I met up with this aqua man while I was on vacation abroad last month. We didn't get to spend a lot of time together though,but we were able to keep in touch. In a way, I could say we've entered a "substitute" relationship phase considering the routines we've established via text. He's moving to a different country for work and is flying in to see me in a couple of weeks.
I don't know if I should see this as just one expensive fwb thing or if he's coming to see or test if this could be something more. Should I ask him the "awkward question" of where we're heading while he's here?
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Jan 25, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 20090 · Topics: 685
What do you mean by "substitute relationship".
As a Capricorn, I wouldn't put much into it. Long term relationships usually don't have substance and usually don't last.
(of course we are the pessimists of the zodiac).
Substitute in the sense that we have established routines that a couple would have without being in an actual relationship. Those good morning-real time updates on whereabouts-im home texts.
So it would be wise to condition myself to see it as a last hurrah kind of thing