I keep attracting Aquariuseseseses

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by IceVirg on Sunday, April 14, 2019 and has 33 replies.
Why tho?

I thought Virgo and Aquarius had incredibly average compatibility.

I've got like 5 female Aquariuses feeling me (I like a few of them too but doubt I'd ever pursue any of them romantically), and 1 male Aqua I became good friends with recently.

What gives? There's too many, too recently to just be a coincidence.
Do you have any water placements?
Nevermind... caught the pisces moon
Idk why because you come off like an arrogant dick.

I'd like to know what makes you think these girls are "feeling" you?

Aquarius women SEEM very friendly and we come off flirty. Even to people we are not interested in. We are personable, but most the time we don't care a fuck pass the conversation we are having with you. I talk to females the same way, so I'm super curious of what makes you think this.

If these women are indeed interested in you, I'm guessing you don't show this side.

Awwww you're cute when you try to bruise an ego. But you'll have to try harder than that. No one roasts me harder than me.

Plus, with my libra mars and pisces moon, I'm a believer. Nothing can tell me otherwise. Lol.
Posted by IceVirg

Awwww you're cute when you try to bruise an ego.
Wasn't trying to be cute or bruise your ego. Just educating you on how we really are. Plus I'm genuinely curious of what makes you think they are "feeling" you.
"Feeling me" in this context means social compatibility (i.e. they try to hang around, be around, and interact with me)... note that I included a male friend in my OP.
Posted by IceVirg

"Feeling me" in this context means social compatibility (i.e. they try to hang around, be around, and interact with me)... note that I included a male friend in my OP.
You're not quoting me, so I don't know when you respond.

So they are being open and receptive to you socially?
it's the Leo venus
Posted by STILL

So they are being open and receptive to you socially?

Idk if you intended it to, but you're coming off like "oh they said hello to you? Cooooool" which is not what I'm saying if that's what you're implying. (?)

Being a bit more discerning than that, there's a difference between "amicable and generally friendly" and "hitting it off socially" to a deeper level. I guess the simplest way of saying it is the difference between an acquaintance and a friend. However, they aren't all "friends" and have come in different capacities of relationships (classmates, coworkers, mentors, dates, friends of friends, etc) which is why I hesitate to use a single word like "friends."

Basically, the people I've been attracting into my social circle recently, and who have been most positively receptive of my vibes (for lack of better word, "brand" (yuck)) have been (almost exclusively) Aquarius.
Posted by virgoOPPP

it's the Leo venus

Seriously? And why? This is kinda what I'm getting at...
I'm a person, not a toy....

Posted by Sleepyquantro

🙋🏽Aqua here,

I recently met a Virgo female at work who caught my attention. She was fairly new (1yr), quiet and gave off really cold vibes, and there was only one person that she actually befriended. Everyone at work talked about disliking her bc she didn’t speak ( like when coming into the break room, in the am, people saying gm, and she would ignore them). Initially I thought she was a stuck up (bleep) and really rude, but over time I became really curious about her. I usually become attracted to/interested in people who come off as mysterious/ standoffish. As the curiousity grew over time, the witty banter began. I started saying funny, sarcastic stuff to her leading to short convo, then trying to be around occasionally. I get really excited about “new people” whether romantic or not (although most of the time it feels the same). Not all new people, just new people that I like, kinda feels like I become infatuated. Initially I want to hang around them all the time getting to know them, being like close friends, until I have them figured out and find a “new” friend. Lol

It’s like a kid with a new toy, u play with it for awhile then u get bored with that one, once u have a new one. Lol

I can’t say it was bc she’s a Virgo though, bc the last person I was infatuated with was a sag, for the same reason. I did see someone mentioned it was bc of her Leo Venus, this girl had a Leo Mars and cancer Venus.

I tend to like Virgo’s though (bff is one), although I don’t know why bc I always think they are mean. lol

The Virgo’s I tend to have a good rapport with are usually Sept Virgo’s (bff Sept 12, another co-worker I vibe with Sept 14).
Are you a male or female?
Why do you feel it's an average match? Is that based on what your read or experience?

There are actually many similarities between the two signs believe it or not. I chuckle when people claim otherwise.

I see you are a cusper? They might be drawn to the libra energy and yes the Leo venus- it can be a magnet. For some aquas its your moon, I'd be curious to find out if they all have similar charts.

I find most virgos ground me, granted I have a ton of fire in my chart and less air. I also have a fair amount of Virgo in my chart too, so maybe that's why.
Posted by Sleepyquantro


Glad to know!

U Virgo’s get me with ur standoffish/ mysteriousness, although I can only recall that being virgo females lol

The virgo girl at work is so me... lol

Idk why we're so weird
You'd need to run a synstry chart but on sun sign alone, you have the quincunx...it's such a strange aspect....the odd couple..
Posted by Sleepyquantro

Female, and I’m not gay but I’ve dated/been attracted to both sexes
I asked because I usually don't initiate relationships in real life. You seem very agressive.

Also, I have a similar story to yours, but the signs were reversed. The Virgo was new to the job, but she watched me and initiated everything. The first time we went to lunch together she came back and told everyone, jokingly of course, that they are not allowed to go out to lunch with me. From then on she would play like she's upset when I'd have lunch with someone else.

I usually would confront someone about possessiveness, then distance myself, but I just let it go. I told her she came right in the job and peed on my leg ASAP. 2 of my Scorp buds got pretty jealous. They've expressed how surprised they were to see that I wasn't as standoffish for as long as I usually am.
Posted by Sleepyquantro

I never think Virgo’s are weird, just mean lol

I always feel like I have to be able to reach/talk to people that other people don’t have access to lol, it makes me feel special 😐

Don’t think I’m arrogant, bc I’m the furthest thing from that

For the most part, it usually works, in her case it didn’t 😥lol

It must have been her cap moon that wouldn’t let me in

Well she let me in but then she went to another office, so then she shut me back out lol

I was butt hurt terribly

I hateeeeeeeee any form of rejection, it makes me sad 😔😢😂

I’m also a goofball, sorry

What's ya planets? You seem like a sweet aqua

Posted by ELIGAB

Posted by Sleepyquantro


Glad to know!

U Virgo’s get me with ur standoffish/ mysteriousness, although I can only recall that being virgo females lol

The virgo girl at work is so me... lol

Idk why we're so weird
click to expand
I’ve been the same way at my job. But I’m a bit more comfy now.

We can be hyper aware of social cues but do nothing about them or we can be oblivious to them bc of all of the nervous energy inside of us preoccupying our thoughts.

Posted by alexscaries

Send them my way.
Lol What are you going to do with them?
Posted by Sunsetvirgo

Posted by ELIGAB

Posted by Sleepyquantro


Glad to know!

U Virgo’s get me with ur standoffish/ mysteriousness, although I can only recall that being virgo females lol

The virgo girl at work is so me... lol

Idk why we're so weird
I’ve been the same way at my job. But I’m a bit more comfy now.

We can be hyper aware of social cues but do nothing about them or we can be oblivious to them bc of all of the nervous energy inside of us preoccupying our thoughts.

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I'm at a point where I'm in complete control of how much I socialize at work, which is so refreshing for me.
Posted by alexscaries

Posted by STILL

Posted by alexscaries

Send them my way.
Lol What are you going to do with them?

Chat and play scrabble.
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Posted by Sleepyquantro

Posted by STILL

Posted by Sleepyquantro

Female, and I’m not gay but I’ve dated/been attracted to both sexes
I asked because I usually don't initiate relationships in real life. You seem very agressive.

Also, I have a similar story to yours, but the signs were reversed. The Virgo was new to the job, but she watched me and initiated everything. The first time we went to lunch together she came back and told everyone, jokingly of course, that they are not allowed to go out to lunch with me. From then on she would play like she's upset when I'd have lunch with someone else.

I usually would confront someone about possessiveness, then distance myself, but I just let it go. I told her she came right in the job and peed on my leg ASAP. 2 of my Scorp buds got pretty jealous. They've expressed how surprised they were to see that I wasn't as standoffish for as long as I usually am.

I can be with females, never males though

Maybe bc of my sag moon

With males, I think it’s degrading to be the aggressor, but I’ll chase a female as long as she’s receptive to my advances

I actually get really excited by the Tom and Jerry, cat and mouse games 😂

As long as it works in my favor

A lot more to this story but way too much to explain

She stared at me a bunch of times, for long periods, before I started hanging around her, even a before I started joking with her

I would wonder why but couldn’t figure it out
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Oh okay I get it. I'm much more laxed with females as well. The Virgo and I are very senual towards each other. We're always hanging off of each other and starring into each other's eyes. She always call me her work wife and we flirt alot. I would never do that with a male friend.

It's a weird connection because I'm not into women or touchy feely. I feel nothing sexual for her, just comfort. I believe she's strictly dickly as well.
I have always attracted Aquarius. I never thought it could be because of my Virgo asc 🤔
Posted by Sleepyquantro

Posted by STILL

Posted by Sleepyquantro

Female, and I’m not gay but I’ve dated/been attracted to both sexes
I asked because I usually don't initiate relationships in real life. You seem very agressive.

Also, I have a similar story to yours, but the signs were reversed. The Virgo was new to the job, but she watched me and initiated everything. The first time we went to lunch together she came back and told everyone, jokingly of course, that they are not allowed to go out to lunch with me. From then on she would play like she's upset when I'd have lunch with someone else.

I usually would confront someone about possessiveness, then distance myself, but I just let it go. I told her she came right in the job and peed on my leg ASAP. 2 of my Scorp buds got pretty jealous. They've expressed how surprised they were to see that I wasn't as standoffish for as long as I usually am.

masculine 8 fire 3

feminine 2 earth 1

cardinal 4 air 5

fixed 3 water 1

mutable 3

Should explain my aggressive ways lol 🤦🏽‍♀️
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Lol You're cute though. I'm just very passive with initiating relationships and noticed you are the opposite.

Lately I've been trying to step outside my box and be more outgoing. It's extremely uncomfortable.
Posted by alexscaries

Posted by pisceswoman123

I have always attracted Aquarius. I never thought it could be because of my Virgo asc 🤔

I get on really well with Aquarius, but I think it's more so because I'm Aries so we match each other on the willing to explore and experiment side of things, same goes for Gemini. With Virgo it would be more the intellectual side of things, I'm also Virgo asc,
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That makes sense.

I connect with them mentally and can talk with them easily for hours and sexually is a great chemistry and very comparable. I have Aries Venus so maybe that helps 😄
Posted by alexscaries

Posted by pisceswoman123

Posted by alexscaries

Posted by pisceswoman123

I have always attracted Aquarius. I never thought it could be because of my Virgo asc 🤔

I get on really well with Aquarius, but I think it's more so because I'm Aries so we match each other on the willing to explore and experiment side of things, same goes for Gemini. With Virgo it would be more the intellectual side of things, I'm also Virgo asc,

That makes sense.

I connect with them mentally and can talk with them easily for hours and sexually is a great chemistry and very comparable. I have Aries Venus so maybe that helps 😄

if you have large amounts of Pisces, I see Pisces and Aquarius as being sisters or brothers. What you will share is sort of the outsider mentality, similar to Aries, but also that sort of nevous energy. I would say the (simplified) difference is Aquarius are more like a sort of creative scientist type like Elon Musk where Pisces are more the tortured artist\musician\poet so the creative energy just manifests itself differently.
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I agree a lot with you. I am very Pisces but maybe is because I am a cusp and I have Uranus in first so I have always felt a bit aqua.
Posted by Sleepyquantro

Posted by STILL

Posted by Sleepyquantro

Posted by STILL

Posted by Sleepyquantro

Female, and I’m not gay but I’ve dated/been attracted to both sexes
I asked because I usually don't initiate relationships in real life. You seem very agressive.

Also, I have a similar story to yours, but the signs were reversed. The Virgo was new to the job, but she watched me and initiated everything. The first time we went to lunch together she came back and told everyone, jokingly of course, that they are not allowed to go out to lunch with me. From then on she would play like she's upset when I'd have lunch with someone else.

I usually would confront someone about possessiveness, then distance myself, but I just let it go. I told her she came right in the job and peed on my leg ASAP. 2 of my Scorp buds got pretty jealous. They've expressed how surprised they were to see that I wasn't as standoffish for as long as I usually am.

I can be with females, never males though

Maybe bc of my sag moon

With males, I think it’s degrading to be the aggressor, but I’ll chase a female as long as she’s receptive to my advances

I actually get really excited by the Tom and Jerry, cat and mouse games 😂

As long as it works in my favor

A lot more to this story but way too much to explain

She stared at me a bunch of times, for long periods, before I started hanging around her, even a before I started joking with her

I would wonder why but couldn’t figure it out

Oh okay I get it. I'm much more laxed with females as well. The Virgo and I are very senual towards each other. We're always hanging off of each other and starring into each other's eyes. She always call me her work wife and we flirt alot. I would never do that with a male friend.

It's a weird connection because I'm not into women or touchy feely. I feel nothing sexual for her, just comfort. I believe she's strictly dickly as well.

The diff between you and I is that I am attracted to some females. I became extremely attracted to her, but I wasn’t initially. I didn’t even look at her that way at first. I assumed she was stuck up, so I basically ignored her, bc I don’t care for arrogant/pompous people, but when I noticed her staring I started to observe her more, then the playfulness started. In the midst of our playful, witty banter, she gave just a little , but enough to make me want more. It’s weird bc when my curiosity is peaked by a female, It’s not always bc I’m attracted to them (most of the time it’s the same exciting feeling as if it was someone I wasn’t attracted to), I think the attraction usual comes after. The thing is, even if it’s someone I become attracted too, if they’re not with it, I can just be their friend. Over time, if we become friends, the attraction fades. She was 100% straight, but said a few things that I thought was questionably.

Like one time she brought a binder to where I was sitting (in the office)and I said to her, “ u don’t need an excuse to come see me, I wanna see u to”, in a playful but flirtatious way.

Her reply was, “you’re crazy, cute, but crazy”.

Now I guess I could have read too much into it, but i was wondering if that was something 😂🤦🏽‍♀️Idk
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Lol All that you say about her, is what people say about me, until they get to know me.

People think I'm stuck up because I'm very quiet and oblivious to most people. The way I express myself doesn't help either, but I'm working on that.

From what you described at the end of your post, seems like regular friendliness on her part to me, except the staring part. Maybe it's the vibe and the look she gives you when you two are talking. My Virgo co worker stares at me while I'm doing other things, but I think she's analyzing.

When I say flirt, I mean she's touched my butt and made a statement about it. She holds my hand when she talks to me and she rubs her body up against me etc. etc. Like I said, it's weird because I don't allow people in my space. I usually backup from people when they talking to me. Even if it's in a harmless manner. I don't do any of that with her. I'm not even uncomfortable with it.

Posted by Sleepyquantro

Posted by STILL

Posted by Sleepyquantro

Posted by STILL

Posted by Sleepyquantro

Female, and I’m not gay but I’ve dated/been attracted to both sexes
I asked because I usually don't initiate relationships in real life. You seem very agressive.

Also, I have a similar story to yours, but the signs were reversed. The Virgo was new to the job, but she watched me and initiated everything. The first time we went to lunch together she came back and told everyone, jokingly of course, that they are not allowed to go out to lunch with me. From then on she would play like she's upset when I'd have lunch with someone else.

I usually would confront someone about possessiveness, then distance myself, but I just let it go. I told her she came right in the job and peed on my leg ASAP. 2 of my Scorp buds got pretty jealous. They've expressed how surprised they were to see that I wasn't as standoffish for as long as I usually am.

masculine 8 fire 3

feminine 2 earth 1

cardinal 4 air 5

fixed 3 water 1

mutable 3

Should explain my aggressive ways lol 🤦🏽‍♀️
Lol You're cute though. I'm just very passive with initiating relationships and noticed you are the opposite.

Lately I've been trying to step outside my box and be more outgoing. It's extremely uncomfortable.
Aww thanks 🥰

I am passive with guys, I feel like guys should pursue if they want u, but also with just friendship. I am really sociable most of the time, I initiate convos most of the time. I can also come off as quiet but those are the times I’m extremely detached/aloof...explainable given that’s an aquas personality traits 🤷🏽‍♀️😂

Weirdly though, I can be shy in some instances... I told a Virgo co-worker that (not the one I was talking about in this thread) and she said she never saw that lol

I love befriending new people but I can also be very selective. I’m very observant, I usually observe people’s behavior, and weed through the dramafull/negative ones. Lol

On the contrary, I’m open to most, on a broader spectrum, more selective with who I allow close to me on a more personal level.

I do not like drama, I have drama repellent spray 😂
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"I love befriending new people but I can also be very selective. I’m very observant, I usually observe people’s behavior, and weed through the dramafull/negative ones. Lol

On the contrary, I’m open to most, on a broader spectrum, more selective with who I allow close to me on a more personal level.

I do not like drama, I have drama repellent spray"

To your quote above, spoken like a true Aqua. 😉

Lol @ "drama repellent spray".

Posted by Sleepyquantro

Posted by STILL

Posted by Sleepyquantro

Posted by STILL

Posted by Sleepyquantro

Posted by STILL

Posted by Sleepyquantro

Female, and I’m not gay but I’ve dated/been attracted to both sexes
I asked because I usually don't initiate relationships in real life. You seem very agressive.

Also, I have a similar story to yours, but the signs were reversed. The Virgo was new to the job, but she watched me and initiated everything. The first time we went to lunch together she came back and told everyone, jokingly of course, that they are not allowed to go out to lunch with me. From then on she would play like she's upset when I'd have lunch with someone else.

I usually would confront someone about possessiveness, then distance myself, but I just let it go. I told her she came right in the job and peed on my leg ASAP. 2 of my Scorp buds got pretty jealous. They've expressed how surprised they were to see that I wasn't as standoffish for as long as I usually am.

I can be with females, never males though

Maybe bc of my sag moon

With males, I think it’s degrading to be the aggressor, but I’ll chase a female as long as she’s receptive to my advances

I actually get really excited by the Tom and Jerry, cat and mouse games 😂

As long as it works in my favor

A lot more to this story but way too much to explain

She stared at me a bunch of times, for long periods, before I started hanging around her, even a before I started joking with her

I would wonder why but couldn’t figure it out

Oh okay I get it. I'm much more laxed with females as well. The Virgo and I are very senual towards each other. We're always hanging off of each other and starring into each other's eyes. She always call me her work wife and we flirt alot. I would never do that with a male friend.

It's a weird connection because I'm not into women or touchy feely. I feel nothing sexual for her, just comfort. I believe she's strictly dickly as well.

The diff between you and I is that I am attracted to some females. I became extremely attracted to her, but I wasn’t initially. I didn’t even look at her that way at first. I assumed she was stuck up, so I basically ignored her, bc I don’t care for arrogant/pompous people, but when I noticed her staring I started to observe her more, then the playfulness started. In the midst of our playful, witty banter, she gave just a little , but enough to make me want more. It’s weird bc when my curiosity is peaked by a female, It’s not always bc I’m attracted to them (most of the time it’s the same exciting feeling as if it was someone I wasn’t attracted to), I think the attraction usual comes after. The thing is, even if it’s someone I become attracted too, if they’re not with it, I can just be their friend. Over time, if we become friends, the attraction fades. She was 100% straight, but said a few things that I thought was questionably.

Like one time she brought a binder to where I was sitting (in the office)and I said to her, “ u don’t need an excuse to come see me, I wanna see u to”, in a playful but flirtatious way.

Her reply was, “you’re crazy, cute, but crazy”.

Now I guess I could have read too much into it, but i was wondering if that was something 😂🤦🏽‍♀️Idk

Lol All that you say about her, is what people say about me, until they get to know me.

People think I'm stuck up because I'm very quiet and oblivious to most people. The way I express myself doesn't help either, but I'm working on that.

From what you described at the end of your post, seems like regular friendliness on her part to me, except the staring part. Maybe it's the vibe and the look she gives you when you two are talking. My Virgo co worker stares at me while I'm doing other things, but I think she's analyzing.

When I say flirt, I mean she's touched my butt and made a statement about it, she holds my hand when she talks to me and she rubs her body up against me etc. etc. Like I said, it's weird because I don't allow people in my space. I usually backup from people when they talking to me. Even if it's in a harmless manner. I don't do any of that with her. I'm not even uncomfortable with it.

I saw glimpses/pieces of her other side (her warm/witty side) a few times in passing, so after the initial feeling of her being stuck up, I started to probe little by little, bc I wanted to get to know her and see the person she really was ( I knew there was more than meets thee eye). Eventually, I realized that her resting (bleep) face and attitude was just what she gave off but there was way more good to her that she didn’t really let anyone see, which was a little sad, bc she really had a good heart... not too say she wasn’t mean bc she was, but there was also the good side of her that I was so tickled by, when I got to see it! Lol

That vibe sounds awesome, makes me a little jealous 😏😂

I usually can tell if a female likes me in that way...a lot of females at work are playful in that way, and will constantly say sexual stuff, and/ or touch me, but I know it’s just playful.

I have a co-worker that, when I first started my job, would just stare at me, but with a mean look. She’s usually rude to new people... which I got to observe over time. She eventually worked her way into a convo I was having with someone else, as a way to talk to me I guess, and next thing I know, she’s telling people I’m her girlfriend lol

She’s been calling me that since then (2015), she’s 100% straight IMO, but I have no idea why she walks around the office greeting me as “girlfriend” 😂, and she’s grabbed my butt a few time. It’s uneplinable to me bc it’s not like we’re really close and I don’t have a crazy/good vibe with her. Even other females that playfully flirt and say sexual stuff are straight, and I don’t ever think they’re interested (well maybe like 2 out of like 7 😂) but with the Virgo, I was confused a couple times. Eventually I thought she was being friendly.
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Our dynamic is the opposite of yours. She's super sweet in public, but has been catty behind closed doors. I'm the cold, mean one. We help each other out with our flaws though.

Your office setting sounds the same as mines. Lol

Umm... hey.. guys.... GuYyys...

This is about me. Remember?
Any positive aspects to Ur anus in ur chart? I have Uranus trine moon and Jupiter in Aqua..and I vibe with Aqua, but maybe it's also due to Cap placements and Aqua/Cap having this odd ability to relate to each other. I dunno. Celebrate the airiness.
Posted by IceVirg

Umm... hey.. guys.... GuYyys...

This is about me. Remember?

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