Well maybe not love? Hi all, I??m a gemini with a huge aquarius problem. And I don??t understand why, it??s so confounding. And yet not.
you see we??re friends. Or we were, he??s so distant now. And I really really hate that.
He had a girlfriend, but was always flirting with me, hugging me, kissing me on the cheek. It was all fun and games till one day, out of the blue, I liked him. It??s been 7 months. A month ago, I decided to just tell him
hey, i like you. so quit touching me. in my mind, this seemed ok. i didnt know if he did like me, and his physical advances werent welcome, they confused me. he hugged me once, and since does touch, but less. So he learned.
Trouble is, he found new ways to confuse me. Now, he wont talk to me during school but after clases its back to normal, telling me everything about his life, his mind and i suppose worst of all, preferences in women. he KNOWS i like him. why does he mention it? and then mention every little thing he knows about me... I??m a gemini.. I pride myself on being a mystery to the people I love. We havent known each other for too long but he comments about everything, the way I say things, I mean he even sees how much I paint my nails and notices when I sing and dont sing in class. ... its just.. its odd. if he doesnt like me, why tell me all about his life and childhood? his plans or anything.. or why observe so closely? why be so nice, and then not? Am I just an experiment to him anyway? are we friends? i have another aqua buddy and he doesnt play such games. I wonder if it has anything to do with my swiftly changing moods... I can??t really help it though, just the way I am.
he did break up with his girlfriend and I swear, I??m trying to be a good friend. I just want to know if he likes me at all, or what hes thinking. we??re both quite the observers, so we analyze each other... i wonder if he acts strangely on purpose, to piss me off. maybe he really doesnt like me. should i brave the waters once again and actually ask him straight up? im sick of the doubts. I??m sick of him. I miss the aqua qho would talk to me every day, and hang out. he says its because my friends are annoying... they are but he never says so to them. i wonder if THATS an excuse. anyway any answers would be fine... just not overly cruel if the answer is what I think it is. ... is it odd for this to be my first post? Gee, I sure hope not! I do love astrology, but for now my main concern is this frustration of a ma