the Crab. smile
Tauruschic, I think she can handle him.
Scratch that, have him with unattainable.
VirgoC and Missmorals
Sorry Aquaaqi, Primegen and I have you paired with Bling.
One man rule.
Now Aquaaqi if you would return the men to their rightful women then you will not get hurt. Winking
You all are quite the comedic group smile
This is not comedy my dear Capricorn this is business.
"Now Aquaaqi if you would return the men to their rightful women then you will not get hurt."
Yeah, put people together that you believe may AT LEAST have a shot at staying together lol!!!!!!! **** Devils Advocate ****
Haffo and MellowDee's Wedding Photo
I think Prime would marry sb and Virgo 101 would marry bling. Brahn would marry cappieseweetie, and Mellow Dee would succumb to the charms of Haffo.
LMAO !!!aquaaqi, don't you start! LOL, I cappysweetie needs to be left out of this .....
Now we are all waiting for Branh to say something...Branhish...
HEY WAIT! LOL! aquaaqi, why would I be Brahn wife ?????????????????????????????????
Because Cappysweetie we all know you want to be. Get you a ticket to the b-train.
"Oh no Cappy, you are marriage material, we can't leave you out of this."
LOL !!! @ aquaaqi -- you are the sweet one Winking
OMG ... that's funny Okay ... if I say anything else I may get in trouble with a certain user... so I will be off doing chores coursework and aerobics.
I'll be back later , byesTongue
Are you saying that you are scared of Branh, Cappysweetie?
I'm never going to marry and I will get myself five cats.
Forget marrying Prime, Aquaaqi I think he has an eye for Cappysweetie.
Oh no. He has TWO dresses picked out for her.
What is going to be next, the cake, THE HORROR...
Her = Them
Since Virgo101 isn't getting married, she's show up in something like this to everyone elses wedding.
I like that dress alot better.
Primegen in his tux. (swoons)
she looks scared
She does. LOL!!
Bling would. He would pimp it out of course.
Like you Primegen?
Branh and Eliza.
Men don't like the idea of themed weddings?
That guy is very sexy with his long coat. *fans self*
I couldn't help myself with this picture. This is all in good humor.
Kris and GeminiLover's Vegas wedding.
I'd do that style if I had a winter or cold weahter wedding.
And I bet you would look adorable. Winking Should we go for fittings soon Prime.