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Feb 11, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 185 · Topics: 11
Hi all! Lately I have been thinking on my first boyfriend a aqua guy. We were both really young and my mind is full of "what if". I would like to talk to him but the reason that I haven't is because he used to be a big jerk to people in general, specially those he didn't know, but to me he was always a really sweet guy until I broke up with him, after that he was super cold towards me even after ages of our break up.
So I keep thinking pro to talk to him: a lot of time has passed, against: most probably he will behave like a jerk.
The logical thing is to keep the past in the past but as an obsessive scorp that I am when I have something bouncing in my head is really difficult to drop it, so... I need a tie breaker please!
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Nov 17, 2012Comments: 22 · Posts: 6178 · Topics: 30
Yet another Scorpio female and Aquarius man. Maybe this is a good sign?
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Jan 25, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 20090 · Topics: 685
Ahhh...just had another thought. Mercury is in retrograde right now. Trying to make ammends is normal during a mercury retrograde. I betcha a dollar that after Feb 11, you won't care anymore.
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Feb 11, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 185 · Topics: 11
The only reason why I broke up with him was because one of my classmates told me he was a big player and he flirt a lot with other girls, only to find out two weeks after the break up that she was dating him now... In my defense I was a insecure 14 year old.
The mercury retrograde makes sense though, even though I never made the same mistake again, still today is one of my biggest regrets.
Maybe I will wait till feb 11 to make a decision, the funny thing is that is his birthday that day too.