Hey Aquarians, has anyone ever called you boring?

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by FreeAquarian on Monday, February 9, 2015 and has 22 replies.
Just curious
No. No one has ever 'called' them anything.
No. No I don't think so
Posted by Andalusia
No. No one has ever 'called' them anything.

Posted by KVZZMIR11
I have been called "boring, quiet, crazy" all in one day.
Not a single fuck was given though...LOL.
A million people will have a million point of views on you.

love it lol! the feeling is mutual
No, quite the opposite.
I guess people could think I was boring not being interested in the same things as I am
My cousin was over at my house and while he was trying to play video games I wanted to talk about psychology so that I could figure out his functions in Jungian typology.
He was not amused ( Probably ISTJ )
Posted by AquaMermaid
Boring? No, I always have some crazy shit to say or do Big Grin

i feel that i'm boring. i'm a homebody and love to do stuff at home, in the summer more gardening and more outside activiites like the family goes biking.
my relatives have even called me boring because i dont like going out much. but i will go out with them shopping and going out to eat to show them around if they visit, but they have called me plenty of times boring cause i'm a homebody.
so yes even my close family members have known me to be absolutely BORING.
Posted by lisabethur8
i feel that i'm boring. i'm a homebody and love to do stuff at home, in the summer more gardening and more outside activiites like the family goes biking.
my relatives have even called me boring because i dont like going out much. but i will go out with them shopping and going out to eat to show them around if they visit, but they have called me plenty of times boring cause i'm a homebody.

I haven't been called boring but im a homebody like you
Posted by AquaMermaid
Boring? No, I always have some crazy shit to say or do Big Grin

Posted by FreeAquarian
Posted by lisabethur8
i feel that i'm boring. i'm a homebody and love to do stuff at home, in the summer more gardening and more outside activiites like the family goes biking.
my relatives have even called me boring because i dont like going out much. but i will go out with them shopping and going out to eat to show them around if they visit, but they have called me plenty of times boring cause i'm a homebody.

I haven't been called boring but im a homebody like you
click to expand

it's my "mind" that is crazy. i'm dominant earth, so my desires are materialistic and homebound, and i love the sensual things in life and i desire SECURITY and i'm also water, so i desire LOVE and SECURITY and family alot.
so, in all honesty, it's my mind that is kind of "off", meaning i can go off tangents. And my husband has called me crazy many times, crazy but Always loving.
sounds like advertisement in this thread btw
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by FreeAquarian
Posted by lisabethur8
i feel that i'm boring. i'm a homebody and love to do stuff at home, in the summer more gardening and more outside activiites like the family goes biking.
my relatives have even called me boring because i dont like going out much. but i will go out with them shopping and going out to eat to show them around if they visit, but they have called me plenty of times boring cause i'm a homebody.

I haven't been called boring but im a homebody like you

it's my "mind" that is crazy. i'm dominant earth, so my desires are materialistic and homebound, and i love the sensual things in life and i desire SECURITY and i'm also water, so i desire LOVE and SECURITY and family alot.
so, in all honesty, it's my mind that is kind of "off", meaning i can go off tangents. And my husband has called me crazy many times, crazy but Always loving.
click to expand

I suppose in that sense we're different. I desire travel and constant change but in the same sense I don't like change.. it's odd. I happen to be dominant fire.
plus my husband is also a homebody. he isn't the type to go out alot, so he takes his work home alot.
so i love that!!! i would never marry a man who isn't a homebody. Or someone who doesn't have a good head on their shoulders, and very confident.

i'd be crying all the time with those types who are: Astronauts, truck drivers working far afar away.... or traveling salesmen type. i'd never marry those types. i want my husband near me.

what types would you all marry btw?
I desire someone who likes travel like I do but in the same sense believes in stability. Stability of the mind and what not
which is probably why I'm attracted to earth signs but they don't necessarily like traveling and if they do they like to visit the same places over and over.. you know the tried and true. I don't really care for other air signs and fire signs, idk, I like them more than most do.
Posted by FreeAquarian
I desire someone who likes travel like I do but in the same sense believes in stability. Stability of the mind and what not
which is probably why I'm attracted to earth signs but they don't necessarily like traveling and if they do they like to visit the same places over and over.. you know the tried and true. I don't really care for other air signs and fire signs, idk, I like them more than most do.

really? my mother in law only visits the same place more than twice if she's got relatives there, to mainly visit them, and also because she likes/feels comfortable about the place. But she will try places once, and if she likes it she'll return.
she only went to Madagascar once, and was invited again to visit many many more times, but she will never go back there because she got so very very sick from just eating the food where there was water used from the faucet? (it was at a restaurant too) and apparantly if you drink the water there, you will get very very sick. It was horrible. They dont have proper facilities for filtering water like they do in europe or the U.S. or Canada? I am not sure about Canada though. I would have to google it. And the U.S, has had it's problems with water too. I remember watching that film, "Erin brockerich"?? that starred Julia Roberts. It was all about the disgusting water i believe. So in places in the U.S. the water is also gross.
but i'm sure if you go down to South America, it will be bad too.
if you travel in South America or places that aren't great for water, you'd have to buy bottled water all the time.
Posted by lisabethur8
if you travel in South America or places that aren't great for water, you'd have to buy bottled water all the time.

in Europe too
Posted by KVZZMIR11
I have been called "boring, quiet, crazy" all in one day.
Not a single fuck was given though...LOL.

Like a boss!! Love it!
Posted by flowingwater
No never, I've been called:
Unpredictable (most used word)
Innocent (lie haha)

so odd because I'm the same been called the same but never boring.