Hi everyone,
This is my first time posting. I was hoping you guys can give me some advice. I'm a pisces female and i've been seeing an aqua man for 2 months. The 1st month was great, we really connected mentally and physically. We spoke everyday and saw eachother every other weekend. He was previously married and has a son he shares joint custody with and sees him every other weekend, so when he doesn't have his son, he's with me. The begining of the second month was the same, wonderful. About 3 weeks ago he pulled his first houdini, and dissapeared for 3 days. This isn't my first aqua man so I know about their need for space. During those 3 days I didn't contact him at all. He contacted me and brought up the subject on his distance explaining he very much enjoys his time with me but he just needs time to himself. I totally understood and I told him that much.
Things were fine..for about a week. Last friday his car broke down at work so he called me for a ride home. When I dropped him off he kissed me and thanked me and said he would call me on sunday when his son went home so we can hang out. I said ok. I didn't hear from him all weekend, not even sunday. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday passes and still nothing. The pisces in me started freaking out and I wanted to make sure he was ok so I texted him asking him if all was well. He replied saying yes but that he's been feeling reclusive and taking a step back from everything. I told him I understood and as long as he's ok, it's fine. I havent heard from him since. That would be fine except today he posted on facebook that he changed his phone number..What the what?? My 1st aqua man dissapeared from time to time but nothing like this to the point of changing his number. this is new territory for me. Is this him just being an aqua or can I kiss this guy goodbye? I know this post is long as all heck but I appreciate your time and input. thanks guys!!
Signed Up:
Oct 18, 2012Comments: 1 · Posts: 360 · Topics: 35
Did he give you his new number?
PM-thank you for your advice. I think you may be onto something with the x wife thing. Thinking back on it, he mentioned her quite a lot..always in a negative way but still mentioned her. I'm not a fan of my x at all so I never talk about him. The way I see it, if you don't like a person why even talk about them?
Coldwater- no, he didn't give me his new number. I haven't heard from him at all since he told me he was feeling reclusive and was taking a step back from everything. I think I'm just gonna cut my losses and move on. I figure he has my number and my Facebook, if he was still interested he would have at least given me his new number. I hate being in aqua limbo where you're not sure if he's just doing his aqua space thing or if he just lost interest. I think I'm done lol.
Signed Up:
Jan 25, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 20090 · Topics: 685
I'd go about my business. He knows how to get in touch with you, even if he did lose all his numbers. There are about a million ways he could keep in touch. Maybe he thought he was ready for a relationship, but really isn't. ???
Thank you everyone for your input! Guess what? I received a text from an unknown number Sunday and, surprise surprise, it was my aquaman. All the text said was "hey its me got a new #" that's it. I replied like 4 hours later with "ok" and moved it along. I ran into him on Monday (yesterday) he came up to me and gave me a huge hug and a kiss on the cheek. We talked small talk about how you been how's it going and bla bla bla. Later that day he texted me saying "you looked very pretty today" and I replied thank you. Even though he's back it still feels different. I still can't tell if he's still into me or not. I was thinking of just asking him straight out what his deal is but I know that's a no no with aquas. I decided to stick to my guns and keep it moving. As PM said,something fishy seems to be up and it just doesn't feel right.
Signed Up:
Jan 25, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 20090 · Topics: 685
Something changed in how you view him is what is different. I suggest keep being friends with him. Don't put a lot of stock in it emotionally. Even if it is not going to work romantically, they do make really good friends.
My cancer bff was interested in an Aqua, seeing him casually. He decided to chase one of our mutual friends. Then he decided he didn't like the mutual friend and was contacting my cancer friend again. Low and behold, she viewed him differently. Now they just hang out as friends. She's glad for the friendship and laughs, even though she'll never date him again.