I love my aqua Ex gf, she says she loves me too.

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by Stallion121892 on Monday, May 20, 2013 and has 4 replies.
My aqua ex gf is an aqua sun and rising. I'm a sagittarius sun with an aquarius rising. I love her a lot but we've butt'd heads for the last 5 months. She was barely coming out of a 4 year abusive relationship with her first love when I came into the picture. And when we first met it was just perfect like we hit it off like I've known her my whole life. And we started to date 3 weeks after and we became best friends fast and grew to love each other within 2 months. Then on the 3rd month is when it all went down hill when we both opened up about our past and it took a lot out of her to open up. She even cried. she told me about how her ex was abusive. And she told me that she would push me away sooner or later and she didn't want to hurt me. I didn't believe it because it was going perfectly. Then she started acting aloof. Not talking to me as much or saying goodnight. Till one day I got mad cause she wouldn't answer my questions of why she was acting like that. And We broke up. I've been trying to get her back ever since. We've hung out and there's been times where it felt like we're dating then she'd disappear. Or say I love you one night over the phone and not talk to me for a couple of days. I know she's going through her trials and I've been there for her over the phone the best I can even when she ignores me. She tells me I'm one of the best things that's ever happened to her and that I'm her best friend. That she's shared things with me that she's never told anybody. That I made her forget about all her problems, And that she truly does love me even though she didn't show it is much. We've had some arguments since but every time we say we're gonna move on we just come back or fight for each other. Its felt more like a game lately though and I don't like to be controlled especially emotionally. She told me last week the first time I saw her in 2 months that we should take it slow. Start off from new and if it's meant to be it'll happen. She's not in a rush to get into a relationship. Then she said I love you. My question is why wouldn't she want to get back together sooner? Why wouldn't you want to be together if we both love eachother? I don't mind waiting and taking it slow I just don't want it to feel like a game where I have to continuously chase her when i just want to be with her already because I miss her. How should I approach this? Or what should I do? Any advice from aqua ladies would be greatly appreciated smile or from any aquas.
I'm going to tackle your issue not as an Aquarian woman, but rather as a human being. This is a rebound relationship. This woman is coming out of a FOUR YR ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP! She is bound to have issues that she needs to resolve before getting into a new relationship. An abused person that is coming out of a relationship has some serious baggage which gets released on their new partner, if they don't take time after the break up to resolve those issues. You should've been there for her and supported her as a friend only, instead of rushing into a relationship with her. Her disappearing has nothing to do with you. It has to do with her unresolved problems. Give her space and leave her alone. When she's ready, she will reach out to you.
Yeah, you're absolutely right. I had no idea that that had happened to her though until I was already in the relationship because she acted completely normal. And I didn't know all the details until recently. I have been there for her and have given her a lot of space we would only talk like once a month I would text her to see how she's doing & she would always tell me that she misses me. And when we see eachother it's like all the old feelings are there. I know she's resolving her issues, we tell eachother pretty much everything. Just feel bad if I leave her alone without contact for long. But yeah maybe more space is good.
Posted by Stallion121892
Yeah, you're absolutely right. I had no idea that that had happened to her though until I was already in the relationship because she acted completely normal. And I didn't know all the details until recently. I have been there for her and have given her a lot of space we would only talk like once a month I would text her to see how she's doing & she would always tell me that she misses me. And when we see eachother it's like all the old feelings are there. I know she's resolving her issues, we tell eachother pretty much everything. Just feel bad if I leave her alone without contact for long. But yeah maybe more space is good.

Nothing wrong with checking up on her once in awhile, but make sure dont overdo it. You seem wise and I'm sure you will figure it out. Too bad she was abused because Aquarius women give their all in a relationship and when things don't work out, they get really hurt. I mean anyone who gave it their best shot would get hurt if things don't work out. I hope she recovers because ppl normally coming out of abusiverelationships are disturbed.