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Jan 25, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 20090 · Topics: 685
When you introduce someone to your family...... does this mean anything to yall? Or is it no big deal?
One day recently, out of the blue, Aqua jumps up says "come on, I'll let you go meet the family". Took me by surprise. So we jumped in the vehicle and went visiting!
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Jan 25, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 20090 · Topics: 685
Asking this question because it's a big deal if I let you meet mine. (And yes he has). I just don't want to hear later on down the road "what happened to so and so". Therefore, if I'm not serious about you, you aren't meeting mine.
(except when I was a teenager rebelling and making SURE mom and pop met the bad boys) lol!!!
When we let you meet our family, that's a clear signal they're in for some serious stuff.
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Apr 29, 2012Comments: 5 · Posts: 1069 · Topics: 15
When I told my parents I was going out with someone they told me they didn't want to meet any of my girlfriends. They said they wanted to meet the woman I was going to marry.
I told them that was cool. I was not introducing anyone because I didn't want to marry anyone yet.
That's it, pretty much.
You must really like this guy. I think dxp has witnessed every stage of your relationship. I'm genuinely happy for you and hope it works out. Sorry I don't have any Aqua input. The ones I know aren't slow at all, but also a little kray- kray so you prob got a good one!
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Jan 25, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 20090 · Topics: 685
Yes, PFF, I really do like this guy! I suppose I have posted a lot. I keep having questions!! lol!!
Thanks yall for always answering and trying to help. Your opinions are invaluable!
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Feb 26, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 8735 · Topics: 522
We can be pretty random & since our families are used to us sometimes having shallow friendships or engaging in friendships that aren't necessarily the most sacred to us, we don't feel the same nervousness bringing someone home
Aquarians often have lots of friends from different walks of life & our families understand that.
So like there's been times in my past when I brought a guy home & b/c I was friends with so many guys, my parents didn't even think anything of it. They just took it as, oh yet another one of her good friends.
So long story short, b/c there wasn't that nervousness or pressure when I thought about bringing someone home, I never really had a problem introducing people to my family.
It's not like they have to stay around or like I'm gonna look bad just in case things don't work out.
I'd feel just as comfortable and be just as willing to introduce an associate to my family as I would someone I was serious with, b/c again, we Aquas tend not to really care what other people think.
However, whenever I have introduced someone to my parents, I made it known right away what it was b/w me & that person. If we were serious, I made that known. If we were just friends, I made that clear.
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Feb 26, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 8735 · Topics: 522
So yeahNO I don't feel more committed or like it's more confirmed just b/c I introduce you to my family.
My family knows how I am as an Aqua so they don't measure what stage I'm in with a person based on whether or not I introduce that person to them
They base it off of how open/intimate/romantic/emotional I am with that person & they can tell that by just looking at me, noticing my changed mood/demeanor or seeing me talk to that person on the phone