I tried walking away but he still wants us to be friends

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by LibrAjewelzz on Tuesday, January 10, 2017 and has 10 replies.
We were dating and it didn't turn out so well. While we were dating he did things to piss me off but whenever I tried to walk away from him he wouldn't let me. Recently he told me that he didn't make it official with me because he was t ready to settle down. When I was like ok fine no problem I wish you the best he kinda told me still wants to be in my life and vice versa and we wants to be friends. I on the other hand told him that being friends will be hard for me and I don't think I can do it. He then gave me a little attitude. We talked some more and then I told him I can try to be his friend. Apart of me still wants him and cares for him deeply. Do you guys think that we're ever going to be in that romantic place again?
Posted by FutureSeeker
Helloooooo- you were ticked because he was texting other girls and then went through his phone. If you are wanting to be with him then you can't be mad at him for that... you can't then get in an argument a month from now and say "oh yeah? Well you were texting girls when you said you weren't!"

You got all huffy and dramatic about all the things he was doing wrong and now you want to be with him- so either be with him in a healthy way- or part ways.

Even when I am mad at my man and he does things to "piss me off" I am able to recognize my part. I am able to see that he isn't some evil villain and I'm not some victim. It's ok to be mad and pissed off- just don't be toxic about it and that helps the relationship become healthier.
Your right about some of the things your saying, yes I'm choosing to forgive him, we talked some more and according to him it was just flirting and nothing more. But I can't help but feel the way that I do about him. I feel like he knows that and that's why he still wants to be connected in a way when I'm the type of person to cut all contact. I Don't want to date him again right now, but maybe a year from now where I'm fully healed with this situation and we both get our space.
Posted by LibrAjewelzz
We were dating and it didn't turn out so well. While we were dating he did things to piss me off but whenever I tried to walk away from him he wouldn't let me. Recently he told me that he didn't make it official with me because he was t ready to settle down. When I was like ok fine no problem I wish you the best he kinda told me still wants to be in my life and vice versa and we wants to be friends. I on the other hand told him that being friends will be hard for me and I don't think I can do it. He then gave me a little attitude. We talked some more and then I told him I can try to be his friend. Apart of me still wants him and cares for him deeply. Do you guys think that we're ever going to be in that romantic place again?

It will hurt you more if you decide to stay friends and then see him with someone else. I cannot stay just friends with someone that I liked. Hard because you always think oh maybe he will change his mind, and you won't be able to change your's until you keep seeing him. But if you move on and focus on the negative it might become easier to move on.

Only an Aquarius man can make a woman feel guilty about making a decision that is best for her. So let me get this straight you want a boyfriend and he wants to be friends and he makes you feel guilty for wanting more?
Posted by puhleeze
Posted by LibrAjewelzz
We were dating and it didn't turn out so well. While we were dating he did things to piss me off but whenever I tried to walk away from him he wouldn't let me. Recently he told me that he didn't make it official with me because he was t ready to settle down. When I was like ok fine no problem I wish you the best he kinda told me still wants to be in my life and vice versa and we wants to be friends. I on the other hand told him that being friends will be hard for me and I don't think I can do it. He then gave me a little attitude. We talked some more and then I told him I can try to be his friend. Apart of me still wants him and cares for him deeply. Do you guys think that we're ever going to be in that romantic place again?

It will hurt you more if you decide to stay friends and then see him with someone else. I cannot stay just friends with someone that I liked. Hard because you always think oh maybe he will change his mind, and you won't be able to change your's until you keep seeing him. But if you move on and focus on the negative it might become easier to move on.

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Yes you are totally right! I tried to kind of explain that to him in away but it seemed that he had other things on his agenda and still wanted me in his life in a way. That's also y I unfollowed him on everything and can't see any of his posts but he can see mine. I don't want to see anything that will hurt.

Posted by EveryOunce
Only an Aquarius man can make a woman feel guilty about making a decision that is best for her. So let me get this straight you want a boyfriend and he wants to be friends and he makes you feel guilty for wanting more?
It's not that I wanted a boyfriend I enjoyed things going slow between us. He told me he wasn't ready to settle down, so I was like ok then leave have a nice life. But he still wanted to remain friends. So I told him I would try. But I'm not ever reaching out to him.
Posted by LibrAjewelzz
I tried to walk away from him he wouldn't let me.
How did he keep you from walking away? Did he physically stop you and lock you in his basement.

At least he's letting you use the wifi.

Nope Girl. You run this isnt worth it. You will suffer from this. Trust me. Staying "friends" with someone you love and care for can be Hella difficult.
Posted by Mimi24
Nope Girl. You run this isnt worth it. You will suffer from this. Trust me. Staying "friends" with someone you love and care for can be Hella difficult.
Thanks and your right, I don't love him but care for him deeply. Even though he wants to be friends I'm just gonna distance myself. Thanks
Posted by LibrAjewelzz
Posted by Mimi24
Nope Girl. You run this isnt worth it. You will suffer from this. Trust me. Staying "friends" with someone you love and care for can be Hella difficult.
Thanks and your right, I don't love him but care for him deeply. Even though he wants to be friends I'm just gonna distance myself. Thanks
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Ive dealt with this "Friend" thing before, people do that for few reasons: fwb, test you or trying to make themselves look good and not rude. I can't with this!