Posted by Scotteh007Believe her when she says just friends, Aquarius are a fix sign. Once they make up their mind, they stick to it.
I would like to also say I've also had a confusing time with an Aqua too. Where sex happened and she totally backed away. Also Libra here lol.
And I don't really have any advice because I'm still trying to pursue her. She also told me "just friends" before but over text so I don't entirely believe it. I used to take people for their word but over time I have learned that people change.
Plus I believe once you have feelings for a person you can never go back.
Soooo idk you can either choose to stay and see if things will happen or not or move on.
Posted by iFemmeI've had a few longtime Aqua friends and done research. This was only the second Aqua woman I've been out with and it's already over hahaha. As much as I seem to "know" about Aquas, those under this sign can still very confusing in application. In my case, I think the Aqua just wanted to hook up.Posted by ChuckcemInteresting, and correct. Why, you know all this about Aquas?
@neptunedtowers and @Gem0620, this is just my assessment:
So I'm currently experiencing something similar with an Aqua woman as well... (all you wrote) ...became to expand
Posted by IxionTruth
When it comes to Aqua you gotta be willing to walk away. Trust when I say pursuing em is a waste of time. You gotta just give em the facts show em where the boundaries of your tolerance are and then enforce em.
Their energy is so individualistic in love I find that they can take advantage if not careful. Be loving be kind...but don't accept bullshit.
Posted by neptunedtowersHonestly a person is going to do, what they're going to do. This is especially true for Aquas. Don't beat yourself up about what you did or did not do. If consistent communication was enough to tear down this situation, it wasn't really worth the worry. Just remain open so you can find someone who matches your emotional availability and communication style . Don't think about it too much.
Totally right. Its such a wierd thing. I like things pretty straight forward but i guess things hardly ever work out that way.
I dont avoid her. We work together so that is kind of rediculous to try. She always says hi and I still catch her looking my direction often. She likes me green jacket a lot and always compliments when i wear it. Probably cause its green and who the hell wears green haha which is why i bought it.
I did try to pursue her and probably shouldnt have. Ive learned to take some things she says with a grain of salt because she changes her mind so frequently. Im just letting go of things. I wont be asking her to hang out and i just text when she texts first.
I dont like feeling confused and unbalanced.
Posted by Chuckcem@sagittariusinlove
@neptunedtowers and @Gem0620, this is just my assessment:
So I'm currently experiencing something similar with an Aqua woman as well. She came on strong in the beginning, took my number, and asked me out on the first night we met. She of course stated that she wanted me to be the man and initiate (which was fine by me). So I called her, picked her up, set up dates, etc. She was very direct the entire time which is a huge turn on for me.
Then after a passionate third date she slowed down hard. I wasn't sure if she was ghosting (I've never been ghosted before), which didn't make much sense given how much she moved things forward in the beginning. When I called her (to ask her out for another date) she didn't respond. Since we are both busy people, I gave her the benefit of the doubt. I shot her a text a few days later letting her know that she's been on my mind and I want to get to know her better. Since she was very direct with me, I felt it was necessary to be direct with her. She responded positively two days later and added that she was busy with work and would try to call me the next day. I responded the next day saying that I look forward to hearing from her and left it at that. I haven't heard anything from her yet.
My thought is, if she IS ghosting, then it is what it is and there's nothing that will change that. Asking her "what's wrong?" won't help the situation. However if she simply needs space, it makes sense for me to back off and let her come to me. If she needs to know that I'm emotionally secure, then that's fine. I have no problem expressing my interest then walking away if she can't reciprocate. I'm fairly certain that's why I've yet to hear the "let's be friends" comment even though my situation mirrors your own. I haven't really pushed the issue because I know Aquas are easily smothered.
One thing I've learned about Aqua women is that they sometimes need to disappear to figure out their feelings, lives, etc. Literally unlike every other sign in the zodiac, once a situation becomes too personal/emotional for them, they take a huge step back to reasses. They are fine with logical situations, but aren't great with emotional ones. This is when they slow down and possibly disappear (unless they have a reason to physically see you). In this time, they are juggling the idea of a romance along with the other aspects of their lives (jobs, friendships, personal interests, etc).
As a result the WORST thing you can do in that moment (with any woman who has backed up, but especially with an Aquarius woman) is to ask "What's wrong?" Asking "what's wrong" means that you don't understand her/the situation and also implies that something IS wrong. If you feel the need to ask if something is wrong, this may inform her own emotions. Therefore when a woman is sussing out her feelings for you, give her the time and space to do so. If she isn't responding as quickly, don't let it upset you. In fact act as if you didn't really notice. This will show that you are emotionally stable/secure in yourself. If you start to come apart at the seams, she'll take note and run away from you.
Also know that Aquariuses respond best to partners who are not overly emotional. They need to know that when they disappear (which they WILL do), the other person won't become upset. Aquariuses appear confident, but they can be very paranoid and insecure about new people/relationship, choosing to get to know a person slowly over time (regardless of how confident they appeared in the beginning). An Aquarius may come on strong at first because it's all fun and games to them. They're an air sign after all, so romantic interactions can start off very playfully with no strings attached. It's only when they start to feel emotions (positive or negative) that they start getting flaky. Don't take it personally, just know they aren't great communicating these feelings.
Also Aquarius women are still women. They want to know that the guy is interested and investing in them. When they come on "too strong", they become self conscious that they are doing all of the work. If tey feel like they are more invested in the situation they will "test" the guy. An Aqua will observe how you act and react in a number of situations before making a final judgement, so you have to understand this when it's happening. Their "tests" are more like pop quizzes and not exams that you can study for in advance. Aqua women want to know that a guy can be calm under pressure and secure when she vanishes. She wants to know that the man can be BOTH indifferent and interested in her. It's paradoxical, but that's what you were experiencing.
That being said, NEVER allow someone to string you along. If you feel that you're being treated unfairly, don't stand for it. Let that person know that you want to be treated better. You don't need to threaten them or give them ultimatums, but calmly let them know what you want. This is because Aquarius can become distracted with their own thoughts and fail to show up properly in the emotional/physical realm.
So to sum up, my guess is that you guys were actually fine when the Aqua women in your lives slowed down. They were assessing their own emotions for you AFTER becoming growing closer with you on an intimate level. Women will often back off when things move too fast for them. An Aquarius woman's feelings don't move nearly as fast as her mind does. So it can be confusing when she inexplicably backs away. It feels as if she was never interested int he first place. Mind you, it is also possible that the Aqua women just wanted a fling, but it sounds more likely that they felt smothered by emotion and chose to end things before things became complicated.
Posted by SagittariusInLoveSo take my advice with a grain of salt. I'm not an Aqua myself, and the guys are typically different from the gals in Aquarius. Likewise my last situation with an Aqua woman didn't work out, so getting a second opinion is worth it.
OK, I need advice from you. so I have a little situation I met an Aquarius guy on Halloween night we had a blast he spent the night after that he text me every day we talk every day we went out the following week again and he spend the night again spent the whole weekend we had a great time he kept calling me looking for me liking all my pictures on social media just gave me all the attention I need it. Following week I went out to his place because he asked me to and I spend the night it was late we ate watched a movie and went to bed, when I got home he was still great on the phone but that afternoon slow down. He stop texting me and I stop texting him too because he pulled away. The weekend came Saturday & Sunday he looked at my stories & he didn’t like any of my pictures on social media he didn’t comment on anything he didn’t text me he didn’t called me either. I got some advice on here telling me to reach out last night which I did I said hello and he said hello & then he was going to sleep so he said good night and I said good night. This morning he said good morning he wished me to have a good day I tried to keep the conversation alive i said I missed his face and he replied that he missed mine, I tried to keep chatting but it wasn’t the same anymore we talked a little bit here in there I ask him questions he answered them each time and that was the end of it I haven’t heard from him since he has looked on my stories on social media he hasn’t wrote to me he hasn’t called me he’s not making any more effort at all anymore. He went from texting and calling all day and liking all the stuff I posted to nothing. If I text he responds but he doesn’t keep the convo going. Should I just drop it now!? I mean I tried right I did my part... I reached out after he went cold I kept it light and friendly but nothing worked.
Posted by SagittariusInLoveDon't resort to playing games, he'll pick up on it. Blocking and ignoring him is just manipulative. If he is reaching out then speak to him. Let him know what you want. Then leave him alone to figure out what he wants. When you're leaving him alone, live your life.Posted by ChuckcemPosted by SagittariusInLoveSo take my advice with a grain of salt. I'm not an Aqua myself, and the guys are typically different from the gals in Aquarius. Likewise my last situation with an Aqua woman didn't work out, so getting a second opinion is worth it.
OK, I need advice from you. so I have a little situation I met an Aquarius guy on Halloween night we had a blast he spent the night after that he text me every day we talk every day we went out the following week again and he spend the night again spent the whole weekend we had a great time he kept calling me looking for me liking all my pictures on social media just gave me all the attention I need it. Following week I went out to his place because he asked me to and I spend the night it was late we ate watched a movie and went to bed, when I got home he was still great on the phone but that afternoon slow down. He stop texting me and I stop texting him too because he pulled away. The weekend came Saturday & Sunday he looked at my stories & he didn’t like any of my pictures on social media he didn’t comment on anything he didn’t text me he didn’t called me either. I got some advice on here telling me to reach out last night which I did I said hello and he said hello & then he was going to sleep so he said good night and I said good night. This morning he said good morning he wished me to have a good day I tried to keep the conversation alive i said I missed his face and he replied that he missed mine, I tried to keep chatting but it wasn’t the same anymore we talked a little bit here in there I ask him questions he answered them each time and that was the end of it I haven’t heard from him since he has looked on my stories on social media he hasn’t wrote to me he hasn’t called me he’s not making any more effort at all anymore. He went from texting and calling all day and liking all the stuff I posted to nothing. If I text he responds but he doesn’t keep the convo going. Should I just drop it now!? I mean I tried right I did my part... I reached out after he went cold I kept it light and friendly but nothing worked.
That being said, your scenario sounds very similar to the others posted here (including my own). The Aqua was pursuing you and pushing things along at a steady (or even accelerated) pace, then cooled off entirely inexplicably. One thing to remember with Aquas is that they need to recharge. After a lot of social interaction, they need to detach and cool off for a bit. They don't really say anything when this happens, which comes across as rude. This is especially true when an Aquarius starts feeling emotional toward a person.
Aquas are great with logic, but awful with emotions (in general, some are better than others). They are the water bearer. They hold their emotions (water) outside of themselves. That doesn't mean they lack emotions. In fact, they are VERY emotional, but they choose to keep a metaphorical lid on it. Having such a wealth of unchecked emotion at their disposal unsettles their more rational minds. So they detach to figure out exactly what they are feeling and weigh those feelings with the rest of their thoughts, lives, etc.
Since Aquas are detached from their own emotions, they don't always understand how their vanishing acts affect other people. In their minds, they should be able to withdraw from a situation to gain more perspective without needing to give prior notice. Additionally Aquas are prone to overthinking and overanalyzing. An Aqua can spend a lot of time in their heads and by the time they come back around, far too much time has passed. If the Aqua becomes lazy or has no real interest in a person, they'll stay gone.
That being said if you've already reached out to the Aquarius and he's made no real attempt to push things forward, then leave him be. Reaching out to an Aqua at some point during their vanishing act is recommended to show they you care about them. Beyond that though, you can't force anytihng. In fact an Aquarius won't come to you when pushed, instead they'll only disappear more. After enough time has passed in silence, they'll pop up when you least expect it. This usually occurs once you've already set your mind to walk away (or have walked away unbeknownst to them). Part of that is because an Aquarius doesn't want to be ignored by someone they actually like. So if too much time passes without communication, the Aquarius will reach out if they care about you.
My advice it start doing your own thing. Feel free to even let him know that you'd like to see/hear from him, but if that's not what he wants, there are no hard feelings. In fact I actually recommend dating other people, just in case you meet someone better suited for you. Aqua guys are known to pop out of the woodwork when they know you're moving on from them with someone else. However I don't recommend you try to manipulate this guy by playing mind games, Aquas can pick up on mind games pretty quick, so don't date other people to see if the Aqua will react. Instead date other people so you don't get hung up on the Aquarius guy in the first place.
I blocked him from my social accounts last night, I decided to move on but today I’m the morning he wished me good morning of course I didn’t reply later in the afternoon he text again good morning and I replied we text a bit but I don’t give him too much attention so eventually I stoppimed replying in the evening he reached out again asking what I was doing I told him I would calm him tonight since I was busy, later that night I did text asking if he was awake & that’s where we’re at. I think he’s sleeping. We will see how he responds tomorrow but it looks like me blocking him and not giving him attention got him looking for me. I guess it shows he’s trying and he likes me or wants to stay in touch maybe?click to expand
Posted by neptunedtowersWe like a crazy rollercoaster ride of feelings, the sizzle that doesn‘t seem to stop! Heck WE ARE like a rollercoaster! We don‘t show our hearts emotions openly like other signs, we feed off from the burning passion that grows within. You holding back for too long kills it.
Had to google the term lovebomb cause i am not familiar with it. Parts seem accurrate, others not so much.
I was forward with how i felt and she backed off. I had told her numerous times she was too invasive...she didnt seem to care until recently. Weve talked a little here and there. I just see that she cant deal with her own emotions.
I dont feel as confused now as i did when i posted this. By noticing how she has acted, she doesnt know what she wants and continues to tell me lets just be friends. Thays fine. Weve always been friends. I dont feel like im losing out by not having sex with her. I told her i enjoy her company and would like to continue to hang out. She is still in disappearing mode and that is okay. Just not my job to find her. I have plenty of things to do. I dont need her around, i would just like her to be.
Posted by SagittariusInLoveSounds like you shook the tree hard enough to get him moving. I hope it all works out. Just know that until an Aqua feels secure, he may vanish at random whenever he feels overwhelmed.Posted by ChuckcemPosted by SagittariusInLoveDon't resort to playing games, he'll pick up on it. Blocking and ignoring him is just manipulative. If he is reaching out then speak to him. Let him know what you want. Then leave him alone to figure out what he wants. When you're leaving him alone, live your life.Posted by ChuckcemPosted by SagittariusInLoveSo take my advice with a grain of salt. I'm not an Aqua myself, and the guys are typically different from the gals in Aquarius. Likewise my last situation with an Aqua woman didn't work out, so getting a second opinion is worth it.
OK, I need advice from you. so I have a little situation I met an Aquarius guy on Halloween night we had a blast he spent the night after that he text me every day we talk every day we went out the following week again and he spend the night again spent the whole weekend we had a great time he kept calling me looking for me liking all my pictures on social media just gave me all the attention I need it. Following week I went out to his place because he asked me to and I spend the night it was late we ate watched a movie and went to bed, when I got home he was still great on the phone but that afternoon slow down. He stop texting me and I stop texting him too because he pulled away. The weekend came Saturday & Sunday he looked at my stories & he didn’t like any of my pictures on social media he didn’t comment on anything he didn’t text me he didn’t called me either. I got some advice on here telling me to reach out last night which I did I said hello and he said hello & then he was going to sleep so he said good night and I said good night. This morning he said good morning he wished me to have a good day I tried to keep the conversation alive i said I missed his face and he replied that he missed mine, I tried to keep chatting but it wasn’t the same anymore we talked a little bit here in there I ask him questions he answered them each time and that was the end of it I haven’t heard from him since he has looked on my stories on social media he hasn’t wrote to me he hasn’t called me he’s not making any more effort at all anymore. He went from texting and calling all day and liking all the stuff I posted to nothing. If I text he responds but he doesn’t keep the convo going. Should I just drop it now!? I mean I tried right I did my part... I reached out after he went cold I kept it light and friendly but nothing worked.
That being said, your scenario sounds very similar to the others posted here (including my own). The Aqua was pursuing you and pushing things along at a steady (or even accelerated) pace, then cooled off entirely inexplicably. One thing to remember with Aquas is that they need to recharge. After a lot of social interaction, they need to detach and cool off for a bit. They don't really say anything when this happens, which comes across as rude. This is especially true when an Aquarius starts feeling emotional toward a person.
Aquas are great with logic, but awful with emotions (in general, some are better than others). They are the water bearer. They hold their emotions (water) outside of themselves. That doesn't mean they lack emotions. In fact, they are VERY emotional, but they choose to keep a metaphorical lid on it. Having such a wealth of unchecked emotion at their disposal unsettles their more rational minds. So they detach to figure out exactly what they are feeling and weigh those feelings with the rest of their thoughts, lives, etc.
Since Aquas are detached from their own emotions, they don't always understand how their vanishing acts affect other people. In their minds, they should be able to withdraw from a situation to gain more perspective without needing to give prior notice. Additionally Aquas are prone to overthinking and overanalyzing. An Aqua can spend a lot of time in their heads and by the time they come back around, far too much time has passed. If the Aqua becomes lazy or has no real interest in a person, they'll stay gone.
That being said if you've already reached out to the Aquarius and he's made no real attempt to push things forward, then leave him be. Reaching out to an Aqua at some point during their vanishing act is recommended to show they you care about them. Beyond that though, you can't force anytihng. In fact an Aquarius won't come to you when pushed, instead they'll only disappear more. After enough time has passed in silence, they'll pop up when you least expect it. This usually occurs once you've already set your mind to walk away (or have walked away unbeknownst to them). Part of that is because an Aquarius doesn't want to be ignored by someone they actually like. So if too much time passes without communication, the Aquarius will reach out if they care about you.
My advice it start doing your own thing. Feel free to even let him know that you'd like to see/hear from him, but if that's not what he wants, there are no hard feelings. In fact I actually recommend dating other people, just in case you meet someone better suited for you. Aqua guys are known to pop out of the woodwork when they know you're moving on from them with someone else. However I don't recommend you try to manipulate this guy by playing mind games, Aquas can pick up on mind games pretty quick, so don't date other people to see if the Aqua will react. Instead date other people so you don't get hung up on the Aquarius guy in the first place.
I blocked him from my social accounts last night, I decided to move on but today I’m the morning he wished me good morning of course I didn’t reply later in the afternoon he text again good morning and I replied we text a bit but I don’t give him too much attention so eventually I stoppimed replying in the evening he reached out again asking what I was doing I told him I would calm him tonight since I was busy, later that night I did text asking if he was awake & that’s where we’re at. I think he’s sleeping. We will see how he responds tomorrow but it looks like me blocking him and not giving him attention got him looking for me. I guess it shows he’s trying and he likes me or wants to stay in touch maybe?
So for now stop playing games and tell him that you want to see him.
Thank you once I blocked him he reached out I didn’t reply and he tried again, I replied. We didn’t connect as much until finally last night we talked till 2am. He asked why I blocked him and I was honest he was very understanding. Today he didn’t text me until the evening but I was too busy to reply finally I noticed he kept trying and I finally got back with an I miss you and can’t wait to see you text which he replied that he did too, so the plan is to stay at my family’s place tomorrow and head back to my place Saturday where he’s supposed to meet me and spend the night. We’re planning to go to the movies. I’ve been kind of direct about my feelings lately, if I scare him oh well, I’m tired of playing games I think he should know How I feel & if he likes me back then great! so far he keep coming back for more of my time and all for our dates. This will be our fourth date but he’s driving from pretty far which says a lot. !!click to expand