in relationship again after broke up with aqua man

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by Antero on Tuesday, September 12, 2017 and has 7 replies.
does anyone can tell me how does it work to get back into a relationship again after break up with aqua man? they have the same feeling as before?.. my aqua told me he is not good enough for me and he can't give me as much time as I need him. thats why we broke up . i try to explain that this reason is not strong enough for me to broke up with someone that we really love. explain it in a better way. he didn't do that. I told him to think about it before it's to late. when I move on, I am not going back and will not interested either to be your friend. once it's done and it's done forever. than I ignore him for 3 days. on the 6 days after we broke up, he text me and said I have think about it and we try again our relationship. I wonder if he really mean it or he just playing his mind game. do you think he is still has the same feeling for me?.. give me some advice how to handle him so he will ever said to broke up with me and than change his mind after 6 days and only 3 days I ignore him. we had the relationship for a year. shall I act different with him after the broke up?.. I mean don't text him if he don't text me. no text for a few days and let him take the initiative. it's always me who take the initiative to meet and text when I said that.. he said it doesn't matter who take the initiatives. I don't mind at all he said. and I said I want you to be a man.. take the inniative first. he said ok.. he will try but it's not a big deal who take the initiative. he never do push and pull behaviour as I read here many aqua do that. maybe because we both are mature. thanks for any advice .
sounds all good. what's the problem?
@AerialView.. the problem is i'm not sure he really mean it that he would like to try again with the same feeling as before. as i dont feel the same like i did before. i make a distant . @aquarius_man yeah i was clingy sometimes thats why i change my behavior by being distant with him. not telling him what i am doing if he didnt ask. thats why i wonder if there is possibility that he think like i did.
and now he get angry so easy when he text me and i didnt text him back right away. @aquarius_man i told him to calm down why get angry for small thing. i cant answer as i am busy. he is not like this before. and before when i didnt answer his text he text me and said he really love me. now... that word i never hear . and he dont call me honey as he did before.
Posted by aquarius_man

gemini girls make good friends and maybe one night stands

otherwise, i wouldnt see myself in a relationship with a gemini girl - romantically involved, that is

because there's a sense of flimsiness, of fleeting, of superficiality in a relationship between 2 air signs

it's way too shallow

and after a while the aquarius man gets tired of the gemini woman whom she finds kinda tiresome and sometimes even clingy - your post sounds kinda clingy to me, tbh

anyways, give him the cold shoulder and if hes into you ull know coz hell come running

but you need to keep things interesting , otherwise he will get bored

main pb i had with gemini girls (and libra for that matter) is they dont have a strong personality

Sure, only Aries has a strong personality, we already know this. But have you considered that maybe the boring guy is actually the Aquarius? Really, they can be so passive after becoming intimate with their partners and start to stay indoors doing nothing, only watching TV and browsing the internet, with no initiatives at all. Obviously, you will say it's entirely my fault. Sure! But I was expecting a man to be more active than a woman and to put some effort into keeping things interesting for his woman, and not the reverse. Sometimes I feel I am the man here, which is not exactly a compliment.
Posted by aquarius_man
Posted by compy
Posted by aquarius_man

Sure, only Aries has a strong personality, we already know this. But have you considered that maybe the boring guy is actually the Aquarius? Really, they can be so passive after becoming intimate with their partners and start to stay indoors doing nothing, only watching TV and browsing the internet, with no initiatives at all.

I know, I have one at home smile)
click to expand
Posted by Antero
@AerialView.. the problem is i'm not sure he really mean it that he would like to try again with the same feeling as before. as i dont feel the same like i did before. i make a distant . @aquarius_man yeah i was clingy sometimes thats why i change my behavior by being distant with him. not telling him what i am doing if he didnt ask. thats why i wonder if there is possibility that he think like i did.
he'd even get better than before. what is his moon?