Since when did all this come about? I have never in my life heard that Aquarians are emotionaless. I myself, am an Aquarius. Now, I will admit that I am quiet stubborn on occassion; but to say that Aquarians never cry in front of people would be like saying that Clinton never comitted adultery or that OJ Simpson never killed his wife (or whoever that chick was).
I have let a few tears fall here and there during some situations in front of other people. I do confess that I hate to show any emotion or too much emotion in front of others. It does embarass me doing so, I feel that to show too much or any kind of feeling would be a betrayal to myself. By not doing so, it makes other people think that you are strong and unable to crack or bend at another person's will. For some reason, I think that to show any kind of feeling would make me appear weak to others.
It has nothing to do with being an Aquarius. It has everything to do with who you are as a person and the trials and tribulations you as a humane being have been put through.
(P.S. It wouldn't let me post my comment, so I had to post another topic thingy...sorry, my bad! Darn computer!)
Signed Up:
Mar 20, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2764 · Topics: 36
"For some reason, I think that to show any kind of feeling would make me appear weak to others."
hmmm...i actually think quite the opposite. i think showing your feelings makes you a stronger person...but i am a cancer, so it makes sense to me.
a lot of aquas that i know (my boyfriend included) come off as really tough, but in actuality they are pretty weak and have a lot of fears and insecurities...
so, i think it makes a person stronger when he/she is able to show their true self and not hide anything or put up a front.
People have feelings, Aquas are people so they do cry. What kind of inhumane question you have.