Signed Up: Jan 22, 2014 Comments: 75 · Posts: 5976 · Topics: 662
Are you a paleo-conservative? Do you believe in Human-Bio-diversity? As a social darwinist, do you view collectism as a field day for weak humans? What aspects does your Mercury have? Finally, when did you start smoking?
Signed Up: Oct 08, 2009 Comments: 1 · Posts: 6313 · Topics: 313
Posted by SirHorns Are you a paleo-conservative? Do you believe in Human-Bio-diversity? As a social darwinist, do you view collectism as a field day for weak humans? What aspects does your Mercury have? Finally, when did you start smoking?
I'm a little paleo conservative in the sense that I acknowledge that out society has a strong cultural foundation and I appreciate that but there is a lot of of shit bad habits we need to drop that we learn from our parents. I believe in the future and the children not the old people and their past, they can fuck off and die for all I care. Human bio diversity? sure why not? I live in australia doesnt get more bio diverse than that. Collectivism has a lot of flaws that I'm seeing today I really don't know much about it but I do know that society is very co dependent and that we all enable each other on Facebook, twitter society itself is this huge dog collar that we've put on ourselves that constricts and u can't feel like you can separate from and its like being in a prison, it would be nice if we could all just be co independent, Hopefully we get there in the end. my mercy is Sag I started smoking when I was 12 and I quit march last year. I had a few slips during christmas