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Oct 25, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 158 · Topics: 23
We are dating for almost 2 months. And we're in a long distance relationship (3 hrs apart).
He's kinda distance from me after valentine's day bc we argued something.
He doesn't text me that much like before. I know he's busy from school but still.
So he decided to visit me in the next 2 days after not seeing each other for a month!
Should I ask him if we're still dating? If so, how should I say/ confront him?
Also, should I be honest to him what I like/dislike of his behaviors?
I am Libra sun, Leo moon, libra venus
He is Aquarius sun, Pisces moon, Pisces venus
Thank you very much guys.
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Feb 21, 2015Comments: 2009 · Posts: 14503 · Topics: 0
Why don't you start off by just asking if you people are still good..n then maybe after you get comfortable you'll almost get to know where you stand...!If you feel there's something wrong about the whole thing there must be! Once you know you're on good terms you can be upfront about what you liked or disliked about him N also ask if you're on the same page(do mention that you're also fine with being just friends)!If you're not,i don't think it makes a difference either way!
libra n Aquarius makes an awesome pair! Good luck :-)
what about taking him out of the equation and ask yourself if it is ok for you?!
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May 04, 2012Comments: 4373 · Posts: 50653 · Topics: 564
you sound super desperate. that isn't good for a young woman.
but if he likes desperate women, more power to him.
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Feb 26, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 8735 · Topics: 522
He's not that into you.
The attraction b/w 2 people in the beginning is the strongest. You're like magnets. If the momentum has already slowed down in less than 30 days, then he's not that into you. You may be the only 1 who's in a situationship. You may be the only 1 who actually thinks this is going anywhere.
Is he gonna tell you the truth about how he feels about you? Probably not. It's not HIS responsibility or job to make sure that you follow your streets smarts or have the sense to move on when a man is showing you better than he can tell you how he feels about you. It's your job. A man will always take a freebie or a woman who freely gives him a lot although he's giving her the minimum. Men love freebies & it's unfair to call them villains if there are women around who give men what they haven't earned.
I'm not going to answer your question for you b/c you already know the answer. Don't be 'that girl' who continues to ignore what her gut keeps telling her. God please don't. You've already seen plenty of women regret doing that, so don't be like them.
When someone is really into you, you'll know it by the way they leave you feeling every time you speak with them, see them, or feel once you've gotten home after seeing them. If confusion, disappointment, a sense of rejection, or warning bells are what you feel, then there's your answer...there's your sign that things just aren't right...that this can't be the best that it gets. Can't be.
I'll say this again...he's not that into you. No you're not crazy. Your instincts about something being not quite right is correct.
Oh and for future reference, always say how you feel, however before doing so, ask yourself if you've given the other person enough time to prove themselves. Sometimes 2 people have to allow the momentum to build up before they start getting all logical about the decision of where 'things are going.' When 1 person gets insecure, worrisome & starts trippin, that slows the momentum & is a buzz kill that kills the connection.
However, if you feel that you're always giving more, that your interest greatly trumps his & that something is just not right, listen to yourself & move on before you get too deep. Trust me, he's not the best that it gets.