So I met this girl she an aqua .. I'm a virgo girl we hit it off great .. Then it went south I assume some stuff that I shouldn't and she totally got pissed at me ... I apologized and now when I txt her she doesn't txt back. It's been about a week now and she txt back every now and then like 5 hours later ... I really like this girl but I'm thinking I just need to move on... She also told me that she forgives people who apologize and give her time to think but I don't want her to forget about me ...
I'm a Virgo and my guy is an Aquarius... he does this to me all the time. I think if its not what they want to deal with at the present time they just dont. Or if they are sure you wont like the answer they have to give they just dont answer. Its enough to drive you bonkers! Since you are a Virgo like me, I'd suggest the best thing to do is just do nothing for now. If she contacts you then she is still interested. If not, you have your answer. We always read too much into something when a lot of times, it was nothing to begin with. Good luck!