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Jan 29, 2011Comments: 663 · Posts: 12440 · Topics: 2
I'm going to tackle your issue not as an Aquarian woman, but rather as a human being. This is a rebound relationship. This woman is coming out of a FOUR YR ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP! She is bound to have issues that she needs to resolve before getting into a new relationship. An abused person that is coming out of a relationship has some serious baggage which gets released on their new partner, if they don't take time after the break up to resolve those issues. You should've been there for her and supported her as a friend only, instead of rushing into a relationship with her. Her disappearing has nothing to do with you. It has to do with her unresolved problems. Give her space and leave her alone. When she's ready, she will reach out to you.
Yeah, you're absolutely right. I had no idea that that had happened to her though until I was already in the relationship because she acted completely normal. And I didn't know all the details until recently. I have been there for her and have given her a lot of space we would only talk like once a month I would text her to see how she's doing & she would always tell me that she misses me. And when we see eachother it's like all the old feelings are there. I know she's resolving her issues, we tell eachother pretty much everything. Just feel bad if I leave her alone without contact for long. But yeah maybe more space is good.