Homemade whatnot

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by Huntress on Sunday, December 23, 2012 and has 4 replies.
Okay yeah I don't mean to overload the Aqua board but I thought in the holiday season, it was a post that could stand alone from my other recent post Tongue
I asked my Aquarian inamorato what his favorite Christmas present that he's ever received has been. He said something about ps3 and that he's used it for 7 years. However, the second part of his answer resonated with me. He said he doesn't get Christmas presents aside from his grandmother. He's not a materialistic man by any means; he likes quality in the quirky things he enjoys, when he can afford it.
I have been wanting to give him something but didn't want him to get weird about it or feel obligated for any return.
I'm a magical unicorn of epic in the kitchen (well duh, I'm a woman.. jokejokejoke I'm just being an ironic asshole with that joke). But honestly, I take time in the kitchen and make everything from scratch from my pasta (I make the pasta, not just boil it) to my artisan dough. I was thinking about making him cookies or something - where he knew that I spent time and effort and not money he knows I don't have.
While Im not trying to be the devil's advocate or argue lol.... BUT don't you still have to by the ingredients I mean you can't just make dough materialize Winking
That being said.... If your as good a cook as you say Im sure he'll love w/e you make.... Will he feel obligated to do something in return?? No telling however since it is something cooked/baked I think he will feel less obligation for sure but Im not him just thinking if it was me.
Yeah I never really liked materialistic things. Most of my close friends know all I really need is them around, kinda tough these days when they all have their own families to attend to!
Something from the heart so maybe a cake! Something easy and make it extra cute and feeding him would be a plus Winking And if you're doing cookies, totally go for the love heart cookies that'll pretty much make me melt, unless it's the hard crunchy sort because I like the doughy ones Sad (personal preference lol) ack but I maybe be an easily satisfied and squishy aqua.
Hah! Thanks guys.
And I always have baking stuff at home, so its not technically me buying ingredients for this particular purpose.
I'm thinking he likes soft/squishy cookies too smile
Maybe snickerdoodles.