Posted by aquarius09He were talking about the lessons learned in our previous relationship, the EX talk, so he was telling me how the previous relationship left him with an anger which has become an issue for him.
I don’t just think that telling you he has anger issues is a red flag, I’m also concerned about why he divulged something so blatantly negative like that in early phases when people put their best face forward to appeal to their romantic interest. Either way it’s suspicious.
Posted by Raakac
You're overthinking, you didn't even have a single date and you're already thinking ideas like relationship, mistakes and so on, when you meet him see how it goes and then go from there.Best of luck!
Posted by KoniWill try to get him to explain it more, cause my dad had anger issues and it was not prettyPosted by HeartofTopazzyes, do not ignore this statement. Get more info on this stat!
Anger issues = red flagclick to expand
Posted by Black-MambaI did recently get dumped, but I can't just sit and cry, m trying to move on.Posted by AquasticPosted by aquarius09He were talking about the lessons learned in our previous relationship, the EX talk, so he was telling me how the previous relationship left him with an anger which has become an issue for him.
I don’t just think that telling you he has anger issues is a red flag, I’m also concerned about why he divulged something so blatantly negative like that in early phases when people put their best face forward to appeal to their romantic interest. Either way it’s suspicious.
Didn't you just get dumped???
Also he seems stuck on his ex
Why don't yyou guys just become friends
Take it slowclick to expand
Posted by AquasticIt really doesn’t matter what the context is. It’s straight suspicious. Tread carefully.Posted by aquarius09He were talking about the lessons learned in our previous relationship, the EX talk, so he was telling me how the previous relationship left him with an anger which has become an issue for him.
I don’t just think that telling you he has anger issues is a red flag, I’m also concerned about why he divulged something so blatantly negative like that in early phases when people put their best face forward to appeal to their romantic interest. Either way it’s to expand
Posted by Black-MambaPosted by AquasticOk then have fun don't think of this seriousPosted by Black-MambaI did recently get dumped, but I can't just sit and cry, m trying to move on.Posted by AquasticPosted by aquarius09He were talking about the lessons learned in our previous relationship, the EX talk, so he was telling me how the previous relationship left him with an anger which has become an issue for him.
I don’t just think that telling you he has anger issues is a red flag, I’m also concerned about why he divulged something so blatantly negative like that in early phases when people put their best face forward to appeal to their romantic interest. Either way it’s suspicious.
Didn't you just get dumped???
Also he seems stuck on his ex
Why don't yyou guys just become friends
Take it slow
He's not really stuck,he only spoke about her after I asked, and besides she is the mother of his child,she will always be in his last life.
Stop asking questions about a guy you're most likely not going to ends up with
Be safe. Be to expand
Posted by LadyNeptuneDets why m just trying, I wanna see if I can't try being with someone else.My previous relationship took a lot of confidence from I was too hooked.
Didn’t you just get out of a messy relationship? These things take time.
Treat the cancer man as a fun distraction. Just don’t expect him to be a quick fix for your hurting heart.
Posted by Black-MambaLol m being needy now!? Wow! U have issues! And ain't got time!Posted by AquasticOk i knew it. You're putting the cart before the horsePosted by Black-MambaPosted by AquasticOk then have fun don't think of this seriousPosted by Black-MambaI did recently get dumped, but I can't just sit and cry, m trying to move on.Posted by AquasticPosted by aquarius09He were talking about the lessons learned in our previous relationship, the EX talk, so he was telling me how the previous relationship left him with an anger which has become an issue for him.
I don’t just think that telling you he has anger issues is a red flag, I’m also concerned about why he divulged something so blatantly negative like that in early phases when people put their best face forward to appeal to their romantic interest. Either way it’s suspicious.
Didn't you just get dumped???
Also he seems stuck on his ex
Why don't yyou guys just become friends
Take it slow
He's not really stuck,he only spoke about her after I asked, and besides she is the mother of his child,she will always be in his last life.
Stop asking questions about a guy you're most likely not going to ends up with
Be safe. Be smart.
But how would you know I won't end up being with? M puzzled
Please stop
Please stop being so needyclick to expand
Posted by Black-MambaWTF!?Posted by AquasticPlease do tell us how this goes. I am curious to see how a nutty Aqua captures her little crab as he goes back and forth with the ex.Posted by Black-MambaLol m being needy now!? Wow! U have issues! And ain't got time!Posted by AquasticOk i knew it. You're putting the cart before the horsePosted by Black-MambaPosted by AquasticOk then have fun don't think of this seriousPosted by Black-MambaI did recently get dumped, but I can't just sit and cry, m trying to move on.Posted by AquasticPosted by aquarius09He were talking about the lessons learned in our previous relationship, the EX talk, so he was telling me how the previous relationship left him with an anger which has become an issue for him.
I don’t just think that telling you he has anger issues is a red flag, I’m also concerned about why he divulged something so blatantly negative like that in early phases when people put their best face forward to appeal to their romantic interest. Either way it’s suspicious.
Didn't you just get dumped???
Also he seems stuck on his ex
Why don't yyou guys just become friends
Take it slow
He's not really stuck,he only spoke about her after I asked, and besides she is the mother of his child,she will always be in his last life.
Stop asking questions about a guy you're most likely not going to ends up with
Be safe. Be smart.
But how would you know I won't end up being with? M puzzled
Please stop
Please stop being so needyclick to expand
Posted by Ladyleo18Profound!
If you feel like you might be making a mistake, you probably are. Don't discount your gut. Find someone without anger issues, baggage and that has enough time to meet your needs. If you're worried about it before meeting him, then it's going to be a problem later.
Figure out what you want in a partner and find it. Don't just settle for someone because they show interest. If you do that, you'll just end up with less than you settled for.
Posted by ASCoppVenusI've been preparing myself when he started acting funny and treating so horrible while we were dating,he was behaving like he was single so I started going to gym and preparing myself cause I could tell he wanted to dump me the minute he wished his ex a happy birthday referring to her as his "Hun" and made sure I see it, that killed me,so I been technically single.
Is it not possible to be single for a bit and enjoy life being single? Whats the rush in dating? I dunno but i have observed that women who date quite immediately after a breakup tend to end up in the wrong relationships a lot. One of the reasons is not being healed yet or not knowing themselves better after the last rs. So...
Posted by JanMayMarryI will try get him to talk about his anger issue and understand it,trust me I will not take it any further if the findings pose a danger to my well-being.I know how people with bad temper can ruin lives.Posted by Ladyleo18Everyone, you and me, we all have baggage. But you're right...the anger issue is the one that's disturbing.
If you feel like you might be making a mistake, you probably are. Don't discount your gut. Find someone without anger issues, baggage and that has enough time to meet your needs. If you're worried about it before meeting him, then it's going to be a problem later.
Figure out what you want in a partner and find it. Don't just settle for someone because they show interest. If you do that, you'll just end up with less than you settled for.
click to expand
Posted by JanMayMarryI don't easily fall in love, I always take my are right about the healing part though,I just can't help it, I will go insane if I don't keep myself busy with this CancerPosted by ASCoppVenusI agree.
Is it not possible to be single for a bit and enjoy life being single? Whats the rush in dating? I dunno but i have observed that women who date quite immediately after a breakup tend to end up in the wrong relationships a lot. One of the reasons is not being healed yet or not knowing themselves better after the last rs. So...
After the Sag from Florida, I went back to singlehood life for half a year, before I step back into the dating scene and then became exclusive with Aqua.
We all need time to heal. And to jump back into a rs rightaway, just because of loneliness and wanting to fill that void, is so wrong. But that's my take.
To each his own. I hope it turns out well for you though, dear to expand
Posted by SpaceBirdCan't help it! Mara will try.😉
Don't be nervous.x
Posted by nikkistarNot really,I love my space too much,and I do everything myself,I enjoy my own company, but everyone deservescompanionship
Do you think you may have some co-dependency issues?
Posted by AquasticI agree everyone deserves companionship, but why do you feel a need to essentially entertain yourself and distract yourself with this new Cancer? You just broke up with someone, and that relationship's death is fresh. Do you think it is beneficial to you, to use someone else as a distraction from making taking a break from all men, to heal yourself first? What if this man, ends up having feelings for you, is that fair to him?Posted by nikkistarNot really,I love my space too much,and I do everything myself,I enjoy my own company, but everyone deservescompanionship
Do you think you may have some co-dependency issues?click to expand
Posted by AquasticNo, strange. I never hide posts, unless its doubles. Duncan is playing games with coding today.
The user who posted this message has hidden it.
Lol did u delete?
Posted by Raakac
You're overthinking, you didn't even have a single date and you're already thinking ideas like relationship, mistakes and so on, when you meet him see how it goes and then go from there.Best of luck!
Posted by Sag898No m not
Are you a cusp?
Posted by Sag898I don't know why, all I know is that m attracted to them and they attracted to me. I have 3 Pisces friends ,and 2 cancer friends. And my daughter is a Pisces.
why do you like water signs?
Posted by AquasticI see maybe it's chart too or something. interestingPosted by Sag898I don't know why, all I know is that m attracted to them and they attracted to me. I have 3 Pisces friends ,and 2 cancer friends. And my daughter is a Pisces.
why do you like water signs?
Just to be out of topic:And I hate Earth signs but they like me,for some odd to expand
Posted by FantamRoosterIt's not like m planning to sleep with him, it's an interest ,and I wanna try something bew
We were all just soothing you over another guy a couple days ago. Wouldn't a breather be nice?
Posted by justagirlI know hey m just nervous and excited at the same time.
Girl, just let it happen and flow. No need to be stressing already and you have yet to meet. Him saying he has anger issues now because of the ex is a red flag. He's angry at her which could lead to issues not only towards her but women in general, but i think you are aware of that.
Posted by nikkistarIf he starts feeling m gonna also develop feelings in the long runPosted by AquasticI agree everyone deserves companionship, but why do you feel a need to essentially entertain yourself and distract yourself with this new Cancer? You just broke up with someone, and that relationship's death is fresh. Do you think it is beneficial to you, to use someone else as a distraction from making taking a break from all men, to heal yourself first? What if this man, ends up having feelings for you, is that fair to him?Posted by nikkistarNot really,I love my space too much,and I do everything myself,I enjoy my own company, but everyone deservescompanionship
Do you think you may have some co-dependency issues?click to expand
Posted by FantamRoosterWe promised to learn each first, we talk everyday till late just trying to understand each other,we might end up being friends ,who knows?Posted by AquasticYou should do what works for you. It just seems really soon to already have new man problems. lolPosted by FantamRoosterIt's not like m planning to sleep with him, it's an interest ,and I wanna try something bew
We were all just soothing you over another guy a couple days ago. Wouldn't a breather be nice?click to expand