Mr.B, I Agree With You ...

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by cappysweetie on Monday, July 3, 2006 and has 16 replies.
NO I DO NOT AGREE THAT A MAN AND A WOMAN CANNOT BE PLATONIC FRIENDS WITHOUT SCREWING ... that's just silly. I definitely respect your opinion but you can't change my mind Winking
However, it's really pathetic how men and women deceive each other (whether your gay, straight, bi ... whatever). Our interpersonal relations between gender really suck and it seems that the cycle will not be broken anytime soon ...why? Because their more to lose and more to gain as the years progress.
If I'm naive and idealistic to think that men and women shouldn't string others along then I don't care ... let me be damn it. We are adults, but I find that pre-schoolers are more humane then most 50 year olds are -- this is absurd !!!
Tips for Men who screw with women for quick sexual relief and/or for an ego boost -- learn how to use your hand a little better.
Tips for Women who screw with people for quick sexual relief and/or an ego boost -- take the money you were going shopping with and two or three toys
This cycle needs to be fixed or else I will be living in a generation filled with unhappy, unsatisfied, and unstable people.
You tricked us Cappysweetie! Tongue I was like "What?! You AGREE??" LOL Good one, good one hee hee hee
Cross gendered bonds are just awesome smile
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! That was all apart of the plan TC Winking *** giggles *** I agree to disagree Winking

Hey ST, You're cool man!
Of course I don't mind if you tail me smile Hahaha, most bully boys love to tail goatie girls anyway *** wink *** wink *** J/K Big Grin
Yeah ST, most people won't admit that they feel "imcomplete" without a significant other ... I'm glad you are man enough to admit it Winking It's hard to believe the both genders were destined to quarrel the was we do smile
It's alllll bullshit. When we are in a relatinship with our significant other we don't bitch about 'men this or that' or 'women are so la la' we learn to understand how we each work and resolve our problems. You have the dark moments (that are necessary) and then all the good moments (the point of being in a relationship) smile If things don't balance out then you move on in hopes to find someone else who compliments you better. That's all.
Also, I am afraid to reveal my true feelings for a guy again because it seems that I always get hurt Sad This doesn't mean that I won't let a guy know how I feel, but it's very scary for me now.
Feeling vulnerable is a pain because you don't know what's going to happen ... once someone has the upperhand on you emotionally ... it could be all down-hill .........
I will continue to be honest because I see no other way to be, but it still frightens me ............ Sad
'... once someone has the upperhand on you emotionally'
Thats exactly how I see...and you never really know the intentions of others.
Yeah, but I don't want to do the whole "mind games" crap, it's pathetic and annoying too. If I'm not honest with the way I feel about someone it drives me insane. But then again ... what if you confuse how you feel to someone and then things start to change because of it. Then what? You screwed yourself just because you decided to be open instead of being elusive ????
Oh dear oh dear oh dear me Sad
"I will continue to be honest because I see no other way to be, but it still frightens me ............ "
-- You definitely have to approach things carefully no matter what. Everything's a gamble really. But as long as you're real you'll have no regrets. There's a chance you'll get hurt but it won't kill you... you learn. If you don't put yourself out there then you could be missing out (for the ones who might have found a great person)
Okay TC,
I know what you mean ... I don't want to seem whiny so I'll just like things be. Contrary to popular belief, cappies do feel deeply when it comes to matters of the heart.
Feeling trapped is the worst feeling when you have no idea how to escape ... if he has the upperhand, then he's trapped me because he can play "mind games" or string me along and I don't even know it ...... ~sign~
Oh well, it is what it is I guess smile
What you say is true, but don't be sad Sad The right guy will strut right along one of these days smile Happy thoughts happy thoughts Tongue
Hahahaha, OOOO I'm fine but I have my cappy mood swings every once and a while Big Grin It's just reflecting on things that I choose NOT to think about on a regular basis but when I do it really hits home
Anyway, how are you with and your cancer sweetheart smile My cancer buddy and I have cooled WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY down Winking
"Anyway, how are you with and your cancer sweetheart My cancer buddy and I have cooled WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY down"
-- You keep any contact with him at all anymore? Ah well it was for the best... you know, you're very smart for your age. Most chics whine n complain bout a guy but can't seem to let go... they stick around because of their feelings for him and end up getting really hurt. Anyway I'm happy for you.
As for moi and my crabby, things are good smile We've had our moments but all in all he's great, very understanding and I admire him a lot. I think we've learned a whole lot about each other... it's nice *sigh* *hearts* LOL smile
Yeppers TC, he's gone smile I haven't called him since April or was it March. Hell, I don't remember.
It's hard for me to keep feelings for someone who treats me like I can be SO EASY discarded. I may have low self-esteem, but I know I'm worth more then that. I need a strong man, not some boy who runs and hides from responsibities ......
... you know, you're very smart for your age. Most chics whine n complain bout a guy but can't seem to let go... they stick around because of their feelings for him and end up getting really hurt. Anyway I'm happy for you.
*** giggles *** thank you TC smile