little aqua tests...

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by pinkleopard on Wednesday, December 6, 2006 and has 13 replies.
do aqua men still test a relationship that is over? i told you guys that he has moved on, however, now i don't hear from him. he was very concerned that we remain friends, but has not initiated it at all. is he waiting for me to make the first move? or is this a test to see how long i will wait? if things are platonic, should it matter?
What...this should no longer concern you (harsh...I know). You should be moving on too. NO this is not a test. He is not your issue any longer, and he's acting like it. He hasnt called you because, he's busy and he dowesnt have too. We dont call our friends often anyway...its the same thing, just a different label.
Im sorry, but...*deep breath*
he's just a crappy friend even. this is becoming apparent and is very disappointing as that was the best thing about it all. i have moved on, however i hate to feel like this about friendships. i am even having a hard time with a girlfriend of mine who never calls. i have a lot of leo in me...i guess i need a lot of attention!
Thank you aqi...
Even our friendships are strange...I bet when he does call out of the big aqua blue oneday..he'll act like time never passed and you all just met each other for lunch yesterday...
I never had one of my bestfriends numbers for years (we saw each other everyday at school, etc)...until I was moving away thats when I finally got her number. Now we talk about once or twice a semester (6 times a year). But everytime I finally call...I act like no time has passed...she always laughs when I say my signature, "HEY!"..she's a gemini, so maybe she can handle it.
I personally knew there was something weird about that, but never thought it was a big people seriously speak talk to each "friend" they have everyweek...?
lol Kris...hows it going pumpkin?
Oh "Kris"...I must say its a cute name...girlie cute. smile
Yup, my leo friend and I debate for hours in the freezing cold (all her fault). leos use of passion always makes her lose...she also has only one perspective and her facts are always clouded with opinion....but she's good too.
BUT I agree, we dont get angry...well atleast I dont, so she cant. smile
Oh is she a thief too...LOL
Whatever leo ego is waaaay bigger...besides I gave her props.
...I bet when he does call out of the big aqua blue one day..he'll act like time never passed and you all just met each other for lunch yesterday...
hahahaha.. totally..thats typical aqua thang Tongue
Find a aries they will give you loads of attention don,t look for an aqua they want attention like us .
i agree with kirs, Aries or saggie men will do u good, they shower u with attention... u 'll feel like a princess when they r around Tongue