What happened with ur relationship? Did u break up? Re u a scorpio? I miss my boy too but he stubborn as goat
@captainpimp I have a BILLION times. Not literally but a lot.
But yet nothing really "changed". He keeps attributing to me setting the mood on how he acts but my behavior shouldn't alter how he is, when no one else's behavior affects his behavior.
It's annoying cause its a stupid circle that shouldn't exist, we each are just reacting to the other person's behavior so its this endless problem that's never going to end unless someone changes the pathway.
The biggest stupid part about it when things are working its working WELL almost tooooooooooo naturally. It's never happened so easily and natural before.
Bah. This sucks.
Signed Up:
Sep 02, 2014Comments: 3 · Posts: 223 · Topics: 34
Situation is stressful, made me grab my bottle of Excedrin. If you guys can't get the communication part down then I don't know how this will end.
The lack of communication is a problem HE started and continues to create. The minimum I expect are things like:
- Keep me in the loop about things that will affect me
- If you are upset/happy then tell me don't just keep it to yourself and expect it to solve itself
- Compliment me once in a while
- Don't ignore me if people are around, include me on occasion
- Communicate expectations
Stuff like that. He doesn't say anything, he keeps everything in his head and always assumes he told me or that i could read his mind or some crap.
Then i get into a situation that becomes a problem that he created, that he doesn't even bother taking ownership of and people have to clean up after his mistakes
Essentially, all he has to do is talk about what he's thinking...what he wants/expects and learn how to socialize!
Holy butt balls I went to sleep early cause I was drained and there's never this much activity at night but whoa nelly lots o activity here.
Let me address the three of you at the same time lol:
I'm definitely am not a the jerk Scorpio ya all just described. I care too much about human suffering to be evil. I've tried once because I was tired once of getting hurt by people and I figured if I was a b.itch I'd never get hurt emotionally again but i only lasted a day. Never felt good being evil so here I am. Sometimes because im too nice I get taken for granted.
Anyway back to this Scorpio thing. This recent incident happened last Thursday. I didn't like how he shrugged the kind gesture and I got upset and wanted space cause I could not deal with him. The overall problem is he has a history of putting me on the back burner while everyone else he caters to and if I've seen him being appreciative to others then he was capable he just chose not to be with me last week so I don't believe for one moment be doesnt get it.
Ppl here say I expect too much out of him for the stage we are at but he honestly set the standard. He could say anytime or act like anytime hey this ain't mutual here are platonic boundaries. Let's say it's platonic then he'd be capable of treating me like the rest of the world. Point is: HE DOESNT.
He's always treated me in this weird limbo. The touchie feelies, the gifts, the freaking out when he thinks something bad happening, the getting annoyed/jealous when I'm around dudes. Stuff he says about why im not making him a priority or we this or we that.
THAT IS NOT PLATONIC. That is not how he is with everyone else either.
So whatever this is. I ask for consistemcy and him not being in denial cause I'm willing to go at whatever pace or whatever this is but he has to be clear about it.
Such as if you are going to act like I'm not there when friends are around don't get territorial if I'm talking to a male friend.
But mermaid is right, it's confising right nor because in the past I've given him mixed signals or emotionally ranted at him but that's was in the far off past.
Anyway I was pretty clear with Gemini that for him to concede and reach out to me first was important because it would show to me he's evolving by his own choices because he could have chosen to let me fester til I gave in
But I'm glad he reached out first. Shows he's trying.
I don't want it to seem like I expect
I don't want it to seem like I expect perfection cause I dont. I understand this particular Aqua is inexperienced, shy, guarded, unsure etc and I like that he's dopey dorky and awkward.
He teaches me to recognize my own bs and humble down and etc
Thanks mermaid. I think I've read this website that had all that stuff before. It does describe him mostly.
That's why I'm choosing to go at his pace at whatever this is and be direct at the right moments and at the same time do my own thing and pursue my own goals.
Whatever is meant to happen will happen so in the end we'll be a part of each other's lives or we won't.