ok so before you guys say that it would be wrong to have a relationship with a coworker... me and him work in a research lab. i am just a temporary scholarship student basically doing an internship and he is doing phD in the lab. he is basically nice to e
this is actually a very popular movie that it made into Netflix series.
i didnt realize how popular. lol
i haven't seen the netflix series, but alot of people were turned off by the main character be
Last night a gemini male friend bought me a gold class movie ticket and all the food to go with it as an apology for a small lie he told me, after i told him he's broken my trust and i dont want to talk to him anymore. I accepted this ticket as an apology
there are women who are in positions of concubine because of their upbringing and environment,
and culture.
like this...
how does a woman in this
Hanging Gardens of Babylon
@Shaniajam I want some tips to deal with my Virgo man.
From an article in a local paper.
Theres clearly a HUGE cluster around transitting Jupiter, and natal Jupiter, and Sun Mars etc...and transit Sun Mars etc...there are 14 trines, squares, and oppositions in this cluster! Also TPluto on his natal Ura-Nep
Grapes dipped in fresh milk. Hmmmm....
I honestly believe so but what do you guys think?