Physical Appearance

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by Angeleyes17 on Thursday, May 2, 2013 and has 39 replies.
Just a general question.
Are Aqua males/females into appearance? What strikes them the most when they meet someone?
If you have a partner, how did they get your attention?
I'm not into appearance at all, but it does count for a bit..example..I wont date a fat guy. I go for personality more than looks. The person has to be funny, be able to have a conversation about anything, be smart & of course look healthy. Facial features dont matter, but most of the guys I dated do have one thing in common, tall & slim.
It's not a top priority for me. What gets me is the essence of the person, the chemistry we share, how interesting they are and if they have a sense of humour. I do like someone who takes care of themselves, shows confidence and has that twinkle in their eye.
Everyone I've been interested in had this x-factor (I think I mentioned this before) looks are nice but not essential and really if you're being you and I like you then I can throw looks out the window.
So... be weird... I like weird.
Oh and I might add that it's usually the ones that pursue me and show interest first that have me curious.
Posted by aquasnoz
Everyone I've been interested in had this x-factor (I think I mentioned this before) looks are nice but not essential and really if you're being you and I like you then I can throw looks out the window.
So... be weird... I like weird.

Don't we all Mr.Snoz
oh oh, and they can't be cheap or stingy...that will turn me off instantly. K, I'm done.
Definitely hard to find one NYAA! maybe we're all a bit too picky? LOL but I agree with everything everyone has said here!
Posted by feby16aqua
Posted by aquapiscescusp
oh oh, and they can't be cheap or stingy...that will turn me off instantly. K, I'm done.

yes! That turns me off as well. Like bothers me lol.
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LOL Feb, I dated a guy awhile back, he was everything I wanted in a person... the moment I saw that side to him, I fled. It was sickening to me. Can't do it. C'ya.
Weird! I agree, but it's not really weird, it's true; people who are genuine. I was just thinking about this last night. I thought it was maybe emotional intelligence that is attractive, or maybe it's just energy. I prefer someone who is fit, but I think if I really connected with someone their weight wouldn't matter. I know that once I connect with someone on a non-physical level, they become incredibly sexy to me. It wouldn't matter if they were sagging here or fluffy there, a mental connection does wonders. It's definitely mental or emotion that's first for me, when others look at pics of half-naked people and get excited, where I honestly wonder who they (in the pic) are inside and if I would be attracted to that.
I guess it's a lot easier to change the outside by caring for yourself than it is to change what you're truly made up of on the inside.
We went somewhere to eat and I ordered something expensive. I never assumed he was paying for it and frigg, that is what I wanted. He gave me that look and said, you are ordering that?
That was it for me.
I said yes, and proceeded to order some fancy appetizers just to watch him sweat. That put him in a foul mood.
I enjoyed my meal whilst thinking, how to break up with him.
When the bill came I took it right away and said, don't worry--it's on me Tongue
WTF! Do guys really do that? Hell it would be a deal breaker for me too
Posted by aquasnoz
WTF! Do guys really do that? Hell it would be a deal breaker for me too

Ya know!
Posted by aquasnoz
WTF! Do guys really do that? Hell it would be a deal breaker for me too

Yes they do, just the other day a friend confided how he went out on a date with some girl and how he was worried about what she was ordering! Seriously, stay home. No?
Yeah I think so! I mean if you're gonna take a girl out why worry about so much lol. Plus it is you that's taking her out if you're worried about money then why the hell are you taking her to a place that's going to make you sweat lol just seems so fake like you're being someone you're not just to please the other person.
Posted by feby16aqua
I would not go out and expect someone to pay for me...I'm prepared. But if I know that he's going to be paying I will try to take it easy on him LOL. Plus I'm weird about eating in front of someone I'm into Winking I'm not a shy person...but I become incredibly shy and coy with an interest.

LMAO! That's one of my tells I think. Which is why I'm always super conscious when I end up at lunch or dinner with the person I like.
Posted by aquasnoz
Posted by feby16aqua
I would not go out and expect someone to pay for me...I'm prepared. But if I know that he's going to be paying I will try to take it easy on him LOL. Plus I'm weird about eating in front of someone I'm into Winking I'm not a shy person...but I become incredibly shy and coy with an interest.

LMAO! That's one of my tells I think. Which is why I'm always super conscious when I end up at lunch or dinner with the person I like.
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Me too tbh but wine is my friend.
Every girl I ever went out to eat with never payed a dime... And I'm not made of money but I didn't much care what they ordered... lol I order wtf I want to eat too. Besides... how much could one person honestly eat -_-
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
Every girl I ever went out to eat with never payed a dime... And I'm not made of money but I didn't much care what they ordered... lol I order wtf I want to eat too. Besides... how much could one person honestly eat -_-

Posted by feby16aqua

party under the sheets ^.^?
Posted by feby16aqua
I'm not going to lie, I like to be taken care of by my man in certain ways. Not every way but I like to be treated like a lady in the streets.

uh uh
Posted by feby16aqua
awww let's do a double date then?

the person who invites-- pays
You know I don't really get this who'll knew thing I hear bout when it comes to dating women... It must be me growing up with a mom who was born in the 40's or something... cause I ain't never seen so many women expecting to pay for everything these days???
okay so where are we going?
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
okay so where are we going?

only because feb is paying?
Posted by aquapiscescusp
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
okay so where are we going?

only because feb is paying?
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No.... you think your slick huh smart ass Big Grin
Posted by feby16aqua
Posted by aquapiscescusp
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
okay so where are we going?

only because feb is paying?

You may have something strange with the paying thing ijs LOL Winking
big big Winking
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you're onto me.
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
Posted by aquapiscescusp
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
okay so where are we going?

only because feb is paying?

No.... you think your slick huh smart ass Big Grin
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Still here Tongue Under the sheets? nawww party above the sheets, wild and nekkid, especially after red wine.
WHOOP... red wine makes me crazy.
How bout I pay and you guys come regardless if you find a second dude??

OK, I am off, let's finalize these plans tomorrow Tongue
Snoz, had to show up just then didn't he ^.^
Wow totally derailed the shizat out of this thread sorry angeleyes Sad
Oh I see how it is Tongue Fine I will find my own party! lol
*cries in corner* pweeese I want to come!
you guys are great smile
Posted by feby16aqua
You're gonna leave me with these two? :O

Tongue I know you can handle it.
Very much so!! I don't know what placement it is in my chart, but I'm superficial when it comes to my partner. I have to be physically attracted to my partner, not just his personality. I have often seen people overlooking looks for a greattt personality, but I can't seem to do that. I don't care how beautiful a person's personality is because if I don't find them physically appealing, it just wouldn't go past that.
What am I attracted to? Slender faces with facial hair in men. I'm not attracted to babyfaced and clean shaven men. I don't care much for height as long as the guy is taller than me. I don't care if he's physically built, just as long as he's not fat or lardy. I don't mind skinny guys, so long as he doesn't look frail. Hygiene is a must!
When I meet someone, what strikes me most is the way they carry themselves and whether I find them attractive.
Lol @ lardy & frail

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