How do you deal with liars?

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by Aquascottish on Friday, June 23, 2017 and has 4 replies.
Personally I like to cut them off no explanation nothing just radio silence if it's just a casual acquaintance, but if it's a family member close friend etc I sit on it gather as much information, boil up and explode!

Do you feel different when it's a close friend family etc like me, or do you just cut them off also?

I've experienced lying from another aqua close family member recently about attending a wedding, lying about why the can't come and obv forgot the lie they told me last month, that they were competing in a sporting event they couldn't get out of and just today told me they took on extra shifts at work as they had nothing on that weekend, I told them the wedding was that weekend just got silence. Safe to say I'm a little hurt as it's an insult to my intelligence that I wouldn't notice the lie, rage is building to confront them already even though I know I should just probably let sleeping dogs lie.
Posted by MagicMona
i address them. i'd have said something like "if you didnt want to come, you could have just said so. first you said sporting event, then you said work. you dont have to lie . you're not even good at it. you dont have to worrying about me asking you to attend anything else."

then i would just cut my communication with them short from then on, if any.
Yeah I probably would of said that if it was a friend, its a really close family member but I think my communication will be quite short for a while with them, trying not to rock the boat before the wedding as other family will be there but after it I will be confronting them probably in full rage lol! The more I think about it the more pissed off I become.
I give no fucks and will call them out on it every time. If it's someone that I'm trying to get into a relationship with, then I won't. I just gather up information and let them keep tripping them self up in lies.

I won't call them out at all. I just want to see how far they will go and how much they lie and then after I've had enough I will cut them off and say they lie too much, no explanation needed. I hate liars-Its a big pet peeve, probably cause I'm so blunt and honest. There's no point in lying, I will always respect the truth no matter what it is.
Posted by Aquascottish
Personally I like to cut them off no explanation nothing just radio silence if it's just a casual acquaintance, but if it's a family member close friend etc I sit on it gather as much information, boil up and explode!

Do you feel different when it's a close friend family etc like me, or do you just cut them off also?

I've experienced lying from another aqua close family member recently about attending a wedding, lying about why the can't come and obv forgot the lie they told me last month, that they were competing in a sporting event they couldn't get out of and just today told me they took on extra shifts at work as they had nothing on that weekend, I told them the wedding was that weekend just got silence. Safe to say I'm a little hurt as it's an insult to my intelligence that I wouldn't notice the lie, rage is building to confront them already even though I know I should just probably let sleeping dogs lie.
yes, let it go I think is best ... I feel as you do when it's not a family member - we might all have some family members that are not quite right ... but you can not control them so don't let it get to you

I wouldn't even have a close friend if they were a "liar" because that is a compulsive thing that would get noticed by me immediately before they could even become a friend, much less a close friend - cause not ...

I do have 2 grandsons who are prone to not telling the truth because - they are learning this from their mother and other things they are learning are not good from their mother and her family. My son is divorced and now remarried with my 3rd grandson who should be ok.

This is killing me. I know the school and their father are trying to work with them on this and I am thankful for that intervention. But it truly does start in childhood is where I'm going with this. Again, I say people should have a license to raise children because they are mankind's future ... whatever we create goes on to then create again and so forth.