Hi! So recently, I started talking to this guy that my Aquarius friend used to have a crush on but now she's talking to her ex. She has been ignoring me and deleted all of our pictures together on Instagram without even saying anything. I want to apologize but I'm not sure what to say or do. I think she feels betrayed because I didn't tell her that the guy and I would start talking, because honest;y it was a surprise for me too. I did not know it would end up like this. I was wondering if any Aquarius's know if she'll be able to forgive me once I apologize?? Thanks x
Aquas like to do the playing, but never get played. She got played her ego is hurt, she will never forget but she will forgive you. Aquas dont like losing friends, it will just take time. You will never be on the same level of friendship, but in time you will be friends again, give her her space and hit her up in a couple of weeks or months. You wont be forgiven today or tomorrow, and please dont confront her about it right now.
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Oct 08, 2009Comments: 1 · Posts: 6313 · Topics: 313
I swear just from my perspective that I am constantly being used for my connections, whether it's my str8 friends relying on me to get chicks for them or vice versa, if I openly like someone and you call yourself my friend (a true friend not acquaintance) and then you go for my catch then bitch you better run because I will hate you and I'll make sure everyone that I'm associated with hates you too, it happens rarely but every time it does it plays out like that.
You're obviously fucked in the head, the only reason you want her to forgive you is so you can have a good time at her party without having to worry if you upset her, you selfish fuckng cow, just ditch the party and have fun with your new man instead of trying to have your cake and eat it too.
That's the number one hate of an Aqua, someone getting the better of them then trying to weasel into group trying to be sweet and innocent just so they can do it again, bitch we all know you're game it's called stupid bitch.
I had a similar situation in the past. A close friend of mine started talking to my exboyfriend knowing it would bother me. After that, I cut all ties with her and broke off our friendship. Even with several other friends too..if I make up my mind about you, I will never talk to you again.