is it worth it to wait

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by Antero on Monday, August 14, 2017 and has 22 replies.
i have a relationship with an aquarius for 14 months. he met my kids twice and i never met his as he told me what happen before. he didnt have contact with his first son since he was 7 years as his son said to him he didnt want to come to his place anymore since he met a new girlfriend after he divorced and his son didnt luke his girlfriend. thats why he is so afraid to introduce me to his 14 years old son and he said hope i can wait untill he tyrn 16. it needs time. i know i'm just getting older not younger and worried when that day coming his son doesnt like me he will leave me. he is 52 and i am 39. its makes me confuse. if he told me från the beginning perhaps I will never get involved in this relationship. now when I have the feeling on him everything just complicated. I don't need him to move to my place, that's not the point as I have 2 kids as well same older like his. I am just worried. he told me about this last night and he said he will never broke this law as the women in relationship with him need to wait his son as he doesn't want to make the same mistake. and he said he wants it's work for us. if I don't want my kids meet him, we meet in other place. he has a respekt for this. please let me know some advice if I stay with him, is it worth it to wait. we love each other. I am just afraid I will waste my time for nothing . should i believe him ?.. I just follow my heart and feels like he didn't lie to me about his past.. I am confuse. thanks for the advice.

Sons are more overprotective over their mother's relationships with men than they are their father's relationships with other women.

His ex-wife remained single for the last 7 years, her boyfriends had no contact with her son?

The only scenarios that would have prevented him from having any contact with his son is if the Aqua's ex girlfriend was severely beating him or shooting heroin in front of him, and the courts disallowed visitation rights.

If this story 'rings' true, then he is a p*ssy!

Nothing new here. A bitter ex wife who poisoned the mind of a child by telling her son, daddy's girlfriend is no good. Don't go over there.

I don't know any son who would not want a relationship with his father.

But if he didn't fight for that right, that speaks magnitudes about him as a father.

He was a 7 year old boy at the time for Petes sake. The Aqua couldn't try harder?


What is the difference between 14 & 16? This is not much of an age difference? What miracle will happen when he turns 16?
Posted by Antero
i have a relationship with an aquarius for 14 months. he met my kids twice and i never met his as he told me what happen before. he didnt have contact with his first son since he was 7 years as his son said to him he didnt want to come to his place anymore since he met a new girlfriend after he divorced and his son didnt luke his girlfriend. thats why he is so afraid to introduce me to his 14 years old son and he said hope i can wait untill he tyrn 16.

it needs time. i know i'm just getting older not younger and worried when that day coming his son doesnt like me he will leave me. he is 52 and i am 39. its makes me confuse. if he told me från the beginning perhaps I will never get involved in this relationship. now when I have the feeling on him everything just complicated. I don't need him to move to my place, that's not the point as I have 2 kids as well same older like his. I am just worried.

he told me about this last night and he said he will never broke this law as the women in relationship with him need to wait his son as he doesn't want to make the same mistake. and he said he wants it's work for us. if I don't want my kids meet him, we meet in other place. he has a respekt for this. please let me know some advice if I stay with him, is it worth it to wait. we love each other. I am just afraid I will waste my time for nothing . should i believe him ?.. I just follow my heart and feels like he didn't lie to me about his past.. I am confuse. thanks for the advice.

it just sounds like he has strong rules and principle about how he should conduct his life /personal.

also i dont think he will leave you if his son doesn't like you. He has had no contact with him for 7 years. ( you said his son is 14 now and he didnt have contact since the boy was 7 years old)

i have a hard time following your english, but why dont you just believe him then?

if you have internal doubts, then these are your fears that he will leave you.

i do find it odd that he doesn't have contact with his child for that long. i'm guessing there was something with the courts or the mother.

and there are sons who dont want anything to do with their fathers. These are usually sons who are disgusted by the father for many reasons. What is the aqua like? is he an alcoholic? does he have something that prevents him from being a father that long?

and they are more deeply connected to their mothers.

alot of these are abuse, child neglect (also abuse) and drugs, sexual abuse..

you might have to figure out yourself, OP why he lost his child.

if he is abusive, then you have to be careful yourself.

i would be very upset if i found out, that a prospective SO was abusing their child. i would not even date him.

also, if it was his ex girlfriend who was doing the abuse then it's no excuse if he had already left her.

he would definitely be a pussy. because he didnt stand up to that woman.

men who dont stand up to other women, like a harbinger harpy, are really pussies. So i do agree with the comment above. A man has to be strong to keep his child, even if he can get visitation rights.

sorry its a bit mistake. i mean he didnt meet his first so when he was 7 years old when he introduce his gf to his son amd he get married with this women. and his ex wife was get married as well. so his firt son with the firt marriage is 22 now. and he has anothrr son after the second marriage which is 14 now and living with him as his mother living with alcoholist and he get the full custody in the court. i dont know if you guys believe tarot card. i speak with one of them to get a guidance in my relationship and that person who read my card told me that I should leave him as he will never change and all he said is bullshit. and he keep talking with a women that i know as well. another tarot card said there is a light and I am with the right man. it will takes time. i feel desperate and confuse. between to keep this relationship or move forward. maybe I am crazy to believe tarot card. I don't know
his first son doesnt want to have contact with his as he choose to be with his girlfriend which become his second wife as his son doesnt like her and he keep the marriage instead his son and he doesn't want it's happen again. that's why he wants me to wait.
@TaurudBull1977 his first ex wife was married again same like him @lisabethur8 yeah.. he has a strong rule. he is not abusive to his child. but that's his biggest mistake by choosing to be with his girlfriend instead be with his son. that's with he is so afraid . and all my friend telling me to.leave it. as its not worth it. but my heart telling me to stay. and the tarot reader saying to leave him another tarot reader said there is a better time and I am with the right man. it just a matter of time
Move on. He's entertaining other women
you think it's better move on @Ssuperman?.. do u think is it ok to tell him that i know he still communicate with this women even I know they just friend even the card said so . but I am jealous because she met his son and his parents but not me. that's what she told me. I just wanna tell him everything that she said the card saying that this women using a magic on him that's why he was confuse as his feeling is with me not her. sound crazy to believe
Posted by Antero
you think it's better move on @Ssuperman?.. do u think is it ok to tell him that i know he still communicate with this women even I know they just friend even the card said so . but I am jealous because she met his son and his parents but not me. that's what she told me. I just wanna tell him everything that she said the card saying that this women using a magic on him that's why he was confuse as his feeling is with me not her. sound crazy to believe
The magic she's using is called her vagina
he said he never sleep with her it's pure friend and she said so as well to me
You need to listen to what he's saying and stop imprinting your fear of him leaving you onto your relationship...

Why can't you understand that he doesn't want to fuck things up with his son? Don't you realise he could potentially lose you and his son if things don't go exactly the way he wants? If things don't go they way he plans them and everything is ruined then he will be very hard on himself and then the next person that comes into his life will have an even harder time trying to get him to open up....

Just chill out and let things happen naturally, you've only been together for 14 months, a year is nothing to us......a real relationship with an Aquarius spans over many years of building trust and learning how be in each other's space but the end result is a very strong bond.

At this stage of your relationship you have to believe him and put your heart into it. Otherwise what's the point?
He know his son more than you do. Maybe his son has an attitude and he's affraid his son would say something bad if you meet him.
Posted by Antero
his first son doesnt want to have contact with his as he choose to be with his girlfriend which become his second wife as his son doesnt like her and he keep the marriage instead his son and he doesn't want it's happen again. that's why he wants me to wait.
ah that's why...

still, no excuse. Even if the 1st wife is a harpy, nagging hard to live with woman., (yes they exist and they are unbearable so i dont blame alot of men who want to get away -- cause they are miserable with them)

he should not have left his child. his child is only 7 years old at the time, he should have told his then girlfriend to make peace and be kind and loving to his son or else get the fuck out.

he chose his girlfriend over his son. that's the problem here.

this man has got his balls in a lock hold over this 2nd wife.

but you are now the 3rd woman??

yeah i think ssuperman is correct. there are other women around. yuck.

plus he chose a woman over his child??

fuck that noise. I would never like a man like that.
Posted by Antero
@TaurudBull1977 his first ex wife was married again same like him @lisabethur8 yeah.. he has a strong rule. he is not abusive to his child. but that's his biggest mistake by choosing to be with his girlfriend instead be with his son. that's with he is so afraid . and all my friend telling me to.leave it. as its not worth it. but my heart telling me to stay. and the tarot reader saying to leave him another tarot reader said there is a better time and I am with the right man. it just a matter of time

you need to be strong and stand up for yourself.

my sister chose a man who raised his son who was abandoned from another woman, now i understand.

good men are hard to find, and if you find a good man. you are lucky.

this guy, abandoning his little child, a 7 year old and hasn't seen him in YEARS... doesn't sound like a good man.

@lisabathur8... i am his girlfriend and his first wife got married again and divorced and he is divorced with his second wife as she was cheating on him. he tried to get contact with his first son but he reject it even untill now. he try alot with his first son but didnt work .thats his mistake choose a women over his son. and he try to save the marriage but she cheat on him and got divorced and he has one 14 years old with the second wife and have the full custody as she is living together with an alcoholist .
@AerialView.. u were right . he knows his son better than me.
Posted by Antero
@lisabathur8... i am his girlfriend and his first wife got married again and divorced and he is divorced with his second wife as she was cheating on him. he tried to get contact with his first son but he reject it even untill now. he try alot with his first son but didnt work .thats his mistake choose a women over his son. and he try to save the marriage but she cheat on him and got divorced and he has one 14 years old with the second wife and have the full custody as she is living together with an alcoholist .
aw. that's too bad. Sad

yeah, it is his mistake to choose a woman over your child.

the woman he must choose must LOVE his child too, or care to learn to love them in time of course.

yes i think that is his mistake. always find a woman who will love your child.

i think you seem like a good woman and would love to meet his son.

well i hope for you you will be there for him, and help him through his mistakes.

@lisabethur8.. thats why after he got divorced with his second wife he take good care his son alone since he was 5 and he did once introduce a women that he went for a date but than he cut the relationship as he saw she is not good to his sin. since that he never introduce his son to a women that go for a date. and he choose to be alone with his son untill he met me. i am confuse dont know what to believe but after what he said to me that i need to wait untill his son 16 and he will never break that rules , i feel so sad and dissapointed . i wish he can tell about it at the beginning maybe i will never get involved in this relationship. i feels like he playing with me. i really want to say how i feel after he said this to me... but i am afraid i will pull him away.
yeah @lisabethur8... i really want to meet his son even i need to wait and help him through his mistake. do you Think its worth it to wai? I have the same experience as him, my ex husband and my ex boyfriend cheating on me that's why I am so afraid. he knows and told me many times that i am a good women. and always telling me he will make him better when i see on his attitude that I don't like it. when I didn't reply his text because I fall a sleep that he get grumpy and said he make mistake again get tired of it. and I never thinking in that way. I fall a sleep after our last conversation thats it. than he said sorry and promise no.more grumpy old man when I didn't answer his text .
@lisabethur8 @Aerialview @The_eleventh_sign_11 .he dumped me 2 days ago and said i'm to good for him and its wrong with him thats the reason and when i asked what is wrong he keep silent. but he said he will always be there for me. and when i said to think about it as i i dont want both of us feel regrets with his decision. he said we will talk more about later. i text him and he keep answer my text. when i ignore him he text me and calling me sweet heart. its so weird his act. he called my best friend and asked how i feel , did u speak with her. and he said to my best friend that he really loves me. its confusing. is thete any posibility he will change his decision?.. what shall i do?
Posted by Antero
@lisabethur8 @Aerialview @The_eleventh_sign_11 .he dumped me 2 days ago and said i'm to good for him and its wrong with him thats the reason and when i asked what is wrong he keep silent. but he said he will always be there for me. and when i said to think about it as i i dont want both of us feel regrets with his decision. he said we will talk more about later. i text him and he keep answer my text. when i ignore him he text me and calling me sweet heart. its so weird his act. he called my best friend and asked how i feel , did u speak with her. and he said to my best friend that he really loves me. its confusing. is thete any posibility he will change his decision?.. what shall i do?
I've been following your story for while and I think all that time you are too "available" for him.

Now he isn't your boyfriend anymore, you should block him or at least don't answer his texts IF you can't take the idea of just friendship with him.

You sounds miserable.

Have a pride of yourself.