It Gone ?????

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by cappysweetie on Monday, August 28, 2006 and has 18 replies.
The thread that Brandon created ... it's gone! Why Sad ????????
Did something go wrong last night after I left? OOOO dear, oh dear, oh dear ........
But who requested that the thread be deleted ??? Brandon's thread had nothing to do with personal attacks Sad I left last night so I really remember what happened ... I just feel terrible that an "innocent" thread was deleted over BS Sad
M Ldy,
So go to the deleted thread under "How we can make this site better? Hmmm, okay ... maybe I'll see what happened there ...
I've had nearly 2000 posts delated, try making that up.
You can thank the assholes on here who don't want to play nice in the sandbox and who think they can talk shit. Like I said, ban them. If someone talks shit in defense, fine, we can all grab the popcorn and watch the fight, that's entertainment. But unprovoked, ban the bastard
Aww! Prime, I didn't know that happened to you Sad All that time and energy wasted ... and you are a busy man (just like a few others) so all that info that may have been helpful is all gone ...
I know the realities of that kind of stuff, he actually is serious, haffo wasn't.
That's right, Haffo is alright smile He wouldn't have gotten the thread deleted over bull-shit ....
Okay Prime ... I read it all smile
Hmmm, so that's what happen ... I see ... well I'll be damn .... Ha ... makes me not want to post anything on DXP anymore.
Sorry, I feel that if you want to fight and carry on why not create your own thread and do it.
There's so much negative stuff that goes on DXP ... ha, I guess I feel that something that was postive was overthrown by the same negative BS that I try so hard to avoid.
As I have said on here, he enjoys watching innocent people suffer, you see what I mean now?
Yes Prime, I see what you mean ...
Well, I created another thread somewhere else (at the same time I posted on here), but I won't reveal it's location. Gee weezz, I wouldn't want anyone messy that thread up. I just feel horrible that Brandon's thoughts were deleted ... he didn't do anything wrong ...
I need to get back to work.
sb, I read it this morning. Looks like someone complained (again) and had it taken off.
what pussies.
Ok. This is a bit ridiculous. But um WHERE is the "deleted thread" on the " How to make this site better" forum NOW???!!!!!!
Okay, now this is getting real stupid. I mean what the hell ... this is starting to remind me of 198(fycking)4
What's going on here, I'm sooooo seeing a pattern. I need to write DXP now.
I'll do it in a few hours because I'm real confused right now, maybe the system administator thinks this is funny.
This thread will pbly be removed because I typed pussies.
I don't know what happened last night, but I did read the thread that was posted under the how to make the site better....there was nothing BUT opinions posted - that's what this site is all about.
I've pissed some people off with my opinions as I've been irked by others' opinions, but that doesn't warrant one (JUST ONE) person to dictate what goes and what stays on this site.
Grow some balls already.
I don't know what's going on houston Sad
Some person called "us".
Oh no! Please don't start this again. If what happen gets mensioned on here then this thread will get deleted too ... I'll bet money on it.
branh's in a funny mood today.
branh, how is your name supposed to be pronounced? like raisin BRAN and then an h, or kinda like bron?
*makes not for sessions*
Actually, that is good to know, 'cause I always pronounced it bron in my head. Tongue
hahahaha.......a certain ring of beefcakeness
Well this thread won't get deleted ............