Hello to all you Aquarians!! I'm new to the board, and as you can tell from the title..it's another one of *those* questions. I need help getting close to my closure with my Aqua man friend. I won't call him bf or anything more endearing, we never established a "label" to our relationship. And if he weren't an Aqua, that'd raise some serious red flags with me.
Where do I begin? Well Aqua man friend and myself met about 6 months ago. Everything was great: awesome chemistry, refreshing conversations, the whole thing gave me a new perspective on life. It was freeing and nice, to say the least. But..I've noticed his effort in communicating was turning to something less than I liked. Aqua man friend and I were in a long distance "friendship", so communication is something vital, and I thought Aqua knew that too. But as the months flew by, I would be lucky to hear from Aqua about once or twice a week. This seriously jives with my Libra Sun in the 5th house..I need my attention--"friend" attention above all others! Lol. The last week I heard from him, I was pretty upset with my family. I confided in him how I didn't feel very loved by them. Aqua man felt very bad and guilty that he couldn't do more for me. He said he always feels bad that he can't do more. I assured him that he does more for me than anyone else I know. And..well, I may have drove him away by saying the cursed "L" word. However, this isn't the first time I have expressed my feelings to him. But it is, the first time he's ever disappeared for this long.
Aqua man friend and I have currently not talked for a month. I have dropped a couple of texts to see if he was ok, but to no avail. I seriously don't think I'll get over this--Pisces moon talking there--but I don't want to have this situation lingering in the back of my head either. So to help me get closer to closure..what do you Aquas think happened to him?
If you need his chart let me know!
Signed Up:
Nov 17, 2012Comments: 22 · Posts: 6178 · Topics: 30
I'd say the love word happened to him.
You mean I scared him off? Or did he develop the "L" word feeling back?
Signed Up:
Dec 20, 2011Comments: 362 · Posts: 10167 · Topics: 100
His chart would probably painter a better picture lol. Even I have to agree to a certain extent that 6 months doesn't really carry that much weight but this might really depend on how much time you guys spent together in this period.
At this point, I think I understand what happened...but I'll throw the chart in anyways, if it'll help you Aquasnoz.
Sun Aquarius
Moon Scorpio
Mercury Pisces
Venus Aquarius
Mars Aquarius
Jupiter Scorpio
Saturn Pisces
Uranus Capricorn
Neptune Capricorn
Pluto Scorpio
Ascendant Sagittarius
Let me know if you need more info. I'm still sorta new with birth charts.
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Dec 20, 2011Comments: 362 · Posts: 10167 · Topics: 100
Well I'll just say that I do believe a bond can be made over a long distance but I don't think for a second any Aquarius would mistake that for love. I'm not trying to be mean or anything like that or say it never existed but there has to be a line and he was probably forced to really think over the situation like whether it was practical or not.
There could be a few possibilities but regardless of them all the truth stands that he felt the need to pull back. Even I can't tell you if he'll be back or not but this is definitely a reflection period.
Just personally from my perspective I cannot associate 'love' with long distance if I've never physically been with a person and whatever thoughts stay just that thoughts. I'd like to entertain the idea of love but I don't think it's realistic. On the other hand I've even done what you described with girls who did come on too strong so you see we can be a bit temperamental.
I hope this doesn't effect your pisces moon too much. It is a very reflective and at times absorbing placement and I'm speaking from experience. It might just be a matter of time so focus on the other things in life that make you happy. If he returns then great! Ask him what happened. If he doesn't perhaps ask him anyway if you want to. If he doesn't well hold on to the good feelings.
Own your feelings because our pisces moon may project it to be turbulent, I know it's easier said than done but I think it's the best way to go about it personally.
Signed Up:
Jan 25, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 20090 · Topics: 685
Don't take it personally, just as a lesson for your next relationship. I'm a cap, but I have an aqua bf and I understand the power they have to draw us to them.
Realistically though, I don't think one can "fall in love" over the internet or through phone and skype only. I think it takes time, in person, to develop those feelings.
You might can correct it by explaining when you said you loved him that you meant it as you love him as a friend or you love the fact he is there for you to talk to. Honestly, I think after this amount of time, he has already shut it down.
I'm sorry sweetie.