how can u say i love you....

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by eliza0012 on Thursday, September 7, 2006 and has 26 replies.

in a day???
give me a break!!! thats not love... thats LUST.....
This aries is sooo weird we've met twice and hes already said 'I LOVE YOU' like a million times ( OK thats an exaggeration but hes said it loads)
he was telling me yesterday that he cant sleep with a girl unless hes in love with her and has strong feelings for her...yaaaa right.. he can fall in love in a day.....

He doesnt have to wait too long to sleep with a girl.
ya thats exactly what i was thiking....

but i dont know whats wrong with me... when i like a guy and he starts taking interest in me... i just am not interested anymore Sad... are all you aquas like me???
why cant i trust anyone especially men??? i guess thats coz i've never seen a good example my whole life.. all men around me are soooo pathetic and shallow...
Anyway it is amazing how a guy can be that stupid.
ya hes CRAZY

Besides if its said too often then too words loose its depth and charm.
EXACTLY...i totally agree with ya cap...
when i like a guy and he starts taking interest in me... i just am not interested anymore ... are all you aquas like me???

I am like that, unless they can keep my interest...very few have.
all men around me are soooo pathetic and shallow...

i mean even my dad cheated on my mom continously Sad
unless they can keep my interest...very few have
same here...they get boring.. but come to think of it... its not that they are boring.. its just that i dont trust them.........
its just that i dont trust them.........
I know...I get big on motives and sincerity.

all the guys around me are that way....i dont know where to find a good hearted, Real honest, sincere trustworthy man Sad... they dont exist anymore....
im 100% sure im never gonna get married....

thinking at times and lot of times in my case makes us suspisious and we want to back out.
same like ya cap...

hey Lady M are you also an Aqua with an Aries rising??? coz we think alike....

I think the sharp distinction between a girl and a woman is that women realistically know when a guy is playing.
than im a woman coz i know all men around me are players...
and brandon when i say there arent trustworthy guys around me i MEAN it... u have to come out here and see for yourself... u will agree with me...

If a guy can ALWAYS keep your attention, he is more than likely just telling you what you want to hear.
i totally agree with you on that.. we are all different people and a guy doesnt have to be entertaining 24/7....there are days when we're all boring Tongue.. i am boring i admit it coz there are days when i dont feel like talking and just do my thing smile

As I said before, you have to look beyond charm, which is something I doubt you are doing.
o brandon u dont know me .. im not a sucker for looks... i do look beyond charm, i definitely am NOT a shallow person but all the guys that ask me out are SHALLOW... and even if there is a nice guy out there im never making the first move...

i dont find them worth bein with....guys with out backbone..have no respect for such guys.
same here Cap... ya i do hope we ( YOU and I) find a gentleman... a sincere honest and trustworthy man.. WOW that'll be a blessing.. im never going to take him for granted EVER smile

Are there actually men who you refuse to go out with?
YES... alcoholics...druggies, self-righteous, downright selfish, flirty, bossy men...

he can only present himself, it is up to you to be attracted to him.
Brandon the sad thing is that real men are often shy and dont ask you out and all the crappy guys are super confident coz they've mastered their skills...

you are too idealistic.
NO im NOT....

I would suggest you get a job, and talk to men there.
good suggestion... see i always said older men are wiser and better then college students and u always disagreed smile

young women are always looking for that guy who puts them in the center of the universe, and often more of the case than not, all a guy has to have is empty promises and smooth talk. Not actions.
not just young women.. all women want to be number one in the eyes of her man smile... but ya we gotta be real....

Well use to think the same way but
well yes he is,but better than other guys..hummm no.He too turned out to be like other guys.
ya i know... i totally agree.. there are losers in every age group... my dad is a player..hes in his late 50s smile

Its not about money,not about looks.But like i said before..most of the guys are either so easily available types,or desperate,or liars or carring there past memories in their heart etc etc etc.
true... thats sooo true

ya cappie we are... but dont u worry gal.. lifes fun... take it easy and enjoy it... why worry TongueTongueTongue

ya just chill... lets see what life has to offer us smile
why cant i trust anyone especially men??? i guess thats coz i've never seen a good example my whole life.. all men around me are soooo pathetic and shallow...
Same her Eliza Sad I feel you on all of this -- I had so terrible male influences too. I can't really bring myself to trust a man because I never really saw a decent example of one when I was younger. While Older, I've seen at least two ... but that's it Sad However, I still have hope that I will find someone I can marry and settle with.
Hahaha, I guess I became more realistic about men as I got older ^_^. AHAHAHAHA!!!! Which was like five months ago!!! Hahahaha, my my how soon we change.
As far as that Aries man is concerned, I wouldn't even give him the time of day anymore. Anytime a man says "I love You" out of nowhere in such a short amount of time just means she is trying to sleep with you -- a very well-known Virgo man told me so Winking
This thread is interesting. My parents are annoyingly still in love with each other, probably more now that us bratty kids are out of the house. They met, fell in love and decided to get married in about 6 weeks. Growing up in a house like that makes me feel very lucky. (Dad is a scorpio and my mom is a cancer.) However for a long LONG time I didn't believe that anything would happen to me.
However the cheerleader part of my brain still believes in true love. There are two guys who could still interest me and I've dated them both, a capricorn and a pisces. Then there is the guy who asked me out last week. We have to believe that we're going ot be happy and not let all those self doubts and self destructive behavior that comes from insecurity ruin us aqua chicks, yknow? When I read about the male Aqua's being players and all, I have this eery sense of 'I get why he would do that if the girl was too much too soon.' All these things cause me to doubt myself.
If the guy is saying he loves you all jokingly then so what? Don't take it seriously and hit the ball back in a joke. Now if he's serious and using it to get you in bed, then be wary. Otherwise just make sure that you are happy yourself. Besides we aquas like surprising people right? So if he's saying 'I love you' in a joke, step it up a notch in a joking way. Shocking him can be equally fun for you, no?
"im 100% sure im never gonna get married...."
Eliza, are you familiar with the term 'self fulfilling phophecy'? It's where you believe something so strongly to be true or predict something that you begin to influence it to actually happen.
I'm guilty of this at times...just be cautious with men and pick out the good apples and leave the rotten ones on the ground!
Agree with with you Eliza,
I think we need to stop over thinking things and just learn how to chill out and see what life has to offer.
LOL, I still need to "shake, rattle, and roll" down the sidewalk in my G-String and feathered Boa before I kick the bucket Winking Tongue
cap, you and I think alike Big Grin That's cool smile
Greta and Houston make great points Winking

Eliza, are you familiar with the term 'self fulfilling phophecy'?
yes i do.. and i want to see it being fulfilled TongueTongueTongue
Saying I love you a thousand times a day turns me off. I'm like "Shut up"
Actually if it was expressed early, I wouldnt doubt him as long as the reactions went right along with it. I wouldnt say I would express it back, I would have to observe him and come to my own conclusion. Not the conclusion of what the conventional world believes I should feel or think. Saying I love you 4 years from now means I could have said it the very first day we met. It was destined to happen anyways. I see it that way.

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