Longest You've Ever 'Disappeared' From Your S/O??

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by gemini1689 on Wednesday, August 31, 2011 and has 17 replies.
Out of curiosity.. How long have you disappeared from your s/o.. and did it have ANYTHING to do with them? or just because of your own issues (plate too full, bust etc)
.......btw this isnt for me (my aqua is back)smile
Posted by gemini1689
Out of curiosity.. How long have you disappeared from your s/o.. and did it have ANYTHING to do with them? or just because of your own issues (plate too full, bust etc)
.......btw this isnt for me (my aqua is back)smile

I meant to say BUSY* not bust
Never. I don't just disappear with no explanation as to why. That's the epitome of emotional abuse.
If I've got stuff on my plate it'll be a few days but it's never longer than that. Why be in a relationship where you're only there a portion of the time?
I'm with NZ but what I can say along the lines of my own experiences with men when I was younger I disappeared when I fell out of love but still had some lingering unresolved emotions but definitely looking for a way out, felt confused b/c the person loved me more than I loved him so I would try so hard to stick it out, boredom, not getting my needs met, the main reason for leaving would be I'm not into him anymore. If a man disappeared and came back knowing what I know (TODAY) I wouldn't continue with the relationship because the disappearing in and of itself is a bad omen, the only way I could continue is if I know for sure he's not going to play that Houdini act with me again and he's in it to win not lose.
When I'm not serious with someone & can afford to lose them...I'll reappear & disappear as long as they "allow" me to. Instead of telling them I'm disappearing, I'll just show them.
If I'm going through something very personal, stressful or horrible that I don't wish to share with my s/o, I might become distant for a few days...at the most, a week. Atleast until I can get my head together b/c I hate dragging down others when I'm down. And yes, I believe negativity/stress is contagious. I sort of feel that I'm doing them a favor by disappearing for awhile
Even in this case, I'll bluntly tell my s/o that I need some space. If I really care about you, I won't just up & leave you high & dry
If my partner did/said something wrong, I wouldn't disappear at all. I'd handle the issue right up front. And if it couldn't be handled at all, I'd disappear for good
if amongst friends...i can disappear for a long time.while maintaining a small chit chat once in a while and its nothing personal. with a s/o i could disappear fast and long and it is usually either
a) its them
b) its not them but theyre presence doesn't replenish me..but more draining.
if b) i would let them know what i am currently going through and i just need some self time..and apologize if i am out of it or not available as much...sometimes we just dont want to be a burden and judged or even have to think about how others feel. its usually when something is going wrong and there is too much on our plate.
if a) they will not get a reason for my magic trick...mind games turned on feelings off. till they get why im upset or hurt etc.
significant other: hours to days
friends: weeks to months
8 months.
I disappeared from family for over a year and a half once. That was a pretty shitty period of my life.
Posted by tiki33
I'm with NZ but what I can say along the lines of my own experiences with men when I was younger I disappeared when I fell out of love but still had some lingering unresolved emotions but definitely looking for a way out, felt confused b/c the person loved me more than I loved him so I would try so hard to stick it out, boredom, not getting my needs met, the main reason for leaving would be I'm not into him anymore. If a man disappeared and came back knowing what I know (TODAY) I wouldn't continue with the relationship because the disappearing in and of itself is a bad omen, the only way I could continue is if I know for sure he's not going to play that Houdini act with me again and he's in it to win not lose.

I totally agree with you. I used to do the exact same thing to my ex because I wasn't into him anymore.
Posted by aquadiesel
taurus mom coming to visit me next friday though!!!!! smilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmile
superherowoman on the way... supercuddlyteddybearmoman coming on the way smile she is so sweet... and good!!! i love her sooosooosooomuch mwagggling smile xxx

did taur mum come visit?
everyone dissapears anyway ..men goto the pub or into the garden shed or under a car its all a form of making some space better to use these kind of things I reckon than leave the family home especially if theres kids involved. Some men goto the pub 4 times a week. The trick is to only drink a pint a night and take 2 hours to drink it whilst watching sports or chatting
Never too long with a s/o maybe a day but with friends usually this time of year I can be gone for months
Never too long with a s/o maybe a day but with friends usually this time of year I can be gone for months
Never too long with a s/o maybe a day but with friends usually this time of year I can be gone for months
I've left my Libra husband twice, each time for 6 months, from Massachusetts to Texas, from Texas to Hawaii. I told him why I needed to go and I went without looking back. I didn't miss him much. He kept tracking me down. You know how Libra's in love can be. This last time he caught up with me in Hawaii and we fell deeply in love again and things are better then they've ever been and we're expecting our first child together.
Even then I still feel urges to just take off and I'm not sure why because I'm happier then I've ever been.
its all about me, I mean you, i mean me. its me its my problem or need or want....people are free spirits they are gonna do wat they wanna do u cant control them...yes if it happened to me id be devastated, it did i was...if i leave its usually cos everything is stagnant and i become v irritated and i lash out at the people i love...sometimes u know better and u should act to do whats better for whats good....in the long term...eventually love heals its everything
Come to think of it, I haven't seen my relatives in 3 yrs (both parents are deceased) & haven't spoken to any, via phone or otherwise, in 18 months.But with friends it could be days or weeks.I have a strange relationship with ppl eg. in my daily life I talk to a person/ppl up to an hour maximum, if it exceeds that then I start to feel uncomfortable & I always lie about leaving a pot on the stove just to get away.After I talk to the person it usually takes me a while before I talk to them again.With friends, if for an example I spent a night at their place, I usually can't wait for morning to come so I could leave, I notice that I become relieved when the sleep-over is over & it usually takes me months before I can do it again.January 25th aqua here so the LOVE of aloneness is true for me.I'm married, but I have my own room in my house.There..

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