Looking for an Aquarian Girl's Advice

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by Phade on Tuesday, August 22, 2006 and has 2 replies.
I was wondering if an Aquarian girl could give me some advice from your beautiful (yet somewhat eccentric and unpredictable minds) about a girl. Preferably one with a Sagitarrian Moon or rising, but it doesn't matter. Well if you had some time and could send me a private message, I'll give you my aol instant messenger name or an email address we could talk through. I'm sure I could return the favor somehow... I've been studying astrology and psychology (just graduated) for a few years now and have a lot of knowledge to share if you'd like to chat.

aquarian girl give u advice about a girl??? ummmmm... what exactly do u need advice on?? smile... and WELCOME to DXP land smile